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English-German Dictionary

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model pro [coll.] Musterprofi {m} [ugs.]
model professionalMusterprofi {m}
model project Modellprojekt {n}
model pupil [Br.]Musterschüler {m}
model qualityModellgüte {f}
model quality Modellqualität {f}
model railroad [Am.] Modelleisenbahn {f}
model railroad [Am.] Modellbahn {f}
model railroad engine [Am.] [locomotive] Modelleisenbahnlokomotive {f}
model railroad layout [Am.] Modelleisenbahnanlage {f}
model railroad layout [Am.] Modellbahnanlage {f}
model railroader [Am.] Modelleisenbahner {m}
model railroader [Am.]Modellbahner {m}
model railwayModelleisenbahn {f}
model railway [esp. Br.]Modellbahn {f}
model railway engine [Br.]Modelleisenbahnlokomotive {f}
model railway enthusiast [Br.] Modelleisenbahnfan {m}
model railway layout [Br.] Modellbahnanlage {f}
model railway layout [Br.] Modelleisenbahnanlage {f}
model railway train [Br.] Modelleisenbahnzug {m}
model range Musterreihe {f}
model rangeBaureihe {f}
model range Modellreihe {f}
model reduction Modellreduktion {f}
model region Modellregion {f}
model release <MR>Modellfreigabe {f} [auch: Modell-Freigabe]
model result Modellergebnis {n}
model schoolMusterschule {f}
model selectionModellauswahl {f}
model sermon Musterpredigt {f}
model ship Schiffsmodell {n}
model simplification Modellvereinfachung {f}
model simulationModellsimulation {f}
model solution [also chem.]Modelllösung {f} [auch chem.]
model son [ideal] vorbildlicher Sohn {m}
model specification Modellanforderung {f}
model stateMusterstaat {m}
model statement Modellanweisung {f}
model structureModellstruktur {f}
model student [Am.] Musterschüler {m}
model study Modellstudie {f}
model systemModellsystem {n}
model test Modellversuch {m}
model test Modelltest {m}
model testing {sg} Modellversuche {pl}
model text Mustertext {m}
model theater [Am.] Puppentheater {n} [aus Papier]
model theatre [Br.] Puppentheater {n} [aus Papier]
model theory Modelltheorie {f}
model tolerance Modelltoleranz {f}
model tractorModelltraktor {m}
model transformationModelltransformation {f}
model trimmer Modell-Trimmer {m}
model type Modelltyp {m}
model uncertainty Modellunsicherheit {f}
model validation Modellvalidierung {f}
model variableModellvariable {f}
model variant Modellvariante {f}
model varietyModellvielfalt {f} [auch: Modell-Vielfalt]
model vehicleModellfahrzeug {n}
model view Modellansicht {f}
model virus Modellvirus {n} [ugs. auch {m}]
model viruses Modellviren {pl}
model waxModellwachs {n}
model wife Muster {n} von einer Gattin
model wife [ideal]Mustergattin {f} [hum.]
model with tubular fuselage Modell {n} mit Rohrrumpf
model year Modelljahr {n}
model youth [female] Vorzeigejugendliche {f}
model youth [young man] Vorzeigejugendlicher {m} [ugs.]
(model) fit list Liste {f} passender Geräte
model-based modellgestützt
model-based approachmodellbasierte Vorgehensweise {f}
model-based testing modellbasiertes Testen {n} <MBT>
model-directed modellgesteuert
model-driven modellgetrieben
model-driven testing <MDT> modellgetriebenes Testen {n}
modeled [Am.] geformt
modeled [Am.] vorgebildet
modeled [Am.]modelliert
modeled [Am.] [e.g. worked as a model] gemodelt
modeler [Am.]Modellierer {m}
modeler [Am.]Modelleur {m}
modeler [Am.]Modellbauer {m}
modeling [Am.]formend
modeling [Am.]Modellierung {f}
modeling [Am.] Modellieren {n}
modeling [Am.] Modeln {n}
modeling [Am.] Lernen {n} am Modell
modeling [Am.] Modelllernen {n} [Beobachtungslernen]
modeling [Am.] Nachahmungslernen {n}
modeling agency [Am.] Modelagentur {f}
modeling agency [Am.] Modellagentur {f}
modeling algorithm [Am.]Modellierungsalgorithmus {m}
modeling approach [Am.] Modellierungsansatz {m}
modeling business [Am.] Modelgeschäft {n}
modeling capability [Am.]Modellierungsfähigkeit {f}
modeling career [Am.] Modelkarriere {f}
modeling clay [Am.]Modellierton {m}
« mobimockmodamodemodemodemodemodemodemodemode »
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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