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English-German Dictionary

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« backPage 441 for words starting with M in the English-German dictionarynext page »
monofin Monoflosse {f}
monofunctional monofunktionell
monofunctional monofunktional
monogamiesEinehen {pl}
monogamiesMonogamien {pl}
monogamist Monogamist {m}
monogamous einehig
monogamous marriageEinehe {f}
monogamy Monogamie {f}
monogamy [as a form of marriage]Einehe {f}
monogastricsMonogastrier {pl}
monogenea Monogenea {pl} [Hakensaugwürmer]
monogeneric monogenerisch
monogeneric family monogenerische Familie {f}
monogenesisMonogenese {f}
monogenetic diseases monogen vererbte Erkrankungen {pl}
monogenetic diseases monogenetische Erkrankungen {pl}
monogenetic inheritance monogene Vererbung {f}
monogenismMonogenismus {m}
monogenist Monogenist {m}
monogenous monogen
monogenous ungeschlechtlich [sich ohne sexuellen Kontakt fortpflanzend]
monogenyMonogenie {f}
monoglotmonoglott [nur eine Sprache sprechend]
monogloteinsprachig [nur eine Sprache sprechend]
monogloteinsprachige Person {f}
monoglove Monohandschuh {m}
monoglycerideMonoglycerid {n}
monogon Monogon {n} [selten] [Eineck]
monogonEineck {n}
monogonont rotifers [class Monogononta]monogononte Rädertierchen {pl}
monogonont rotifers [class Monogononta]monogononte Rotatorien {pl}
monogramMonogramm {n}
monogrammatic monogrammatisch
monogrammed mit (einem) Monogramm versehen
monogrammed monocle bream [Scolopsis monogramma] Monokel-Scheinschnapper {m}
monogrammingmit Monogramm versehend
monogrammist Monogrammist {m}
monographEinzelwerk {n}
monograph Monographie {f}
monograph Einzeldarstellung {f}
monographMonografie {f}
monograph seriesSchriftenreihe {f}
monographic monographisch
monographic monografisch
monographic seriesmonographische Reihe {f}
(monographic) show (monographische) Werkschau {f}
monographically monografisch
monography [rare] Monografie {f}
monography [rare] Monographie {f}
monogynic monogyn
monogynistMonogynist {m} [Mann mit nur einer Frau]
monohull Einrumpf {m}
monohybrid monohybrid
monohydrateMonohydrat {n}
monohydrocalcite [CaCO3·H2O]Monohydrocalcit {m}
monoicous monözisch
monoicous einhäusig
monoid Monoid {n}
monoid homomorphism Monoidhomomorphismus {m}
monoid ring Monoidring {m}
monoidal category monoidale Kategorie {f}
mono-idiochord monoidiochord
mono-infectionMonoinfektion {f}
monoisotopic monoisotopisch
monoisotopic (element)monoisotopisches Element {n}
monokaryotic monokaryotisch
monokini Monokini {m}
monokinisMonokinis {pl}
monolatrism Monolatrie {f}
monolatryMonolatrie {f}
monolayer einschichtig
monolayerMonoschicht {f}
monolayerMonolage {f}
monolayer [PB board]Einebenen-
monolayer cultureEinzellschichtkultur {f}
monolectic monolektisch
monolecty Monolektie {f}
monolever [also: mono-lever]Einhebel {m}
monolignolMonolignol {n}
monoline [insurance company]Monoliner {m} [Anleiheversicherer]
monoline [insurance company] Anleiheversicherer {m}
monoline insurance companyMonoliner {m} [Anleiheversicherer]
monoline insurance company Anleiheversicherer {m}
monoline insurerMonoliner {m} [Anleiheversicherer]
monoline insurer Anleiheversicherer {m}
monolingual einsprachig
monolingual monolingual [einsprachig]
« monimonkmonkmonomonomonomonomonomonomonomons »
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Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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