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English-German Dictionary

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magnum opus Hauptwerk {n}
Magnum, P.I. Magnum
Magnus effect Magnus-Effekt {m}
Magnus' prawn-goby [Amblyeleotris sungami] Magnus-Partnergrundel {f} [auch {m}]
magnussonite [(Mn,Mg,Cu)5(AsO3)3(OH,Cl)] Magnussonit {m}
Magog Magog {m}
magot [Macaca sylvanus]Berberaffe {m}
magot [Macaca sylvanus] Magot {m}
magpie [collector] sammelwütiger Mensch {m}
magpie [collector] fanatischer Sammler {m}
magpie [female] [talkative person] Schnattergans {f} [ugs.]
magpie [Pica pica] Elster {f}
magpie [Pica pica]Atzel {f} [regional] [Elster]
magpie [talkative person]Plappermaul {n} [ugs.] [leicht pej. od. hum.]
magpie [talkative person]Quasselstrippe {f} [ugs.]
magpie [talkative person] Plaudertasche {f} [hum.]
magpie [talkative person] Schwätzer {m} [pej.]
magpie fungus [Coprinopsis picacea, syn.: Agaricus picaceus, Coprinus picaceus] Specht-Tintling / Spechttintling {m}
magpie fungus [Coprinopsis picacea, syn.: Agaricus picaceus, Coprinus picaceus] Elstern-Tintling / Elsterntintling {m}
magpie goose [Anseranas semipalmata] Spaltfußgans {f}
magpie inkcap [Coprinopsis picacea, syn.: Agaricus picaceus, Coprinus picaceus]Specht-Tintling / Spechttintling {m}
magpie inkcap [Coprinopsis picacea, syn.: Agaricus picaceus, Coprinus picaceus] Elstern-Tintling / Elsterntintling {m}
magpie mannikin [Lonchura fringilloides]Riesenelsterchen {n}
magpie morwong [Cheilodactylus nigripes]Schwarzflossen-Fingerflosser {m}
magpie moth [Abraxas grossulariata, syn.: Phalaena grossulariata]Stachelbeer-Harlekin {m} [Nachtfalterspezies]
magpie moth [Abraxas grossulariata, syn.: Phalaena grossulariata] Traubenkirschen-Harlekin {m} [Nachtfalterspezies]
magpie moth [Abraxas grossulariata] Stachelbeerspanner {m} [Falter]
magpie munia [Lonchura fringilloides]Riesenelsterchen {n}
magpie nest Elsternnest {n}
magpie nest Elsternest {n}
magpie perch [Cheilodactylus nigripes] Schwarzflossen-Fingerflosser {m}
magpie robin [Copsychus saularis] Dajaldrossel {f}
magpie shell [Cittarium pica] Westindische Spitzschnecke {f}
magpie shell [Cittarium pica]Kreiselschnecke {f}
magpie shrike [Urolestes melanoleucus, syn.: Corvinella melanoleuca]Elsterwürger {m}
magpie starling [Speculipastor bicolor]Spiegelstar {m}
magpie tanager [Cissopis leveriana]Elstertangare {f}
magpied tanager [Cissopis leveriana, syn.: Cissopis leverianus]Elstertangare {f} [auch: Elster-Tangare]
magpied tanager [Cissopis leveriana, syn.: Cissopis leverianus]Elsterling {m}
magpie-geese [family Anseranatidae] Spaltfußgänse {pl}
magpie-goose [Anseranas semipalmata, syn.: Anas semipalmata] Spaltfußgans {f}
magpie-lark [Grallina cyanoleuca]Drosselstelze {f}
magpiesElstern {pl}
magpie's nestElsternnest {n}
magpie's nest Elsternest {n}
magpie-tanager [Cissopis leveriana, syn.: Cissopis leverianus] Elstertangare {f} [auch: Elster-Tangare]
