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mountain hawk's-beard / hawksbeard [Crepis bocconei, syn.: C. montana, C. pontana, Andryala pontana, Hieracium montanum, Omalocline montana]Berg-Pippau {m}
mountain (health) resort Höhenkurort {m}
mountain height Bergeshöhe {f} [geh.]
mountain heights Bergeshöhen {pl} [poet.]
mountain hemlock [Tsuga mertensiana] Berg-Hemlocktanne {f}
mountain hen [Tinamus major] Großtinamu {m}
mountain hen [Tinamus major]Großtao {m}
mountain hideoutFelsennest {n} [schwer zugängliches Versteck]
mountain hike Bergwanderung {f}
mountain hike Bergtour {f}
mountain hike Gebirgswanderung {f}
mountain hike Höhenwanderung {f}
mountain hikerBergwanderer {m}
mountain hiking Bergwandern {n}
mountain holly [Ilex montana] Berg-Stechpalme {f}
mountain holly fern [Polystichum lonchitis] Lanzenschildfarn / Lanzen-Schildfarn {m}
mountain holly fern [Polystichum lonchitis] Lanzenfarn {m}
mountain horned dragon [genus Acanthosaura]Nackenstachler {m} [Agame]
mountain horned lizard [Phrynosoma orbiculare] Mexikanische Kurzhorn-Krötenechse {f}
mountain hostel Hospiz {n} [schweiz.]
mountain hotel Berghotel {n}
mountain house-leek [Sempervivum montanum](Gewöhnliche) Berg-Hauswurz {f}
mountain howitzer Gebirgshaubitze {f}
mountain hut Baude {f} [ostd.] [Berghütte]
mountain hutBergbaude {f}
mountain hutSchutzhaus {n} [bes. österr.]
mountain hutBerghütte {f}
mountain hut Hospiz {n} [schweiz.] [Herberge bzw. Schutzhütte für Wanderer, Bergsteiger]
mountain hut [offering shelter to mountaineers] Schutzhütte {f}
mountain hut [shelter]Hütte {f} [Berghütte, Schutzhütte]
mountain hut [with quick food and drink] Bergbeiz {f} [südd.] [schweiz.]
mountain illadopsis [Illadopsis pyrrhoptera, syn.: I. pyrrhopterum, I. pyrrhopterus, Trichastoma pyrrhopterum, T. pyrrhopterus] Bergbuschdrossling {m} [auch: Berg-Buschdrossling]
mountain illnessGebirgskrankheit {f}
mountain immortelle [Erythrina poeppigiana]Karibischer Korallenbaum {m}
mountain imperial pigeon [Ducula badia]Fahlbauch-Fruchttaube {f}
mountain imperial pigeon [Ducula badia] Gebirgsfruchttaube {f}
mountain infantryGebirgsjäger {pl}
mountain infantryGebirgsinfanterie {f}
mountain infantry battalion Gebirgsinfanteriebataillon {n}
mountain inhabitants Bergbewohner {pl}
mountain inhabitants Gebirgsbewohner {pl}
mountain inn Berggasthof {m}
mountain inn Berggasthaus {n}
mountain iris [Iris douglasiana] Douglas-Iris {f}
mountain iris [Iris setosa, syn.: I. setosa var. setosa] [Alaska iris]Borsten-Schwertlilie / Borstenschwertlilie {f}
mountain jay [Cyanocitta stelleri]Diademhäher {m}
Mountain JewsBergjuden {pl}
mountain jogBerglauf {m}
mountain junegrass / June grass [Koeleria macrantha, syn.: Koeleria gracilis]Zierliches Schillergras {n}
mountain juniper [Juniperus communis ssp. alpina, syn.: J. communis var. saxatilis] Zwerg-Wacholder / Zwergwacholder {m}
mountain juniper [Juniperus communis ssp. alpina, syn.: J. communis var. saxatilis] Alpen-Wacholder {m}
mountain juniper [Juniperus communis ssp. alpina, syn.: J. communis var. saxatilis] Berg-Wacholder / Bergwacholder {m}
mountain kidney vetch [Anthyllis montana] Berg-Wundklee / Bergwundklee {m}
mountain kingdomBergkönigreich {n}
