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English-German Dictionary

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minute mikrofein
minute Minütchen {n} [Vkl. zu Minute]
minute <min, min.> Minute {f} <Min., min>
minute account kleiner Betrag {m}
minute bark beetles [family Cerylonidae] Glattrindenkäfer {pl}
minute black scavenger flies [family Scatopsidae]Dungmücken {pl}
minute bog beetles [family Sphaeriusidae, formerly Microsporidae]Kugelkäfer {pl}
minute book Protokollbuch {n}
minute bristly mouse [Neacomys minutus] Kleine Stachelreisratte {f}
minute brown scavenger beetle [family Latridiidae]Moderkäfer {m}
minute by minuteMinute um Minute
minute clasping weavers [family Mysmenidae] Kleinkugelspinnen {pl}
minute descriptiongenaue Beschreibung {f}
minute difference feiner Unterschied {m}
minute fungus beetles [family Corylophidae]Faulholzkäfer {pl}
minute hand Minutenzeiger {m}
minute hermit [Phaethornis idaliae]Braunkehleremit {m}
minute hermit [Phaethornis idaliae] Schiller-Zwergschattenkolibri {m}
minute hermit [Phaethornis idaliae] Schillerschattenkolibri {m}
minute investigation peinlich genaue Untersuchung {f}
minute leatherjacket [Rudarius minutus] Kleiner Feilenfisch {m}
minute leatherjacket [Rudarius minutus] Zwerg-Feilenfisch {m}
minute marsh-loving beetle Uferpillenkäfer {m}
minute marsh-loving beetles [family Limnichidae]Ufer-Pillenkäfer / Uferpillenkäfer {pl}
minute moss beetles [family Hydraenidae] Langtasterwasserkäfer {pl}
minute motor activity Feinmotorik {f}
minute mud-loving beetles [family Georissidae, also genus Georissus] [also spelled Georyssidae]Uferschlammkäfer {pl}
minute neacomys [Neacomys minutus] Kleine Stachelreisratte {f}
minute nutclam [Nuculana minuta, syn.: N. parva, Arca caudata, A. minute, Jupiteria minuta, Leda complanata, L. minuta, Nucula parva]Kleine Schnabelmuschel {f}
minute of angle <MOA>Winkelminute {f}
minute of arc <MOA> Bogenminute {f}
minute of arc <MOA> Winkelminute {f}
minute of playSpielminute {f}
minute of silenceSchweigeminute {f}
minute of time Zeitminute {f}
minute pinion Minutenrohr {n}
minute pirate bug [family Anthocoridae] Blumenwanze {f}
minute pirate bug [Orius minutus] Winzige Blumenwanze {f}
minute pirate bugs [family Anthocoridae] Blumenwanzen {pl}
minute reportdetaillierter Bericht {m}
minute steak Minutensteak {n}
minute takerProtokollant {m}
minute taker Protokollführer {m}
minute tooth Zähnchen {n}
minute tree-fungus beetles [family Ciidae, syn.: Cisidae] Schwammkäfer {pl}
minute ventilation <MV> Atemzeitvolumen {n} <AZV>
minute wheelWechselrad {n}
[minute, elaborate style of painting] Feinmalerei {f}
minute-jack [Am.] [sl.] Opportunist {m}
minute-long einminütig
minutely exakt
minutely genau
minutely detailedminuziös
minutely detailed [account etc.]minutiös [geh.] [Bericht etc.]
minuteman [Am.] Minuteman {m} [Freiwilliger im Unabhängigkeitskrieg, der auf Abruf bereitstand]
minuteman [Am.] [Freiwilliger im Unabhängigkeitskrieg, der auf Abruf bereitstand]
minutenessGenauigkeit {f}
minutenessKleinheit {f}
minuteness Winzigkeit {f}
minutes {pl} [summarized record]Sitzungsprotokoll {n}
minutes {pl} [summarized record]Protokoll {n} [Sitzungsprotokoll]
minutes {pl} of a meeting <MOM>Sitzungsniederschrift {f}
minutes {pl} of meeting <MOM>Besprechungsprotokoll {n}
minutes {pl} of proceedings Sitzungsbericht {m}
minutes {pl} (of proceedings)Sitzungsbericht {m}
minutes {pl} of the consultation Beratungsprotokoll {n}
minutes {pl} of the examinationPrüfungsprotokoll {n}
minutes {pl} of the meetingSitzungsprotokoll {n}
minutes {pl} (of the meeting)Protokollniederschrift {f} (der Sitzung)
minutes {pl} of the negotiationsVerhandlungsprotokoll {n}
minutes {pl} of the proceedingsVerhandlungsprotokoll {n}
minutes {pl} of the proceedings Verfahrensprotokoll {n}
minutes <min.> Minuten {pl} <Min., min>
... minutes before midnight... Minuten {pl} auf Mitternacht [ugs.] [... vor ...]
minutes by carAutominuten {pl}
minutes (of) walking distance Gehminuten {pl}
minute's silenceGedenkminute {f}
minutes' walk {sg}Gehminuten {pl}
minutia Detail {n}
minutiae {pl}Details {pl}
minutiae {pl}(genaue) Einzelheiten {pl}
minutiae [dactyloscopy]Minutien {pl} [Daktyloskopie]
minutina [Plantago coronopus] Krähenfuß-Wegerich {m}
minutina [Plantago coronopus]Hirschhorn-Wegerich {m}
minutina [Plantago coronopus] Schlitz-Wegerich {m}
minutina [Plantago coronopus]Schlitzblatt-Wegerich {m}
minutina [Plantago coronopus] Mönchsbart {m}
minutina [Plantago coronopus] Kapuzinerbart {m}
minutina [Plantago coronopus]Ziegenbart {m}
minuting secretary [female]Protokollsekretärin {f} [in Sitzungen]
minx Biest {n} [ugs.]
minx [hum. or pej.]Luder {n} [ugs.]
minx [hum. or pej.]Range {f} [selten {m}] [regional] [Mädchen]
minyan [Judaism] Minjan {m}
MinyasMinyas {m}
minyulite [KAl2(PO4)2(OH,F)·4H2O]Minyulit {m}
Mio, my Son [Astrid Lindgren] [Am.]Mio, mein Mio
Miocene Miozän {n}
« minkminominominomintminuMiocMiramirrmirrmisa »
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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