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English-German Dictionary

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middle age mittleres Lebensalter {n}
Middle Ages {pl} <MA> [most often treated as sg.]Mittelalter {n} <MA>
middle albumen mittleres Eiklar {n}
Middle AmericaMittelamerika {n}
Middle America [class] amerikanische Mittelschicht {f} [bes. die konservative]
Middle America [Midwest]Mittlerer Westen {m} [USA]
Middle American ameiva [Ameiva festiva]Zentralamerikanische Ameive {f}
Middle American burrowing snake [Adelphicos newmanorum] Mittelamerikanische Grabennatter {f}
Middle American burrowing snake [Adelphicos quadrivirgatum] Mexikanische Vierstreifen-Wühlnatter {f}
Middle American burrowing snake [Adelphicos visoninum] Honduranische Wühlnatter {f}
Middle American screech owl [Megascops guatemalae]Guatemala-Kreischeule {f}
Middle American screech-owl [Otus guatemalae] Rotgesichteule {f}
Middle American smooth-scaled racer [Mastigodryas melanolomus] Rotbauch-Echsennatter {f}
Middle Aramaic Mittelaramäisch {n}
middle Arctic mittelarktisch
Middle Atlantic StatesMittelatlantikstaaten {pl}
middle axiom mittleres Axiom {n}
middle brainMittelhirn {n}
middle break [tablecloth] Mittelbruch {m} [Tischtuch]
middle breathing [intercostal breathing]Mittelatmung {f} [z. B. bei Yoga, Atemtherapie]
Middle Bronze AgeMittelbronzezeit {f}
Middle Bronze Age Mittlere Bronzezeit {f}
Middle Bronze period <MB period>Mittelbronzezeit {f} <MB-Zeit>
middle brow geistiger Normalverbraucher {m} [ugs.]
middle buffer couplingMittelpufferkupplung {f}
middle buttonmittlerer Knopf {m}
Middle Byzantine mittelbyzantinisch
middle C <c1, c'>eingestrichenes C {n} <c1, c'>
Middle CambrianMittleres Kambrium {n}
Middle Cambrian mittelkambrisch
Middle Cambrian Mittelkambrium {n}
Middle Carboniferous Mittelkarbon {n}
Middle Carboniferousmittelkarbonisch
middle cardiac vein [Vena cardiaca media, Vena cordis media, Vena interventricularis posterior] mittlere Herzvene {f}
middle cardiac vein [Vena cardiaca media, Vena cordis media, Vena interventricularis posterior] hintere Zwischenkammervene {f} [mittlere Herzvene]
middle cerebral artery occlusion <MCAO>Verschluss {m} der mittleren Gehirnschlagader
middle cervical ganglion <MCG> [Ganglion cervicale medium]mittleres Halsganglion {n}
middle child Mittelkind {n} [mittleres Kind] [ugs.]
middle childSandwichkind {n}
middle child Dazwischenkind {n}
Middle Chile Mittelchile {n}
middle Chileanmittelchilenisch
middle classMittelstand {m}
middle class Mittelklasse {f}
middle class Mittelschicht {f}
middle class Bürgertum {n} [als mittlere soziale Schicht]
middle class Bürgerstand {m}
middle class bias [e.g. in surveys, intelligence tests] Mittelschichtbias {m} {n} [z. B. bei Umfragen, Intelligenztests]
middle class neighbourhood [Br.]Mittelklasse-Nachbarschaft {f}
middle class neighbourhood [Br.] Mittelklasseviertel {n}
middle class person Mittelständler {m}
middle classes {pl} Bürgertum {n} [als mitttlere soziale Schicht]
middle classes {pl} Mittelstand {m}
middle classes {pl} Bürgerschaft {f} [als mittlere soziale Schicht]
middle clouds <CM>mittelhohe Wolken {pl}
middle coat [Tunica media] Tunica media {f}
middle colic artery <MCA> [Arteria colica media]mittlere Dickdarmarterie {f}
middle compound [Ajuga reptans] [carpet bugleweed]Kriechender Günsel {m}
Middle Corinthianmittelkorinthisch
middle course mittlerer Kurs {m}
middle course mittlerer Weg {m}
middle course Mittelweg {m}
middle course Mittelschüssel {f}
middle cranial fossa [Fossa cranii media] mittlere Schädelgrube {f}
Middle Cretaceous mittelkretazisch
middle cut [distillation] Mittellauf {m} [Destillation]
middle Danube areamittlerer Donauraum {m}
middle Danube region mittleres Donaugebiet {n}
Middle Devonian mitteldevonisch
Middle Devonian (age)Mittleres Devon {n}
Middle Devonian (age) Mitteldevon {n}
middle distancemittlere Entfernung {f}
middle distance Mittelgrund {m}
middle distance Mittelstrecke {f}
middle dot [interpunct] [punctuation mark]Mittelpunkt {m} [Mediopunkt] [Schriftzeichen]
Middle Dutch mittelniederländisch
Middle Dutch Mittelniederländisch {n}
middle earMittelohr {n}
middle ear cavity [Cavitas tympanica, Cavum tympani] [tympanic cavity] Paukenhöhle {f}
middle ear deafness Mittelohrschwerhörigkeit {f}
middle ear deafness Mittelohrtaubheit {f}
middle ear diseaseMittelohrerkrankung {f}
middle ear effusionMittelohrerguss {m}
middle ear hearing loss Mittelohrschwerhörigkeit {f} <MOS, MOSH>
middle ear implant <MEI> Mittelohrimplantat {n} <MEI>
middle ear inflammation <MEI>Mittelohrentzündung {f} <MOE>
middle ear lesionMittelohrläsion {f}
middle ear muscleMittelohrmuskel {m}
middle ear suppuration Mittelohrvereiterung {f}
middle ear surgery [branch of medicine] Mittelohrchirurgie {f}
middle ear surgery [operation] Mittelohroperation {f} [auch: Mittelohr-Operation]
middle ear surgery [operation] Mittelohr-OP {f} [kurz] [Mittelohroperation]
Middle East Naher Osten {m}
Middle EastVorderer Orient {m}
Middle East Vorderasien {n}
Middle East and Africa <MEA> Mittlerer Osten und Afrika
Middle East conflictNahostkonflikt {m}
Middle East conflict Nahost-Konflikt {m}
Middle East expert Nahostexperte {m}
Middle East peace processNahost-Friedensprozess {m}
« micrmicrmicrmicrmidpmiddMiddmiddmiddmiddmidg »
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English-German dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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