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mounting instructionMontageanleitung {f} [Aufbauanweisung]
mounting instructionsMontagehinweise {pl}
mounting kit Befestigungssatz {m}
mounting kit Befestigungskit {n} {m}
mounting kitMontageset {n} {m}
mounting machineBestückautomat {m}
mounting methodBefestigungsart {f}
mounting of the guard [Br.]Wachablöse {f} [österr.]
mounting of the guard [Br.] Wachablösung {f}
mounting option Befestigungsmöglichkeit {f}
mounting panel Montageplatte {f}
mounting part Anbauteil {m}
mounting part Befestigungsteil {n}
mounting partsEinbauteile {pl}
mounting plateAufspannplatte {f}
mounting plate Aufnahmeplatte {f}
mounting plateBefestigungsplatte {f}
mounting plate Montageplatte {f}
mounting plateTrägerplatte {f}
mounting pliers {pl} [one pair] Montagezange {f}
mounting point Befestigungspunkt {m} [Montagepunkt]
mounting point Montagepunkt {m}
mounting portionBefestigungsabschnitt {m}
mounting possibilityBefestigungsmöglichkeit {f}
mounting pressurewachsender Druck {m}
mounting processMontageprozess {m}
mounting profileMontageprofil {n}
mounting protection lidMontageschutzdeckel {m}
mounting rack Montagebock {m}
mounting railMontageleiste {f}
mounting rail Montageschiene {f}
mounting ring Befestigungsring {m}
mounting screwBefestigungsschraube {f}
mounting screw Beschlagschraube {f}
mounting segment Montagesegment {n}
mounting shank [toolholder]Aufnahmeschaft {m} [Werkzeughalter]
mounting shank [toolholder] Aufnahmekegel {m} [Werkzeughalter]
mounting surface Montagefläche {f} [zum Anbau von etw.]
mounting systemMontagesystem {n}
mounting table Aufspannfläche {f}
mounting technologyAufbautechnik {f}
mounting tension Montagespannung {f}
mounting thread Anschlussgewinde {n}
mounting threadAnschluss-Gewinde {n}
mounting timeMontagezeit {f}
mounting torque [less frequent for: tightening torque] Anzugsdrehmoment {n}
mounting type Montageart {f}
mounting wrench Montageschlüssel {m}
(mounting) bracketBügel {m} [längliches Befestigungsteil]
mountings Armaturen {pl}
mountings {pl} Befestigungsmaterial {n}
mountkeithite [(Mg,Ni)11(Fe,Cr,Al)3(OH)24(SO4,CO3)3.5·11H2O]Mountkeithit {m}
mounts Berge {pl}
Mounts Banahaw-San Cristobal National Park Mounts-Banahaw-San-Cristobal-Nationalpark {m}
mountweazel [esp. Am.] [fictitious entry in an encyclopedia]fingierter Lexikonartikel {m} [bes. als Plagiatsfalle]
Mounty [Can.] [coll.] [spv.] [Mountie] [berittener kanadischer Polizist]
Moupin cotoneaster [Cotoneaster moupinensis] Moupin-Zwergmispel {f}
Moupin pika [Ochotona thibetana] Moupin-Pfeifhase {m}
Moupin pika [Ochotona thibetana] Tibetischer Pfeifhase {m}
Moupin pika [Ochotona thibetana] Tibet-Pfeifhase {m}
mourite [UMo5O12(OH)10] Mourit {m}
Mourne Mountains Mourne Mountains {pl}
mourner Leidtragender {m} [in Trauer]
mournerTrauernder {m}
mourner Trauergast {m}
mourner [female] Leidtragende {f} [in Trauer]
mourner [female] Trauernde {f}
mourners Leidtragende {pl} [in Trauer]
mournersTrauergemeinde {f}
mourners Trauernde {pl}
mournful traurig
mournful schwermütig
mournful expression Leichenbittermiene {f} [ugs.]
mournful widow [Scabiosa atropurpurea]Samt-Skabiose {f}
mournfully traurig
mournfully trauervoll
mournfulness Traurigkeit {f}
mourning nachweinend
mourningTrauerarbeit {f}
mourning trauernd
mourning beklagend
mourning Trauerkleidung {f}
mourning Trauer {f}
mourningTrauern {n}
mourning [attr.] [e.g. ceremony, clothes, willow] Trauer- [z. B. Feier, Kleidung, Weide]
mourning bandTrauerflor {m}
Mourning Becomes Electra [Eugene O'Neill] Trauer muß Electra / Elektra tragen
mourning bee Trauerbiene {f}
mourning bellTotenglocke {f}
mourning bride [Scabiosa atropurpurea]Samt-Skabiose {f}
mourning bride [Scabiosa atropurpurea] Samt-Grindkraut {n}
mourning ceremonyTrauerfeier {f}
mourning cloak (butterfly) [Am.] [Nymphalis antiopa] Trauermantel {m} [Schmetterling]
mourning cloak (butterfly) [Am.] [Nymphalis antiopa]Hain-Birken-Salweiden-Prachtfalter {m} [selten]
mourning clothes {pl}Trauerkleidung {f}
« mounmounmounmounmounmounmourmousmousmousmout »
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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