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English-German Dictionary

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« backPage 309 for words starting with M in the English-German dictionarynext page »
microorganism concentrationKeimkonzentration {f}
microorganisms Mikroorganismen {pl}
micro-organismsMikroorganismen {pl}
microorganismsKleinstlebewesen {pl}
micropalaeobotanical [Br.] mikropaläobotanisch
micropalaeontologic [Br.] mikropaläontologisch
micropalaeontological [Br.]mikropaläontologisch
micropalaeontologically [Br.]mikropaläontologisch
micropalaeontology [Br.] Mikropaläontologie {f}
micropaleobotanical [Am.] mikropaläobotanisch
micropaleontologic mikropaläontologisch
micropaleontologically [Am.]mikropaläontologisch
micropaleontology [Am.] Mikropaläontologie {f}
micropapilla Mikropapille {f}
microparasite Mikroparasit {m}
microparticle Kleinstteilchen {n}
microparticleMikroteilchen {n}
microparticle Mikropartikel {n} [auch {f}]
micropascal <µPa> Mikropascal {n} <µPa>
micropathology Mikropathologie {f}
micropatterned [surface] mikrostrukturiert
micropayment Kleinstbetrag {m}
micropayment Mikrozahlung {f}
micropeeling Mikro-Peeling {n}
micropenisMikropenis {m}
micropenis Mikrophallus {m}
microperforationMikroperforation {f}
microperfusion Mikroperfusion {f}
microphage Mikrophage {m}
microphakia Mikrophakie {f}
microphallus Mikrophallus {m}
microphobia Mikrophobie {f}
microphoneMikro {n} [ugs.]
microphone Mikrofon {n}
microphoneMikrophon {n}
microphone amplification Mikrofonverstärkung {f}
microphone aperture Einspracheöffnung {f} [Mikrofon]
microphone apertureMikrofonöffnung {f}
microphone boom Mikrofongalgen {m}
microphone cable Mikrofonkabel {n}
microphone cableMikrofonzuleitung {f}
microphone channel Mikrofonkanal {m}
microphone clampMikrofonklemme {f}
microphone controlMikrofonregler {m}
microphone cut key Räuspertaste {f}
microphone grill [coll.] [grille]Mikrofonkorb {m}
microphone holder Mikrofonhalter {m}
microphone holderMikrophonhalter {m}
microphone impedance Mikrofonimpedanz {f}
microphone input Mikrofoneingang {m}
microphone input Mikrofoneinsprache {f} [Mikrofoneingang]
microphone jack Mikrofonbuchse {f}
microphone nipple Mikrofonstutzen {m}
microphone openingMikrofonöffnung {f}
microphone plug Mikrofonstecker {m}
microphone sensitivityMikrofonempfindlichkeit {f}
microphone stand Mikrofonständer {m}
microphone system Mikrofonanlage {f}
microphone treeMikrofonbaum {m}
microphone tripod Mikrophonstativ {n}
microphone tripodMikrofonstativ {n}
microphone window Mikrofonfenster {n}
microphone windshield Mikrofonwindschutz {m}
microphonesMikrofone {pl}
microphonic mikrofonisch
microphonic mikrophonisch
microphonically mikrofonisch
microphonically mikrophonisch
microphonics Mikrophonie {f}
microphonicsMikrofonie {f}
microphonyMikrofonie {f}
microphonyMikrophonie {f}
microphotograph Mikrophotogramm {n}
microphotographMikrofotogramm {n}
microphotographic mikrophotographisch
microphotography Mikrofotografie {f}
microphotographyMikrophotographie {f}
microphotonics [treated as sg.]Mikrophotonik {f}
microphthalmiaMikrophthalmie {f}
microphyllous mikrophyllisch
microphysically mikrophysikalisch
microphysicsMikrophysik {f}
microphytic mikrophytisch
microphytobenthos Mikrophytobenthos {n}
microphytophagous mikrophytophag
microphytoplankton Mikrophytoplankton {n}
micropig Minischwein {n}
micropile Mikropfahl {m}
micropill [coll.] [low-dose combination birth control pill of estrogen and gestagen] Mikropille {f} [ugs.] [Kombinationspille aus Östrogen und Gestagen]
micropinocytosis Mikropinozytose {f}
micropittingGraufleckigkeit {f}
microplankton Mikroplankton {n}
microplasma welding Mikroplasmaschweißen {n} [auch: Mikroplasma-Schweißen]
microplastics {pl}Mikroplastik {n}
« micrmicrmicrmicrmicrmicrmicrmicrmicrmicrMida »
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
Links to this dictionary or to single translations are very welcome! Questions and Answers