mountain kingfisher [Syma megarhyncha, syn.: Halcyon megarhyncha]Bergliest {m}
mountain kingsnake [Lampropeltis pyromelana] Berg-Königsnatter {f}
mountain kingsnake [Lampropeltis pyromelana] Arizona-Königsnatter {f}
mountain knotGebirgsknoten {m}
mountain lady fern [Athyrium distentifolium, syn.: A. alpestre] Gebirgsfrauenfarn / Gebirgs-Frauenfarn {m}
mountain lady fern [Athyrium distentifolium, syn.: A. alpestre] Alpen-Waldfarn {m}
mountain lady fern [Athyrium distentifolium, syn.: A. alpestre] Alpen-Frauenfarn {m}
mountain lady's slipper [Cypripedium montanum]Berg-Frauenschuh {m}
mountain lairFelsennest {n} [schwer zugängliches Versteck]
mountain lake Bergsee {m}
mountain lakeGebirgssee {m}
mountain lakes Bergseen {pl}
mountain landscape Berglandschaft {f}
mountain larch Gebirgslärche {f} [Holz]
mountain leaf warbler [Phylloscopus trivirgatus]Südsee-Laubsänger {m}
mountain ledge Vorsprung {m} [Fels, Berg]
mountain lentil [Astragalus penduliflorus, syn.: A. alpinus, Colutea alpina, Phaca alpina, Tragacantha penduliflora]Alpenlinse {f}
mountain lentil [Astragalus penduliflorus, syn.: A. alpinus, Colutea alpina, Phaca alpina, Tragacantha penduliflora]Hänge-Tragant / Hängetragant {m}
mountain lentil [Astragalus penduliflorus, syn.: A. alpinus, Colutea alpina, Phaca alpina, Tragacantha penduliflora] Blasen-Tragant / Blasentragant {m}
mountain lentil [Astragalus penduliflorus, syn.: A. alpinus, Colutea alpina, Phaca alpina, Tragacantha penduliflora]Alpen-Berglinse / Alpenberglinse {f}
mountain lentil [Astragalus penduliflorus, syn.: A. alpinus, Colutea alpina, Phaca alpina, Tragacantha penduliflora] Hängeblüten-Tragant / Hängeblütentragant {m}
mountain lettuce [Lactuca perennis]Blauer Lattich {m}
mountain lettuce [Lactuca perennis] Dauer-Lattich / Dauerlattich {m}
mountain lettuce [Trillium erectum] [birthroot] Aufrechte Waldlilie {f}
mountain lily [Lilium auratum, syn.: L. auratum var. wittei, L. auratum var. virginale](Japanische) Goldband-Lilie / Goldbandlilie {f}
mountain lion [Am.] [Puma concolor]Puma {m}
mountain lion [Am.] [Puma concolor] Berglöwe {m}
mountain lion [Am.] [Puma concolor]Silberlöwe {m}
mountain lizards [genus Phymaturus] Hochgebirgsleguane {pl}
mountain locality Berggegend {f}
mountain locoweed [Astragalus alpinus]Alpen-Tragant {m}
mountain locoweed [Astragalus alpinus] Alpen-Stragel {m}
mountain lodge Berghütte {f}
mountain long-tailed cuckoo [Cercococcyx montanus]Bergkuckuck {m}
mountain lungwort [Pulmonaria montana] Knolliges Lungenkraut {n}
mountain magnolia [Magnolia fraseri] Berg-Magnolie {f}
mountain male fern [Dryopteris oreades] Geröll-Wurmfarn / Geröllwurmfarn {m}
mountain mamushi [Gloydius monticola] Likiang-Mamushi {f}
mountain man beard [coll.] Rübezahlbart {m}
mountain man wannabe [coll.] [hum.] [pej.] Flachlandtiroler {m} [ugs.] [hum.] [pej.]
mountain maple [Acer spicatum]Amerikanischer Bergahorn {m}
mountain maple [Acer spicatum]Vermont-Ahorn {m}
mountain maple [Acer spicatum] Ähren-Ahorn / Ährenahorn {m}
mountain marsh widow [Euplectes psammocromius] Reichenow-Wida {f}
mountain masked apalis [Apalis personata] Kivufeinsänger {m}
mountain massif Gebirgsmassiv {n}
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