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English-German Dictionary

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minimum durability date <MDD> Mindesthaltbarkeitsdatum {n} [„mindestens haltbar bis:“ (Datum)]
minimum duration Minimaldauer {f}
minimum duration Mindestdauer {f}
minimum duration of sleep Mindestschlafdauer {f}
minimum effortMindestanstrengung {f}
minimum effort Minimalaufwand {m}
minimum endogenous mortality <MEM> minimale endogene Mortalität {f} <MEM>
minimum entitlement Mindestanspruch {m}
minimum equity Mindestgrundkapital {n}
minimum face value Mindestwert {m}
minimum face values Mindestwerte {pl}
minimum factorMinimumfaktor {m}
minimum fee Mindesthonorar {n}
minimum figuregeringste Zahl {f}
minimum filling levelMinimumfüllstand {m}
minimum filling level Mindestfüllstand {m}
minimum filling levelMindestfüllhöhe {f}
minimum filling level Mindestfüllmenge {f}
minimum filling level Minimalfüllstand {m}
minimum filter Minimumfilter {m} [fachspr. meist {n}]
minimum fire resistanceMindestfeuerwiderstandsdauer {f}
minimum flight altitude Mindestflughöhe {f}
minimum fragmentation Mindeststückelung {f}
minimum fragmentation limit Mindeststückelung {f}
minimum freight Mindestfracht {f}
minimum functional pressure Mindestbetriebsdruck {m}
minimum funding requirements {pl}Mindestdotierungsverpflichtung {f}
minimum gap Mindestabstand {m}
minimum goal Minimalziel {n}
minimum goal Mindestziel {n}
minimum guaranteed value garantierter Mindestwert {m}
minimum handling charge Mindestbearbeitungsgebühr {f}
minimum handling fee Mindestbearbeitungsgebühr {f}
minimum harmonisation [Br.] Mindestharmonisierung {f}
minimum heightMindestgröße {f}
minimum heightMindesthöhe {f}
minimum height Minimalhöhe {f}
minimum holiday entitlement [Br.]Mindesturlaubsanspruch {m}
minimum hourly rate of pay Mindeststundenlohn {m}
minimum hourly wage Mindeststundenlohn {m}
minimum ignition temperature <MIT>Mindestentzündungstemperatur {f} <MZT>
minimum illumination value Mindestbeleuchtungsstärke {f}
minimum income Mindesteinkommen {n}
minimum increase [pay etc.] Mindesterhöhung {f} [Löhne etc.]
minimum information Mindestinformation {f}
minimum inhibitory concentration <MIC> minimale Hemmkonzentration {f} <MHK>
minimum inhibitory concentration <MIC> minimale inhibitorische Konzentration {f} <MIK>
minimum installment [Am.]Mindestrate {f}
minimum insuranceMindestversicherung {f}
minimum intensity projection <MinIP>Minimumintensitätsprojektion {f} <MinIP>
minimum interest rate Mindestzinssatz {m}
minimum inventory Mindestbestand {m}
minimum inventory Mindestwarenbestand {m}
minimum investment Mindestanlage {f}
minimum issueMindestausgabe {f}
minimum layer thicknessMindestschichtdicke {f}
minimum lending rate Mindestzins {m}
minimum lending rateMindestkredithöhe {f}
minimum length Mindestlänge {f}
minimum lengthMinimallänge {f}
minimum level Untergrenze {f}
minimum level Minimalpegel {m}
minimum level Mindeststufe {f}
minimum level Mindestniveau {n}
minimum level Minimalniveau {n}
minimum level Mindestpegel {m}
minimum liability Mindesthaftung {f}
minimum lifeMindestlaufzeit {f}
minimum light intensityMindestbeleuchtungsstärke {f} [auch: Mindest-Beleuchtungsstärke]
minimum limit Mindestgrenze {f}
minimum limit [of a de minimis rule] Bagatellgrenze {f}
minimum load Mindestladung {f}
minimum lot sizeUntergrenze {f} für Auftragsmenge [Losgröße]
minimum make-up air quota Mindestaußenluftanteil {m}
minimum margin Mindesteinschuss {m}
minimum marginMindestspanne {f}
minimum marginMindestmarge {f}
minimum material thickness Mindestmaterialstärke {f}
minimum number Mindestanzahl {f}
minimum numberMindestzahl {f}
minimum number of pages Mindestseitenzahl {f}
minimum number of participants Mindestteilnehmerzahl {f}
minimum number of personsMindestpersonenzahl {f}
minimum number of pupils Mindestschülerzahl {f}
minimum number of studentsMindestschülerzahl {f}
minimum object distance <MOD> minimaler Objektabstand {m} <MOD>
minimum object distance <MOD> Mindest-Objektabstand {m} <MOD>
minimum objective Mindestziel {n}
minimum obligationMindestverpflichtung {f}
minimum obligatory exchangeMindestumtausch {m}
minimum occupancy Mindestbelegung {f}
minimum opening time Mindestöffnungszeit {f}
minimum operating pressure Mindestbetriebsdruck {m}
minimum orderMindestauftragsgröße {f}
minimum order quantitiesMindestabnahmemengen {pl}
minimum order quantityMindestbestellung {f}
minimum order quantity Mindestabnahmemenge {f}
minimum order quantity <MOQ>Mindestbestellmenge {f}
minimum order value Mindestbestellwert {m}
minimum outfit Mindestausstattung {f}
« minemingminiminiMiniminiminiminiminiminimini »
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
Links to this dictionary or to single translations are very welcome! Questions and Answers