magpie-tanager / magpie tanager [Cissopis leveriana, syn.: Cissopis leverianus] Elsterling {m}
mags [coll.] [magazines] Illustrierten {pl} [seltener]
mags [coll.] [magazines]Illustrierte {pl}
magstripe card [short for: magnetic stripe card] Magnetstreifenkarte {f} [Magnetkarte]
mag-style wheel cover Sportzierblende {f}
maguari stork [Ciconia maguari]Maguaristorch {m}
maguey [Agave americana] Amerikanische Agave {f}
maguey [Agave tequilana] Blaue Agave {f}
Maguindanao [ethnic] Maguindanao {pl} [ethnie]
magus [as a priest also: Magus]Magus {m}
magus [sorcerer]Zauberer {m}
Magus <I> [also: magus] [Tarot card]Magier {n} <I> [Tarotkarte]
magus cone [Conus magus, syn.: C. augur, C. borneensis, Pionoconus magus, Vituliconus augur] Zauberkegelschnecke / Zauber-Kegelschnecke {f}
magus cone [Conus magus, syn.: C. augur, C. borneensis, Pionoconus magus, Vituliconus augur] Zauberkegel {m} [Zauber-Kegelschnecke]
magus cone [Conus magus, syn.: C. augur, C. borneensis, Pionoconus magus, Vituliconus augur]Zauber-Conus {m} [Zauber-Kegelschnecke]
magus gibbula [Gibbula magus, syn.: Trochus tuberculatus] Zauberbuckelschnecke {f} [Meeresschneckenart]
magus gibbula [Gibbula magus, syn.: Trochus tuberculatus]Zauberbuckel {m} [Meeresschneckenart]
MagyarMagyar {m}
Magyar magyarisch
Magyar Ungar {m}
Magyar [female] Magyarin {f}
Magyar [female]Madjarin {f} [eingedeutschte Rsv. für Magyarin]
Magyar invasionsUngarneinfälle {pl}
Magyar invasions {pl} Ungarnnot {f}
Magyardom Magyarentum {n}
Magyarisation [Br.] Magyarisierung {f}
MagyarismMagyarismus {m}
MagyarizationMagyarisierung {f}
Magyars Magyaren {pl}
Magyars Madjaren {pl}
MagyarsUngarn {pl}
MahabharataMahabharata {n}
Mahadeva [Shiva]Mahadeva {m} [Shiwa]
Mahagnao Volcano Vulkan {m} Mahagnao
Mahajanga big-headed snake [Compsophis fatsibe]Anjanaharibe-Natter {f}
Mahajanga big-headed snake [Compsophis fatsibe] Mahajanga-Großkopfnatter {f}
Mahalanobis distanceMahalanobis-Distanz {f}
Mahaleb cherry [Prunus mahaleb, syn.: Cerasus mahaleb] Weichselkirsche {f}
Mahaleb cherry [Prunus mahaleb, syn.: Cerasus mahaleb]Felsenkirsche {f}
Mahaleb cherry [Prunus mahaleb, syn.: Cerasus mahaleb] Steinweichsel {f}
maharaja Maharadscha {m}
Maharaja barb [Puntius sahyadriensis]Maharajabarbe {f}
maharajah Maharadscha {m}
Maharal (of Prague) Maharal {m} (von Prag)
maharaneeMaharani {f}
maharaniMaharani {f}
Maharashtra <MH>Maharashtra {n} <MH>
MaharashtriansMaharashtrier {pl}
maharishiMaharischi {m}
mahatma Mahatma {m}
Mahayana [branch of Buddhism] Mahajana {n} [Eine der zwei Hauptrichtungen des Buddhismus]
Mahayana Buddhism Mahayana-Buddhismus {m}
Mahayana sutra [mostly in the plural: sutras]Mahayana-Sutra {n} [meist im Plural: -Sutras]
« magnmagnmagnMagnmagnmagnMahdmaidmailmailMaim »
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English-German dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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