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« backPage 512 for words starting with M in the English-German dictionarynext page »
motion-picture recording Filmaufzeichnung {f}
motion-picture theater [Am.] Kino {n}
motion-picture theater [Am.]Lichtspielhaus {n} [veraltend]
motion-picture theater [Am.]Filmtheater {n}
motionsBewegungen {pl}
motion-sensing element Bewegungsaufnehmer {m} [Maus]
motion-sensitive fuse Bewegungszünder {m}
motivatedbegründet [motiviert]
motivated reasoning motiviertes logisches Denken {n}
motivating anregend
motivating bewegend
motivating causeBewegursache {f} [bes. Kant]
motivating factor Motivationsfaktor {m}
motivating factorsTriebfedern {pl} [treibende Kraft]
motivating forcesTriebfedern {pl} [treibende Kraft]
motivationAnregung {f}
motivationBeweggrund {m}
motivationLeistungsbereitschaft {f}
motivationMotivation {f}
motivation geistiger Antrieb {m}
motivation innerer Antrieb {m}
motivation Motivierung {f}
motivation Motiviertheit {f}
motivationLeistungswille {m}
motivation analysisMotivationsanalyse {f}
motivation change Motivationswandel {m} [auch: Motivationsänderung]
motivation deficit Motivationsdefizit {n}
motivation factorMotivationsfaktor {m}
motivation for action Handlungsmotiv {n}
motivation killerMotivationskiller {m} [ugs.]
motivation level Motivationsgrad {m}
motivation lowMotivationstief {n}
motivation measurementMotivationsmessung {f}
motivation model [motivational model] Motivationsmodell {n}
motivation researchMotivforschung {f}
motivation structureMotivationsstruktur {f}
motivation to learnLernmotivation {f}
motivation to readLesemotivation {f}
motivation to work Arbeitsmotivation {f}
motivation to write Schreibmotivation {f}
motivation word motivierendes Wort {n}
motivational anregend
motivational motivierend
motivational motivational
motivational aidMotivationshilfe {f}
motivational analysisMotivationsanalyse {f}
motivational approach Motivationsansatz {m}
motivational change Motivationswandel {m}
motivational coach Motivationstrainer {m}
motivational deficitMotivationsdefizit {n}
motivational effectMotivationseffekt {m}
motivational factor Motivationsfaktor {m}
motivational interviewing <MI> motivierende Gesprächsführung {f}
motivational letterAnschreiben {n} [bei einer Bewerbung]
motivational letter Motivationsschreiben {n}
motivational model Motivationsmodell {n}
motivational patterns Motivationsmuster {pl}
motivational problem Motivationsproblem {n}
motivational problems Motivationsschwierigkeiten {pl}
motivational processes Motivationsprozesse {pl}
motivational psychologist [female]Motivationspsychologin {f}
motivational psychology Motivationspsychologie {f}
motivational pushMotivationsschub {m}
motivational quote Motivationsspruch {m}
motivational research Motivationsforschung {f}
motivational speaker Motivationsredner {m}
motivational speech Motivationsrede {f}
motivational structure Motivationsstruktur {f}
motivational structures Motivstrukturen {pl}
motivational techniqueMotivationstechnik {f}
motivational theory Motivationstheorie {f}
motivational trick Motivationstrick {m}
motivationsBeweggründe {pl}
motivations Motivierungen {pl}
motivations Begründungen {pl}
motivatorAnreiz {m}
motivator Motivator {m} [bildungsspr.]
motivator [female] Motivatorin {f} [bildungsspr.]
motive Beweggrund {m}
motive Motiv {n}
motiveAntrieb {m}
motiveMovens {n} [geh.] [Beweggrund]
motiveMotivlage {f}
motive Bewegungsgrund {m} [auf philosophische Kontexte beschränkt]
motive analysis Motivanalyse {f}
motive for a crime Tatmotiv {n}
motive for buying sth.Kaufmotiv {n}
motive for doing sth.Grund {m}, etw. zu tun [Beweggrund, Motiv]
motive for livingLebensantrieb {m}
motive for murder Mordmotiv {n}
motive force bewegende Kraft {f}
motive forceMotivation {f}
motive forceAntriebskraft {f}
motive force Bewegungskraft {f}
motive power Triebkraft {f}
motive to buyKaufmotiv {n}
motived motiviert
« mothMothmothmothmotimotimotimotomotomotomoto »
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Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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