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milliner [female] Hutmacherin {f} [für Damenhüte]
milliner [female]Modistin {f}
milliner [female]Putzmacherin {f}
millineries Boutiquen {pl}
millineries Modewarengeschäfte {pl}
milliners Modistinnen {pl}
millineryBoutique {f}
millinery Modewaren {pl}
millinery Hut-
millinery Putzmacherei {f}
millinery {sg} [women's hats] Damenhüte {pl}
millinery [industry] Hutmacherhandwerk {n} [Damenhüte]
millinery [shop] Hutgeschäft {n} [für Damenhüte]
millinery [shop]Hutladen {m} [für Damenhüte]
millinewton <mN>Millinewton {n} <mN>
milling Fräsen {n}
milling mahlend
milling fräsend
millingFräsbearbeitung {f}
millingMahlung {f}
milling {sg} [sl.] [beating]Prügel {pl} [Schläge]
milling [grinding of grain]Vermahlung {f}
milling aid [additives]Mahlhilfe {f}
milling arbor Fräsdorn {m}
milling arbor Fräserdorn {m}
milling aroundherumschwirrend
milling by-productsMühlennachprodukte {pl}
milling center [Am.]Fräszentrum {n} [Bearbeitungsmaschine]
milling chamberFräsraum {m}
milling colletFräserhülse {f}
milling crowd Gewühl {n}
milling crowd Menschengewühl {n}
milling cutterFräser {m}
milling cutter Fräswerkzeug {n}
milling cutter Konturenfräser {m}
milling gear Mahlgang {m}
milling groove Ausfräsung {f}
milling headFräskopf {m}
milling industry Müllerei {f}
milling lot Mahlcharge {f}
milling machineFräse {f}
milling machine Fräsmaschine {f}
milling of flour Mehlmahlen {n}
milling parameterFräsparameter {m}
milling path Fräsbahn {f}
milling path Fräsweg {m}
milling process Fräsvorgang {m}
milling processFräsprozess {m}
milling product Mühlenprodukt {n}
milling shopFräserei {f}
milling spindle Frässpindel {f}
milling technology / technique Frästechnik {f}
milling toolFräswerkzeug {n}
milling tools Fräswerkzeuge {pl}
milling unitSchleifeinheit {f}
milling waste Schleifspäne {pl}
milling-machine arborFräsdorn {m}
milling-machine arborFräserdorn {m}
millings Frässpäne {pl}
millioctave <mO> Millioktave {f} <mO>
milliohm <mΩ> Milliohm {n} <mΩ>
million {pl} Millionen {pl} <Mio.>
million <m., m, M, MM> [abbreviations: MM for finance; M / m / m. for SI / metric systems] Million {f} <Mio.>
million dollar giftMillionen-Dollar-Geschenk {n}
million dollar gift Millionengeschenk {n} [Dollar]
million instructions per second <MIPS> Millionen Anweisungen {pl} pro Sekunde <MIPS>
million mark Millionenmarke {f}
Million Ounces <MOZ>Millionen Unzen {pl} <Moz>
million tons per annum <MTPA> Millionen Tonnen {pl} jährlich
million tons per annum <MTPA> Millionen Tonnen {pl} pro Jahr
millionaireMillionär {m}
millionaire density Millionärsdichte {f}
millionaire makerMillionärsmacher {m}
millionaire maker [female] Millionärsmacherin {f}
millionaire on paper [fig.] Millionär {m} auf dem Papier [fig.]
millionairesMillionäre {pl}
millionaires' childrenMillionärskinder {pl}
millionaires' row [coll.] Millionärsmeile {f} [ugs.]
millionaire's villa Millionärsvilla {f}
millionaire's wife Millionärsgattin {f}
millionairessMillionärin {f}
million-dollar question [fig.]Millionen-Dollar-Frage {f} [fig.]
million-dollar question [most difficult to answer] Millionenfrage {f} [fig.] [entscheidende Frage]
million-dollar wound [Am.]Heimatschuss {m}
millionfish [Poecilia reticulata]Guppy {m}
millionfold millionenfach
millionsMillionen {pl}
millions {pl} of [coll.] [an immense number] eine Unzahl {f} von [+Dat. pl.]
Millions [novel: Frank Cottrell Boyce, film: Danny Boyle]Millionen
millions of dollars of damageMillionenschaden {m}
millions of payment transactions Millionen {pl} von Zahlungsgeschäften
millions of timesMillionen Mal
millions of yearsJahrmillionen {pl}
millions of years ofjahrmillionenlang
millionth [fraction] Millionstel {n} [schweiz. meist {m}]
millionth [fraction] Milliontel {n} [schweiz. meist {m}]
millionth <1000000th> millionste
millipedeMyriapode {m}
millipede Myriopode {m}
« milkmilkmilkmillmillmillmillmimeMinamindmind »
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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