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mottled seahare / sea hare [Aplysia fasciata, syn.: A. brasiliana, A. willcoxi, A. winneba] Großer Brauner Seehase {m} [Meeresschneckenart]
mottled shieldbug [Rhaphigaster nebulosa] Graue Feldwanze {f}
mottled shieldbug [Rhaphigaster nebulosa] Graue Gartenwanze {f}
mottled skingefleckte Haut {f} [Hautpartien, die eine landkartenartige Fleckung von Haut aufweisen]
mottled skin gescheckte Haut {f}
mottled spinetail [Telacanthura ussheri]Baobabsegler {m}
mottled spurge [Euphorbia lactea] Veredelte Wolfsmilch {f}
mottled swift [Tachymarptis aequatorialis] Schuppensegler {m}
mottled teeth {pl}Zahnfluorose {f}
mottled teeth {pl}gefleckter Zahnschmelz {m} [Schmelzflecken]
mottled teeth [ICD-10, Version 2016]Schmelzflecken {pl} [ICD-10, Version 2016]
mottled tooth gefleckter Zahn {m}
mottled tuco-tuco [Ctenomys latro] Gefleckte Kammratte {f}
mottled umber caterpillar [Erannis defoliaria]Raupe {f} des Großen Frostspanners
mottled umber (moth) [Erannis defoliaria] Großer Frostspanner {m} [Falter]
mottled whistler [Rhagologus leucostigma]Wellendickkopf {m}
mottled wood owl [Strix ocellata] Mangokauz {m}
mottled-jaw spot-bellied snake [Coniophanes bipunctatus]Zweifleckige Schwarzstreifennatter {f}
mottle-face tamarin [Saguinus inustus]Marmorgesichttamarin {m}
mottle-faced tamarin [Saguinus inustus] Marmorgesichttamarin {m}
mottlefoot sculpin [Cottus poecilopous] Buntflossengroppe {f}
mottlefoot sculpin [Cottus poecilopous]Buntflossenkoppe {f}
mottlefoot sculpin [Cottus poecilopus, syn.: Cottus poecilopterus]Sibirische Groppe {f}
mottlefoot sculpin [Cottus poecilopus, syn.: Cottus poecilopterus]Ostgroppe {f}
mottlegills [genus Panaeolus]Düngerlinge {pl}
mottle-throated spinetailed swift [Telacanthura ussheri] Baobabsegler {m}
mottling marmorierend
mottlingFleckung {f}
mottling Wolkigkeit {f}
mottling teeth {pl}gefleckter Zahnschmelz {m} [Schmelzflecken]
motto Devise {f} [Wahlspruch, Motto]
motto Leitspruch {m}
motto Motto {n}
mottoSinnspruch {m}
motto Denkspruch {m}
mottoLeitmotto {n}
mottoLeitwort {n} [Leitspruch]
motto [also herald.] Wahlspruch {m} [auch herald.]
motto [maxim, slogan] Panier {n} [geh.] [Wahlspruch, Parole]
mottoes Wahlsprüche {pl}
mottos [also: mottoes] Devisen {pl} [Mottos]
mottramite [PbCu(VO4)(OH)]Mottramit {m}
motu proprio Motuproprio {n}
motukoreaite [Na2Mg38Al24(CO3)13(SO4)8(OH)108·56H2O] Motukoreait {m}
motza [Aus.] [sl.]Batzen {m} Geld [ugs.]
Motzkin numberMotzkin-Zahl {f}
Motzkin primeMotzkin-Primzahl {f}
Moubray Glacier Moubray-Gletscher {m}
Moubray Piedmont Glacier Moubray-Piedmont-Gletscher {m}
mouche [a small patch of beard shaped and allowed to grow under the lower lip]Fliege {f} [Unterlippenbärtchen]
mouches volantes {pl} [Muscae volitantes] [eye floaters] Rußflockenregen {m} [ugs.] [selten] [Mouches volantes]
mouches volantes [Muscae volitantes] [eye floaters] Rußflocken {pl} [ugs.] [auch: Rußregen]
moue Flunsch {m} {f} [ugs.]
moue Schmollmund {m}
Moufang identities Moufang-Identitäten {pl}
Moufang loop Moufang-Loop {f}
Moufang planeMoufang-Ebene {f}
moufflon [spv.] [Ovis gmelini group] Mufflon {m} [ugs. auch {n}] [Ovis-gmelini-Gruppe]
mouflon [Ovis gmelini group] Mufflon {m} [ugs. auch {n}] [Ovis-gmelini-Gruppe]
Mougeot's amphidium moss [Amphidium mougeotii] Mougeots Bandmoos {n}
Mougeot's amphidium moss [Amphidium mougeotii] Großes Bandmoos {n}
Mougeot's whitebeam [Sorbus mougeotii] Mougeots Oxelbirne {f}
Mougeot's whitebeam [Sorbus mougeotii]Mougeots Vogelbeere {f}
Mougeot's whitebeam [Sorbus mougeotii] Mougeots Mehlbeere {f}
Mougeot's whitebeam [Sorbus mougeotii]Berg-Mehlbeere {f}
Mougeot's whitebeam [Sorbus mougeotii] Vogesen-Mehlbeere {f}
Mougeot's whitebeam [Sorbus mougeotii] Berg-Vogelbeere / Bergvogelbeere {f}
Mougeot's whitebeam [Sorbus mougeotii]Alpenoxel {f}
Mougeot's xanthoparmelia lichen [Xanthoparmelia mougeotii] Mehlige Felsschüsselflechte {f}
Mougeot's xanthoparmelia lichen [Xanthoparmelia mougeotii]Mougeots Schüsselflechte {f}
Mougeot's yoke-moss [Amphidium mougeotii] Mougeots Bandmoos {n}
Mougeot's yoke-moss [Amphidium mougeotii]Großes Bandmoos {n}
Mouhot's turtle [Cuora mouhotii, syn.: Pyxidea mouhotii, Cyclemys mouhotii]Dreikiel-Scharnierschildkröte {f}
mouillé [Am.] mouilliert
moulageMoulage {f} [selten {m}, selten {n}]
moulagefarbiges Wachsmodell {n} [des Körpers oder von Körperteilen]
moulages Moulagen {pl}
moulard (duck)Mulardente {f} [auch: Mulard-Ente]
mould [Br.] Form {f} [Gießform]
mould [Br.]Gießform {f}
mould [Br.] Gussform {f}
mould [Br.]Moder {m}
mould [Br.] Pressform {f}
mould [Br.] Ackererde {f}
mould [Br.] Gußform {f} [alt]
mould [Br.] Kahm {m}
mould [Br.]Schlag {m} [Art Mensch]
mould [Br.]Kokille {f}
mould [Br.]Formwerkzeug {n}
mould [Br.] Humusboden {m}
mould [Br.] Model {m} [in der Bedeutung »Holzform für Backwerk, Butter« regional auch {f}]
mould [Br.] Model {m} {f} [Hohlform]
mould [Br.] [fig.] [nature, character] Wesensart {f}
mould [Br.] [fungus] Schimmelpilz {m}
mould [esp. Br.] [furry growth of minute fungi] Schimmel {m} [von Schimmelpilzen gebildeter Belag]
mould allergy [Br.]Schimmelpilzallergie {f} [saisonale allergische Rhinitis]
mould analysis [Br.] Schimmelanalyse {f}
mould and die production [Br.] Formenbau {m}
mould board plough [Br.] Scharpflug {m}
« motomotomotomotomotomottmoulmoulMounMounMoun »
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Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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