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English-German Dictionary

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momentum space [quantum mechanics] Impulsraum {m}
momentum space [reciprocal lattice] reziprokes Gitter {n}
momentum transfer Impulsübertrag {m}
momentum transferImpulsübertragung {f}
momentumsMomente {pl}
momes Possenreißer {pl}
momi fir [Abies firma, syn.: A. bifida, A. thunbergii, Picea firma, Pinus firma, P. firma var. incisa] Momi-Tanne {f}
momma Mami {f}
momma [Am.]Mama {f}
momma [Am.] [coll.] Mutti {f}
momma's boy [Am.] Muttersöhnchen {n}
mommeMomme {f}
mommies [Am.] Mütter {pl}
mommies [Am.]Mamis {pl}
mommy [Am.]Mama {f}
mommy [Am.] Mami {f}
mommy [Am.] Mutti {f}
mommy [Am.] Mütterchen {n}
mommy [Am.] Muttchen {n}
mommy talk [Am.] [coll.]Babysprache {f}
mommy thumb [Am.] [coll.] [de Quervain syndrome] Hausfrauendaumen {m} [Quervain-Krankheit] [ugs.]
mommy thumb [coll.] [de Quervain syndrome] Quervain-Krankheit {f} [Sehnenscheidenentzündung]
mommyhood [Am.] [coll.]Mutterschaft {f}
momo Momo {n}
momo {sg} {pl} [treated as sg. or pl.]Momos {pl}
Momo [original English translation: The Grey Gentlemen] Momo [Michael Ende]
momoiite [(Mn,Ca)3(V,Al)2(SiO4)3] Momoiit {m}
momona [Annona cherimola]Cherimoya {f}
Momotombo Momotombo {m}
mompha moths [family Momphidae] Fransenmotten {pl}
mompha moths [family Momphidae] Echte Fransenfalter {pl}
moms-to-be [Am.] [coll.] werdende Mütter {pl}
Momus Momos {m}
momy [coll.] [spv.] [Am.] Mutti {f}
Mon {pl} [people] Mon {pl} [das Volk der Mon]
mon- [e.g. monaxial, monatomic]ein- [z. B. einachsig, einatomig]
mon [Scot.] [North Eng.] [Jamaica] [man] Mann {m}
Mon (language) Mon {n} [die Sprache der Mon]
Mona blind snake [Typhlops monensis] [also: Mona blindsnake]Mona-Blindschlange {f}
Mona boa [Epicrates monensis]Virgin-Islands-Schlankboa {f}
Mona ground iguana [Cyclura (cornuta) stejnegeri]Mona-Insel-Leguan {m}
Mona Lisa [Leonardo da Vinci] Mona Lisa {f}
Mona Lisa effect Mona-Lisa-Effekt {m}
Mona Lisa Overdrive [William Gibson] Mona Lisa Overdrive
Mona Lisa Smile [Mike Newell] Mona Lisas Lächeln
mona monkey [Cercopithecus mona] Monameerkatze {f}
Mona PassageMona-Passage {f}
Mona the VampireMona der Vampir
Monacan [less frequent] monegassisch
Monacan [female] [less frequent] Monegassin {f}
Monacan [less frequent] Monegasse {m}
Monachoides incarnatus [syn.: Helix incarnata, Perforatella incarnata] [land snail species] Rötliche Laubschnecke {f}
Monachoides incarnatus [syn.: M. (Perforatella) incarnatus, Helix incarnata, Perforatella incarnata] [land snail species]^ Inkarnatschnecke {f}
Monachus species [Monachus monachus] [Mediterranean monk seals]Mönchsrobben {pl} [Mittelmeer-Mönchsrobben]
monacid einsäurig
Monaco <.mc> Monaco {n}
monad Monade {f}
monad Einzeller {m}
monad [functional programming] Monade {f} [abstrakter Datentyp]
monadnockInselberg {m}
monadoid monadoid
monadology [esp. G. W. Leibniz]Monadologie {f} [bes. G. W. Leibniz]
monadology [esp. G. W. Leibniz]Monadenlehre {f} [bes. G. W. Leibniz]
Monaghan [Irish: Muineachán] [town and county in the Republic of Ireland]Monaghan {n}
monal partridge [Tetraophasis obscurus, syn.: Tetraogallus obscurus]Braunkehl-Keilschwanzhuhn {n} [auch: Braunkehlkeilschwanzhuhn]
monals [family Phasianidae, genus Lophophorus] Glanzfasanen {pl}
monals [family Phasianidae, genus Lophophorus]Monals {pl}
monandrous monandrisch
monandrous einmännig [veraltet] [monandrisch]
monantha vetch [Vicia articulata, syn.: V. monanthos, V. monantha, V. multifida] Einblütige Wicke {f}
monantha vetch [Vicia articulata, syn.: V. monanthos, V. monantha, V. multifida] Algaroba-Linse {f}
monantha vetch [Vicia articulata, syn.: V. monanthos, V. monantha, V. multifida] Wicklinse {f}
monanthous einblütig
monarch Monarch {m}
monarchHerrscher {m}
monarch Fürst {m} [Monarch]
monarch [Danaus plexippus]Amerikanischer Monarch {m}
monarch [female]Monarchin {f}
monarch [female] Herrscherin {f}
monarch birch [Betula maximowicziana]Lindenblättrige Birke {f}
monarch birch [Betula maximowicziana] Maximowiczs Birke {f}
monarch butterfly [Danaus plexippus] Monarchfalter {m}
monarch butterfly [Danaus plexippus] Amerikanischer Monarch {m}
monarch butterfly caterpillarMonarchfalterraupe {f}
monarch caterpillarMonarchraupe {f} [auch: Monarch-Raupe]
monarch flycatcher [Arses telescopthalmus] Krausenmonarch {m}
monarch flycatcher [family Monarchidae]Monarch {m}
monarch flycatchers [family Monarchidae]Monarchen {pl}
monarch (stag) [also: Monarch] [sixteen-pointer stag]Sechzehnender {m} [Hirsch]
Monarchians Monarchianer {pl}
monarchic monarchisch
monarchic monarchistisch
monarchical monarchisch
monarchical constitutionMonarchie {f}
« molemoleMoloMolumomemomemonaMonaMondmonemone »
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Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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