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English-German Dictionary

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monolingual dictionaryeinsprachiges Wörterbuch {n}
(monolingual) reviewfachliche Prüfung {f} [EN 15038, Qualitätsnorm für Übersetzungsdienstleistungen]
monolingualismEinsprachigkeit {f}
monolingualismMonolingualität {f}
monolithMonolith {m}
monolith technique Monolithtechnik {f} [auch: Monolith-Technik]
monolithic monolithisch
monolithic [fig.] [huge]monumental [geh.]
monolithic chip monolithischer Chip {m}
monolithic church [rock-hewn church]Felsenkirche {f}
monolithic circuitmonolithische Schaltung {f}
monolithic domemonolithische Kuppel {f}
monolithic integrated circuit monolithische integrierte Schaltung {f}
monolithic integrated circuit <MIC>monolithischer integrierter Schaltkreis {m}
monolithic microwave integrated circuit <MMIC> monolithisch integrierter Mikrowellenschaltkreis {m}
monolithically monolithisch
monolocular einhöhlig
monolog [Am.] Monolog {m}
monolog [Am.]Rede {f}
monolog [Am.]Selbstgespräch {n}
monologic monologisch
monologue Monolog {m}
monologue Rede {f}
monologue Selbstgespräch {n}
monologues Reden {pl}
monomacrophagocytosis Monomakrophagozytose {f}
monomaniafixe Idee {f} [Monomanie]
monomania Monomanie {f}
monomaniacMonomane {m}
monomaniac [female] Monomanin {f}
monomaniacal monomanisch
monomer Monomer {n}
monomer unitMonomereinheit {f}
monomer units Monomereinheiten {pl}
monomeric monomer
monomerised [Br.] monomerisiert
monomerization Monomerisierung {f}
monomersMonomere {pl}
monometallic einmetallisch
monometallismMonometallismus {m}
monometer Monopodie {f}
monomial eingliedrige Zahlengröße {f}
monomial Monom {n}
monomial order Monomordnung {f}
monomicticmonomiktisch [Seenkunde]
monomitic hyphal system monomitisches Hyphensystem {n}
monomodal monomodal
monomodal eingipflig
monomodal distributioneingipflige Verteilung {f}
monomodal distribution unimodale Verteilung {f}
monomodal distribution monomodale Verteilung {f}
monomode / mono-modeEinmoden-
monomode / mono-mode Monomode-
monomode fiber [Am.] Einmodenfaser {f} [auch: Monomodefaser, Singlemodefaser]
monomode fibre [Br.]Einmodenfaser {f} [auch: Monomodefaser, Singlemodefaser]
monomolecular monomolekular
monomolecular einmolekular
monomorphic monomorphisch
monomorphic monomorph
monomorphisation [Br.] Monomorphisierung {f}
monomorphism Monomorphismus {m}
monomorphization [Am.] Monomorphisierung {f}
monomyth Monomythos {m}
mononematic mononematisch
mononeuritic mononeuritisch
mononeuritis Mononeuritis {f}
mononeuropathyMononeuropathie {f}
mononuclear einkernig
mononuclear phagocyte system <MPS> mononukleär-phagozytierendes System {n} <MPS>
mononuclear phagocyte system <MPS>retikulohistiozytäres System {n} <RHS>
mononucleosis Mononukleose {f}
mononucleosis(Pfeiffersches) Drüsenfieber {n} [alt]
mononucleotideMononukleotid {n}
mononucleotideMononucleotid {n}
mononuclidic element Reinelement {n}
mononuclidic elementanisotopes Element {n} [Reinelement]
mononym Mononym {n}
mononymic mononym [eindeutig]
mononymy Mononymie {f} [Einnamigkeit]
mono-occupationMonoberuf {m}
monooxygenase Monooxygenase {f}
monooxygenated monooxygeniert
monooxygenationMonooxygenierung {f}
monoparesis Monoparese {f}
monopathophobiaMonopathophobie {f}
monopedal monopedal
monopedal [attr.] Einbein-
monophagia Monophagie {f}
monophagous monophag
monophagyMonophagie {f}
« monkmonkmonomonomonomonomonomonomonomonsMont »
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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