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English-German Dictionary

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MormonismMormonentum {n}
MormonismMormonismus {m}
Mormons [female] Mormoninnen {pl}
mormyromastMormyromast {m}
morn [literary]Morgen {m}
mornay sauce Mornaysauce / Mornay-Sauce {f}
mornay sauce [sauce Mornay]Sauce Mornay {f} <Sc. Mornay>
morningVormittag {m}
morning [attr.]vormittäglich
morning [attr.]vormittägig
morning [attr.] [air, chill, dew, etc.] Morgen- [Luft, Kühle, Tau etc.]
morning [attr.] [also pred.] [early morning]morgendlich
Morning. [coll.] [Good morning.] Morgen. [ugs.] [Guten Morgen.]
morning [early] Morgen {m}
morning [early] Früh {f} [österr.] [südd.]
morning after breakfast Katerfrühstück {n}
morning after contraception pill (die) Pille {f} danach [ugs.]
morning airMorgenluft {f}
morning assembly Morgenappell {m}
morning bird [Rhipidura leucophrys] [willie wagtail] Gartenfächerschwanz {m}
morning blessing Morgensegen {m}
morning boner [vulg.] Morgenlatte {f} [salopp] [hum.] [Erektion beim Aufwachen]
morning break Frühstückspause {f}
morning calmMorgenruhe {f}
morning calmMorgenstille {f}
morning campion [Silene dioica, syn.: Melandrium rubrum, M. silvestre]Rote Waldnelke {f}
morning campion [Silene dioica, syn.: Melandrium rubrum, M. silvestre] Rote Lichtnelke {f}
morning campion [Silene dioica, syn.: Melandrium rubrum, M. silvestre] Herrgottsblut {n} [Rote Lichtnelke]
morning campion [Silene dioica, syn.: Melandrium rubrum, M. silvestre]Taglichtnelke {f}
morning campion [Silene dioica, syn.: Melandrium rubrum, M. silvestre] Rotes Leimkraut {n}
morning campion [Silene dioica, syn.: Melandrium rubrum, M. silvestre]Rote Nachtnelke {f}
morning chillMorgenkühle {f}
morning classVormittagskurs {m}
morning cloudMorgenwolke {f}
morning coat [Br.] [semi-formal male suit with striped trousers]Cutaway {m}
morning coffeeMorgenkaffee {m}
morning coldMorgenkälte {f}
morning concert Morgenkonzert {n}
Morning Deliveries - Milkman 1 [Stephen King]Morgenlieferungen
morning dewMorgentau {m}
morning dew Frühtau {m}
morning dram Morgentrunk {m} [Schnaps]
morning dreamMorgentraum {m}
morning dressMorgenkleid {n}
morning dress [Br.] [suit]Cutaway {m}
morning dress [ladies] Hauskleid {n}
morning edition Morgenausgabe {f}
Morning everyone! [coll.] Morgen allerseits! [ugs.]
morning flight Morgenflug {m}
morning giftMorgengabe {f}
morning glories [genus Calystegia] Zaunwinden {pl}
morning glories [genus Ipomoea, family Convolvulaceae]Prunkwinden {pl}
morning glories [genus Ipomoea, family Convolvulaceae] Prachtwinden {pl}
morning glory [genus Ipomoea, family Convolvulaceae]Prachtwinde {f}
morning glory [Ipomoea violacea]Prunkwinde {f}
Morning Glory [Lowell Sherman (1933 film)]Morgenrot des Ruhms [österr. Titel: Das neue Gesicht]
morning glory [sl.] [hum.] [penile erection upon waking] Morgenlatte {f} [salopp] [hum.] [Erektion beim Aufwachen]
morning glory family {sg} [Convolvulaceae] Windengewächse {pl}
morning glory family {sg} [family Convolvulaceae] Convolvulaceen {pl}
morning glory (family) [Convolvulaceae] Winde {f}
morning glory tree [Convolvulus floridus]Blütenreiche Winde {f}
morning glory tree [Ipomoea carnea, syn.: I. carnea ssp. fistulosa, I. crassicaulis, I. fistulosa, I. gossipioides, Batatas crassicaulis] Strauchige Prunkwinde {f}
morning greetingMorgengruß {m}
morning grouch [coll.] Morgenmuffel {m} [ugs.]
morning hike Morgenwanderung {f}
morning hour Morgenstunde {f}
morning hourVormittagsstunde {f}
morning hours Morgenstunden {pl}
morning hours Vormittagsstunden {pl}
Morning in the Burned House [Margaret Atwood] Ein Morgen im verbrannten Haus
morning jog Morgenlauf {m}
morning journalMorgenjournal {n}
morning latte [coll.] morgendlicher Milchkaffee {m} [nach italienischer Art]
morning lightMorgenschein {m}
morning magazineMorgenmagazin {n}
morning mail Morgenpost {f}
morning market Vormittagsbörse {f}
morning mass Frühmette {f}
morning mass Morgenmesse {f}
morning massesFrühmetten {pl}
morning matineeVormittagsvorstellung {f}
morning mealMorgenfütterung {f}
morning mealFrühmahlzeit {f}
morning meditation Morgenmeditation {f}
morning milk Morgenmilch {f}
morning mist Morgennebel {m}
morning mood Morgenstimmung {f}
morning napMorgenschläfchen {n}
morning nausea [esp. Am.] [rare] Morgenübelkeit {f}
morning of Easter Monday Ostermontagmorgen {m}
morning of Good FridayKarfreitagmorgen {m}
morning paperMorgenzeitung {f}
morning paperMorgenblatt {n}
morning peak (hours {pl}) Morgenspitze {f}
morning person Morgenmensch {m}
morning person Frühaufsteher {m}
morning person [female] Frühaufsteherin {f}
morning pint Frühschoppen {m}
morning pipe Morgenpfeife {f}
morning pitohui [Pachycephala tenebrosa, syn.: Colluricincla tenebrosa, Pitohui tenebrosus, Rectes tenebrosus] Singpitohui / Sing-Pitohui {m}
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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