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mining engineer [female] Bergbauingenieurin {f}
mining engineering Bergbauwesen {n}
mining engineering [theory] Bergbaukunde {f}
mining equipment {sg} Bergbaugeräte {pl}
mining field Abbaugebiet {n}
mining freedomBergbaufreiheit {f}
mining galleryBergbaustollen {m}
mining galleryGrubenstollen {m}
mining gallery Bergwerksstollen {m}
mining giant Bergbauriese {m}
mining hammerAbbauhammer {m}
mining head Abbaukopf {m}
mining history Montangeschichte {f}
mining historyBergbaugeschichte {f}
mining history Geschichte {f} des Bergbaus
mining industry Bergbauindustrie {f}
mining industry Bergwerkindustrie {f}
mining industryBergwerksindustrie {f}
mining industry Montanindustrie {f}
mining industry Montangewerbe {n}
mining industry Bergbaubranche {f}
mining (industry) Bergbau {m}
mining inspectorBergbauinspektor {m}
mining judge Bergrichter {m}
mining lamp Grubenlampe {f}
mining land [land devoted to mining]Abbauland {n}
mining law Bergrecht {n}
mining losses Abbauverluste {pl}
mining machineAbbaumaschine {f}
mining machine Bergbaumaschine {f}
mining machinery Bergbaumaschinen {pl}
mining machinery {sg} Bergwerksmaschinen {pl}
mining manager Bergwerksmanager {m}
mining method Abbauverfahren {n}
mining method Abbaumethode {f}
mining method Abbautechnik {f}
mining of oreErzabbau {m}
mining of raw materials Rohstoffabbau {m}
mining office Bergamt {n}
mining official Bergbeamter {m}
mining operation Bergbaubetrieb {m}
mining operation Minenbetrieb {m}
mining operations {pl} Bergwerksbetrieb {m}
mining permitAbbauerlaubnis {f}
mining permit Abbaugenehmigung {f}
mining permitMuthzettel {m} [veraltet]
mining permitMutschein {m}
mining processAbbauprozess {m}
mining property Bergwerkseigentum {n}
mining regionBergbaugebiet {n}
mining region Bergbauregion {f}
mining region Abbaugebiet {n}
mining regulations {pl}Bergordnung {f}
mining rightsSchürfrechte {pl}
mining rights Abbaurechte {f}
mining rights {pl} Abbaugerechtigkeit {f}
mining schoolBergschule {f}
mining sciences Montanwissenschaften {pl}
mining sector Bergbausektor {m}
mining settlement Bergarbeitersiedlung {f}
mining settlement Bergbausiedlung {f}
mining share Bergwerksaktie {f}
mining site Förderstätte {f}
mining siteAbbaustätte {f}
mining subsidence Bergsenkung {f}
mining technologicalbergbautechnologisch
mining technology Bergbautechnik {f}
mining terminologyBergmannssprache {f}
mining town Bergbaustadt {f}
mining townBergwerksort {m}
mining town Bergarbeiterstadt {f}
mining town Bergstadt {f}
mining town Bergwerkstadt {f}
mining truck Muldenkipper {m} [im Tagebau]
mining tunnel [Am.]Bergbaustollen {m}
mining tunnel [Am.]Grubenstollen {m}
mining tunnel [Am.] Bergwerksstollen {m}
mining villageBergarbeiterdorf {n}
mining waste Abraum {m}
mining waterGrubenwasser {n}
mining water Schachtwasser {n} [Grubenwasser]
(mining) block Abbaublock {m}
(mining) claimGrubenfeld {n}
mini-nuke [also suitcase nuke, backpack nuke, pocket nuke and snuke]Tornistermine {f} [Mini-Nuklearwaffe]
minion Günstling {m}
minion Ergebener {m}
minionLakai {m} [pej.]
minionProtegé {m}
minion Kolonel {f} [Schriftgrad]
minion Favorit {m} [veraltet] [Günstling]
minion [a favourite]Mignon {m} [veraltet] [Günstling, Schützling]
Minion [toy character]Minion {n} [Spielzeugfigur]
minionsGünstlinge {pl}
minions Gefolgsleute {pl}
minionsLakaien {pl} [pej.]
Minions: The Rise of Gru [Kyle Balda] Minions – Auf der Suche nach dem Mini-Boss
minipigMinischwein {n} [kleinwüchsiges Hausschwein]
mini-pillMinipille {f}
minipill Minipille {f}
miniprocessorMiniprozessor {m}
« miniminiminiminiminiminiminiminiMiniMinnmino »
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Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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