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English-German Dictionary

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« backPage 522 for words starting with M in the English-German dictionarynext page »
Mount CampbellMount Campbell {m}
Mount CantelloMount Cantello {m}
Mount Carmel Karmel {m}
Mount CaseyMount Casey {m}
Mount Cenis lousewort [Pedicularis cenisia]Mont-Cenis-Läusekraut {n}
Mount Cenis restharrow [Ononis cristata, syn.: O. alpina, O. cenisia]Mont Cenis-Hauhechel {f}
Mount Cerberus Mount Cerberus {m}
Mount Cherry-Garrard Mount Cherry-Garrard {m}
Mount ChiversMount Chivers {m}
Mount Claro rock-wallaby [Petrogale sharmani] Sharman-Felskänguru {n}
Mount CocksMount Cocks {m}
Mount Cole Mount Cole {m}
Mount CrowderMount Crowder {m}
Mount Crummer Mount Crummer {m}
Mount Data Data {m}
Mount Data National Park Mount-Data-Nationalpark {m}
Mount Data shrew-rat [Rhynchomys soricoides] Mount-Data-Nasenratte {f}
Mount Davidson Mount Davidson {m}
Mount DeakinMount Deakin {m}
Mount Dearborn Mount Dearborn {m}
Mount Deardoff Mount Deardoff {m}
Mount DergachMount Dergach {m}
Mount DeWitt Mount DeWitt {m}
Mount DickasonMount Dickason {m}
Mount Dietz Mount Dietz {m}
Mount DiscoveryMount Discovery {m}
Mount Dodge Mount Dodge {m}
Mount Don Pedro Christophersen Mount Don Pedro Christophersen {m}
Mount Doom [fictional mountain in J. R. R. Tolkien's work] Schicksalsberg {m}
Mount DoughertyMount Dougherty {m}
Mount Douglas Mount Douglas {m}
Mount DoumaniMount Doumani {m}
Mount DraegerMount Draeger {m}
Mount Duida grass finch [Emberizoides duidae]Duidaammer {f} [fachspr. auch {m}]
Mount Duida spindle snake [Atractus duidensis] Duida-Spindelnatter {f}
Mount DurnfordMount Durnford {m}
Mount Egerton Mount Egerton {m}
Mount Elbrus Elbrus {m}
Mount Ellis Mount Ellis {m}
Mount Erebus (Mount) Erebus {m}
Mount Etna [volcano] Ätna {m}
Mount Everest Mount Everest {m}
Mount Fairweather Mount Fairweather {m}
Mount Field Mount Field {m}
Mount FisherMount Fisher {m}
Mount FordMount Ford {m}
Mount FrankeMount Franke {m}
Mount Frost Mount Frost {m}
Mount FujiFudschijama {m} [veraltet]
Mount Fuji Fuji {m}
Mount Gale Mount Gale {m}
Mount George Murray Mount George Murray {m}
Mount Goodale Mount Goodale {m}
Mount Gow Mount Gow {m}
Mount Gran Mount Gran {m}
Mount Greene Mount Greene {m}
Mount Gunn Mount Gunn {m}
Mount Hager Mount Hager {m}
Mount Hall Mount Hall {m}
Mount Hamilton Mount Hamilton {m}
Mount Harker Mount Harker {m}
Mount Hazlett Mount Hazlett {m}
Mount Hebron Berg {m} Hebron
Mount Hemphill Mount Hemphill {m}
Mount Henson Mount Henson {m}
Mount Herzl Herzlberg {m} [Jerusalem]
Mount Hewson Mount Hewson {m}
Mount Hibok-Hibok [also: Catarman Volcano]Hibok-Hibok {m} [auch: Catarman]
Mount Holdsworth Mount Holdsworth {m}
Mount HomardMount Homard {m}
Mount Hood <Mt. Hood> [Wy'east] Mount Hood {m} [Vulkan, Oregon/USA]
Mount Hooker Mount Hooker {m}
Mount Huggins Mount Huggins {m}
Mount Hussey Mount Hussey {m}
Mount IdaMount Ida {m}
Mount Iraya Iraya {m}
Mount Iriga Vulkan {m} Iriga
Mount Isarog Isarog {m}
Mount Isarog National Park Mount-Isarog-Nationalpark {m}
Mount Isarog shrew-mouse [Archboldomys luzonensis] Isarog-Archboldmaus {f}
Mount Isarog shrewmouse / shrew-mouse / shrew mouse [Archboldomys luzonensis]Mount-Isarog-Spitzmausratte {f}
Mount Isarog striped rat [Chrotomys gonzalesi] Isarog-Streifenratte {f}
Mount Johnstone Mount Johnstone {m}
Mount Kahuzi climbing mouse [Dendromus kahuziensis] Kahuzi-Klettermaus {f}
Mount Kanlaon [also Canlaon](der) Kanlaon {m} [Berg bzw. Vulkan]
Mount Karthala white-eye [Zosterops mouroniensis]Karthalabrillenvogel {m}
Mount Katanglad parrotfinch [Erythrura coloria] Buntkopf-Papageiamadine {f}
Mount Kazbek Kasbek {m}
Mount KeithMount Keith {m}
Mount Kelly Mount Kelly {m}
Mount KempeMount Kempe {m}
Mount Kenya bush viper [Atheris desaixi] Mount-Kenya-Buschviper {f}
Mount Kenya grammomys [Grammomys gigas] Große Buschmaus {f}
Mount Kenya (mole) shrew [Surdisorex polulus] Mount-Kenya-Wühlspitzmaus {f}
Mount Kenyon Mount Kenyon {m}
Mount KilimanjaroKilimandscharo {m}
Mount Kitanglad Vulkan {m} Kitanglad
Mount KorabKorab {m}
Mount Kosciuszko Mount Kosciuszko {m}
Mount Kronos [Greece]Kronoshügel {m}
« motomottmottmoulmoulMounMounMounmounmounmoun »
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English-German dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
Links to this dictionary or to single translations are very welcome! Questions and Answers