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molar region molarer Bereich {m}
molar standard enthalpy of formationmolare Standardbildungsenthalpie {f}
molar standard enthalpy of reactionmolare Standardreaktionsenthalpie {f}
molar standard entropy molare Standardentropie {f}
molar standard reaction enthalpy molare Standardreaktionsenthalpie {f}
molar standard reaction entropy molare Standardreaktionsentropie {f}
molar toothBackenzahn {m}
molar tooth Mahlzahn {m}
molar (tooth) hinterer Backenzahn {m}
molar (tooth)Zuwachszahn {m} [volkstümlich für: Backenzahn im bleibenden Gebiss]
molar volume Molvolumen {n}
molar volumemolares Volumen {n}
molarity <c> [molar concentration] Molarität {f} <c> [veraltet] [Stoffmengenkonzentration]
molarity of solution Molarität {f} einer Lösung
molars Backenzähne {pl}
molarsMolaren {pl}
molars Mahlzähne {pl} [Backenzähne]
molars [primary dentition] Stockzähne {pl} [bayer.] [österr.] [schweiz.]
molasse Molasse {f}
Molasse basin Molassebecken {n}
molasse deposit Molasseablagerung {f}
molasse deposition Molasseablagerung {f}
molasse formationMolasseformation {f}
molasse sandstoneMolassesandstein {m}
molasse sediment Molassesediment {n}
molassed melassiert
molasses [treated as sg.]Melassesirup {m}
molasses [treated as sg.] Sirup {m} [Melasse]
molasses [treated as sg.] Melasse {f}
mold [Am.]Heizform {f}
mold [Am.] Moder {m}
mold [Am.] Pressform {f}
mold [Am.] Abdruck {m} [von Gebiss, Schlüssel etc.]
mold [Am.]Kahm {m}
mold [Am.] Kokille {f}
mold [Am.] [casting mold] Form {f} [Gießform]
mold [Am.] [casting mold]Gießform {f}
mold [Am.] [casting mold] Gussform {f}
mold [Am.] [distinctive character] Schlag {m} [Art Mensch]
mold [Am.] [fungus] Schimmelpilz {m}
mold [Am.] [furry growth of minute fungi]Schimmel {m} [von Schimmelpilzen gebildeter Belag]
mold [nanoimprint lithography]Stempel {m} [Nanopräglithographie]
mold abatement [Am.] Schimmelsanierung {f}
mold allergy [Am.]Schimmelpilzallergie {f} [saisonale allergische Rhinitis]
mold analysis [Am.]Schimmelanalyse {f}
mold and die production [Am.] Formenbau {m}
mold carrier [Am.] Formträger {m}
mold chart [Am.] Zahnformenkarte {f}
mold construction [Am.] Formenbau {m}
mold contamination [Am.] Schimmelpilzbefall {m}
mold cultures [Am.]Schimmelpilzkulturen {pl}
mold formation [Am.] Schimmelbildung {f}
mold fungus [Am.] Schimmelpilz {m}
mold growth [Am.] Schimmelbewuchs {m}
mold growth [Am.] Schimmelbefall {m}
mold half [Am.]Formhälfte {f}
mold halves [Am.]Formhälften {pl}
mold infection [Am.] Schimmelpilzinfektion {f}
mold infection [Am.] Schimmelinfektion {f} [ugs.]
mold infestation [Am.]Schimmelbefall {m}
mold making [Am.]Formenbau {m}
mold mite [Am.] [Tyrophagus dimidiatus] Modermilbe {f}
mold mite [Am.] [Tyrophagus putrescentiae, syn.: Tyroglyphus lintneri, T. putrescentiae] Amerikanische Champignonmilbe {f}
mold mite [Am.] [Tyrophagus putrescentiae, syn.: Tyroglyphus lintneri, T. putrescentiae]Kopramilbe {f}
mold mite [Am.] [Tyrophagus putrescentiae, syn.: Tyroglyphus lintneri, T. putrescentiae]Modermilbe {f}
mold oil [Am.]Schalungsöl {n}
mold oil [Am.] Trennöl {n}
mold parting line [Am.]Formenzusammenschluss {m}
mold pig [Sialomorpha dominicana] [extinct]Schimmelschwein {n} [ausgestorben]
mold pig [Sialomorpha dominicana] [extinct] Schimmelschweinchen {n} [ausgestorben]
mold remediation [Am.]Schimmelsanierung {f}
mold removal [Am.] Schimmelentfernung {f}
mold spores [Am.] Schimmelpilzsporen {pl}
mold spores [Am.]Schimmelsporen {pl}
mold stain [Am.] Stockfleck {m}
mold stain [Am.]Schimmelfleck {m}
mold test [Am.]Schimmeltest {m} [Schimmelpilztest]
mold test [Am.]Schimmelpilztest {m}
mold test kit [Am.]Schimmelpilz-Testkit {n} {m}
mold validation [Am.] Abmusterung {f}
mold work [Am.] Arbeit {f} mit Gipsformen
moldable [Am.] formbar
moldable soap [Am.] Waschknete {f}
Moldanubian Moldanubikum {n}
Moldau valley Moldautal {n}
Moldavia [region]Moldau {f} [Landschaft]
Moldavia [Romanian territory]Fürstentum Moldau {n}
MoldavianMoldawier {m}
Moldavian dragonhead [Dracocephalum moldavica, syn.: D. moldavicum, Moldavica moldavica, Nepeta moldavica, Ruyschiana moldavica]Türkischer Drachenkopf {m}
Moldavian dragonhead [Dracocephalum moldavica, syn.: D. moldavicum, Moldavica moldavica, Nepeta moldavica, Ruyschiana moldavica] Moldawischer Drachenkopf {m}
Moldavian dragonhead [Dracocephalum moldavica, syn.: D. moldavicum, Moldavica moldavica, Nepeta moldavica, Ruyschiana moldavica] Türkische Melisse {f}
Moldavian dragonhead [Dracocephalum moldavica, syn.: D. moldavicum, Moldavica moldavica, Nepeta moldavica, Ruyschiana moldavica]Bastardmelisse {f}
Moldavian dragonhead [Dracocephalum moldavica, syn.: D. moldavicum, Moldavica moldavica, Nepeta moldavica, Ruyschiana moldavica] Moldawische Melisse {f}
Moldavian dragonhead [Dracocephalum moldavica, syn.: D. moldavicum, Moldavica moldavica, Nepeta moldavica, Ruyschiana moldavica] Moldawien-Drachenkopf {m}
Moldavian Soviet Socialist Republic <MSSR> Moldauische Sozialistische Sowjetrepublik {f} <MSSR>
moldaviteBouteillenstein {m} [veraltet]
moldavite Moldavit {m} [Tektit]
mold-blown [glass] [Am.] formgeblasen [Glas]
moldboard [Am.] Streichblech {n}
moldboard [Am.]Streichbrett {n} [bei Pflügen aus Holz]
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Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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