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mogovidite [Na9(Ca,Na)6Ca6Fe2Zr3 []Si25O72(CO3)(OH)4] Mogovidit {m}
mogul Mogul {m}
mogul Multimillionär {m}
mogul [bump on a ski slope] Buckel {m}
mogul [bump on a ski slope]Mugel {m} [österr.] [ugs.]
Mogul Empire Mogulreich {n}
mogul fieldBuckelpiste {f}
mogul slope Buckelpiste {f}
mogul slope Mugelpiste {f} [österr.] [ugs.]
moguls skiingBuckelpistenfahren {n} [Skisport]
mohairMohair {m} {n} [Wollstoff aus dem Haar der Angoraziege]
mohair Mohär {m} [alt] [Mohair]
mohair jersey Mohairpullover {m}
mohair jumper [Br.]Mohairpullover {m}
mohair jumper [Br.] Mohairpulli {m}
mohair pullover Mohairpullover {m}
mohair sweater Mohairpulli {m}
mohair (wool) Mohairwolle {f}
Mohammad Najibullah [Afghan president] Mohammed Nadschibullah {m}
Mohammed Mohammed {m}
Mohammedan [dated]mohammedanisch
Mohammedan [dated] Mohammedaner {m} [ugs.] [veraltend]
Mohammedan [female] [dated]Mohammedanerin {f} [ugs.] [veraltend]
Mohave ground squirrel [Xerospermophilus mohavensis] Mojave-Ziesel {m} [österr. meist {n}]
Mohave rattlesnake [Crotalus scutulatus] Mojave-Klapperschlange {f}
Mohawk Mohawk {m} [Mohawk-Indianer]
Mohawk [Am.] [haircut]Irokesenschnitt {m}
Mohawk [female]Mohawk {f} [Mohawk-Indianerin]
Mohawk [skating] Mohawk {m} [Eiskunstlauf]
Mohawk haircut [Am.]Irokesenschnitt {m}
mohawk haircut [Am.]Irokesenfrisur {f}
Mohawk (haircut)Irokese {m} [ugs.] [Irokesenschnitt]
Mohawk (people) {pl} [Mohawk: Kanienʼkehá꞉ka]Mohawk {pl} [Kanien'kehá:ka bzw. Kanien'kehake]
Moheli brush warbler [Nesillas mariae]Komorenbuschsänger {m}
Moheli brush warbler [Nesillas mariae] Mohelibuschsänger {m}
Moheli scops owl [Otus moheliensis] Mohéli-Zwergohreule {f}
Moheli scops owl [Otus moheliensis] Mohélieule {f}
Moheli thrush [Turdus bewsheri] Komorendrossel {f}
Moheli tree snake [Lycodryas cococola innocens][Unterart der Westlichen Komoren-Baumnatter (Lycodryas cococola)]
MohicanMohikaner {m}
Mohican [female] Mohikanerin {f}
Mohican (haircut) Irokese {m} [ugs.]
Mohican (haircut) Irokesenschnitt {m}
Mohicans Mohican {pl} [seltener für: Mahican]
Mohicans [also: Mahicans] Mohikaner {pl}
Mohism Mohismus {m}
Mohist mohistisch
mohite [Cu2SnS3]Mohit {m}
Mohol bushbaby [Galago moholi] Moholi-Galago {m}
Mohol bushbaby [Galago moholi] Südlicher Galago {m}
Mohorovicic discontinuity <Moho>Mohorovičić-Diskontinuität {f}
Mohr envelopeMohr'sche Einhüllende {f}
Mohr envelope Mohr'sche Hüllkurve {f}
Mohr titration (method) Titration {f} nach Mohr
Mohr–Tranebjærg syndrome <MTS> [also: Mohr-Tranebjaerg syndrome] Mohr-Tranebjærg-Syndrom {n} <MTS> [auch: Mohr-Tranebjaerg-Syndrom]
mohrite [(NH4)2Fe(SO4)2·6H2O]Mohrit {m}
Mohr-Mascheroni theoremSatz {m} von Mohr-Mascheroni
Mohr's circle for plane stressMohr'scher Spannungskreis {m}
Mohs scaleMohs-Skala {f}
Mohs scale Mohssche Härteskala {f} [alt] [Ritzhärte]
Mohs scale Mohshärte {f} [Ritzhärte]
Mohs scaleMohs'sche Härteskala {f} [Ritzhärte]
Mohs scale mohssche Härteskala {f} [Ritzhärte]
Mohs scale of mineral hardness Härteskala {f} nach Mohs [Härtegradebestimmung von Mineralien]
Mohs surgeryMohs-Operation {f}
mohsite [(Sr,Pb)(Mn,Fe)Fe2(Ti,Fe)18O38] Mohsit {m} [Crichtonit]
mohua [Mohoua ochrocephala] Gelbköpfchen {n}
moidore Moidore {m}
moieties Hälften {pl}
moiety Hälfte {f}
moietyTeil {m} {n}
moiety Moiety {f}
moietyfunktionelle Gruppe {f}
moil [archaic, dialect or Am.] Durcheinander {n}
moila snake [Rhagerhis moilensis, syn.: Malpolon moilensis] Moilanatter {f}
moila snake [Rhagerhis moilensis, syn.: Malpolon moilensis] Arabische Eidechsennatter {f}
MoiraMoira {f} [griechische Mythologie]
moiraeMoiren {pl}
Moirai [the Fates] Moiren {pl} [griech. Mythologie, Schicksalsgöttinnen]
moiréMoiré {m} {n} [Gewebeart mit schillernder Oberfläche]
moiré moiriert
moiré effectMoiré-Effekt {m}
moiré (effect) Moiré {m} {n}
moiré pattern Moiré-Muster {n}
moireing Moirieren {n}
moissanite [SiC] Moissanit {m}
moist feucht
moist [e.g. bread]saftig [z. B. Brot]
moist adiabatic lapse rate <MALR>feuchtadiabatischer Temperaturgradient {m}
moist air feuchte Luft {f}
moist air from the Mediterranean feuchte Mittelmeerluft {f}
moist cakenasser Kuchen {m}
moist climateregnerisches Klima {n}
moist cloth feuchtes Tuch {n}
moist delta feuchtes Dreieck {n} [ugs.] [Vulva]
moist food for cats feuchtes Katzenfutter {n}
moist food for dogsfeuchtes Hundefutter {n}
moist forest Feuchtwald {m}
moist heat feuchte Hitze {f}
« modemodemodimodumodumogomoismoismoldmoldmole »
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Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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