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English-German Dictionary

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mouse melon [Melothria scabra]Mexikanische Minigurke {f}
mouse milk Mäusemilch {f}
mouse modelMausmodell {n}
mouse model Mäusemodell {n}
mouse opossums [genus Marmosa, family Didelphidae] Zwergbeutelratten {pl}
mouse padMausmatte {f}
mouse pad Mausunterlage {f}
mouse pad Mauspad {n}
mouse pad Mousepad {n}
mouse plug Mausstecker {m}
mouse pointerMauscursor {m}
mouse population Mäusepopulation {f}
mouse portMausport {m}
mouse portMaus-Port {m}
mouse portMausanschluss {m}
mouse port Maus-Anschluss {m}
mouse potato [coll.] PC-Hocker {m}
mouse pup Mausjunges {n}
mouse pup Mäusejunges {n}
mouse shrews [genus Myosorex] Afrikanische Waldspitzmäuse {pl}
mouse skullMäuseschädel {m}
mouse socket Mausbuchse {f}
mouse speciesMausart {f}
mouse species Mäuseart {f}
mouse species {pl} Mausarten {pl}
mouse species {pl}Mäusearten {pl}
mouse spider [Scotophaeus blackwalli] Mausspinne {f}
mouse spiders [family Actinopodidae]Falltürspinnen {pl}
mouse studyMäusestudie {f} [Studie an Mäusen]
mouse tapeworm [Hymenolepis diminuta] Mäusebandwurm {m}
mouse teethMäusezähne {pl}
mouse thorn [Ruscus hypoglossum] Zungenmäusedorn {m}
mouse thorn [Ruscus hypoglossum] Hadernblatt {n}
mouse tool Mauswerkzeug {n}
Mouse Tower (on the Rhine) (Binger) Mäuseturm {m}
mouse trapMausefalle {f}
mouse trapMäusefalle {f}
Mouse TV [children's TV series] Die Sendung mit der Maus
mouse warpMaussprung {m}
mouse weasel [Mustela nivalis, syn.: M. rixosa, Putorius rixosus]Kleines Wiesel {n}
mouse weasel [Mustela nivalis, syn.: M. rixosa, Putorius rixosus]Klein-Wiesel / Kleinwiesel {n}
mouse weasel [Mustela nivalis, syn.: M. rixosa, Putorius rixosus] Maus-Wiesel / Mauswiesel {n}
mouse weasel [Mustela nivalis, syn.: M. rixosa, Putorius rixosus]Zwerg-Wiesel / Zwergwiesel {n}
mouse wheel Mausrad {n}
mouse wheel Mausrädchen {n}
(mouse) cursorMauszeiger {m}
(mouse) cursor Mauscursor {m}
(mouse) cursor Mauspfeil {m} [ugs.] [seltener für: Mauszeiger]
(mouse) pointer Mauszeiger {m}
mousebirds [family Coliidae, order Coliiformes]Mausvögel {pl}
mouse-brown shrike-tyrant [Agriornis murinus] Maustyrann {m}
mouse-brown sunbird [Anthreptes gabonicus]Gabunnektarvogel {m}
mouse-colored [Am.]mausgrau
mouse-colored antshrike [Thamnophilus murinus] [Am.] Braunflügel-Ameisenwürger {m}
mouse-colored antshrike [Thamnophilus murinus] [Am.]Silberwollrücken {m}
mouse-colored flycatcher [Am.] [Melaenornis pallidus, syn.: Bradornis infuscatus, B. pallidus] Fahlschnäpper {m}
mouse-colored flycatcher [Am.] [Melaenornis pallidus, syn.: Bradornis infuscatus, B. pallidus] Blasser Drosselschnäpper {m}
mouse-colored (penduline) tit [Anthoscopus musculus] [Am.]Graubeutelmeise {f}
mouse-colored sunbird [Nectarinia/Cyanomitra veroxii] [Am.] Graunektarvogel {m}
mouse-colored tapaculo [Am.] [Scytalopus speluncae] Maustapaculo {m}
mouse-colored thistletail [Am.] [Schizoeaca griseomurina, syn.: Asthenes griseomurina] Olivrücken-Distelschwanz {m}
mouse-colored thistletail [Schizoeaca griseomurina] [Am.] Grau-Distelschwanzschlüpfer {m}
mouse-colored tyrannulet [Am.] [Phaeomyias murina]Brauenfliegenstecher {m}
mouse-coloured [Br.] mausgrau
mouse-coloured antshrike [Thamnophilus murinus] [Br.] Silberwollrücken {m}
mouse-coloured antshrike [Thamnophilus murinus] [Br.]Braunflügel-Ameisenwürger {m}
mouse-coloured flycatcher [Br.] [Melaenornis pallidus, syn.: Bradornis infuscatus, B. pallidus]Fahlschnäpper {m}
mouse-coloured flycatcher [Br.] [Melaenornis pallidus, syn.: Bradornis infuscatus, B. pallidus]Blasser Drosselschnäpper {m}
mouse-coloured (penduline) tit [Anthoscopus musculus] [Br.] Graubeutelmeise {f}
mouse-coloured sunbird [Nectarinia/Cyanomitra veroxii] [Br.] Graunektarvogel {m}
mouse-coloured thistletail [Schizoeaca griseomurina] [Br.]Grau-Distelschwanzschlüpfer {m}
mouse-coloured tyrannulet [Br.] [Phaeomyias murina] Brauenfliegenstecher {m}
mouse-ear chickweed [Cerastium arvense]Acker-Hornkraut {n}
mouse-ear chickweed [Cerastium fontanum subsp. vulgare, C. caespitosum, C. fontanum subsp. triviale, C. holosteoides, C. triviale, C. vulgatum] Quellen-Hornkraut / Quellenhornkraut {n}
mouse-ear chickweed [Cerastium fontanum subsp. vulgare, C. caespitosum, C. fontanum subsp. triviale, C. holosteoides, C. triviale, C. vulgatum] Gemeines Hornkraut {n}
mouse-ear chickweed [Cerastium fontanum subsp. vulgare, C. caespitosum, C. fontanum subsp. triviale, C. holosteoides, C. triviale, C. vulgatum]Gewöhnliches Hornkraut {n}
mouse-ear chickweed [Cerastium glomeratum]Knäuel-Hornkraut / Knäuelhornkraut {n}
mouse-ear chickweed [Cerastium glomeratum]Knäuelblütiges Hornkraut {n}
mouse-ear chickweed [Cerastium spp.] Hornkraut {n}
mouse-ear cress [Arabidopsis thaliana, syn.: Arabis thaliana, Sisymbrium thalianum, Stenophragma thalianum]Kleine Ackerschmalwand {f}
mouse-ear cress [Arabidopsis thaliana, syn.: Arabis thaliana, Sisymbrium thalianum, Stenophragma thalianum] Acker-Schotenkresse / Ackerschotenkresse {f}
mouse-ear cress [Arabidopsis thaliana]Acker-Schmalwand {f}
mouse-ear cress [Arabidopsis thaliana] Schotenkresse {f}
mouse-ear cress [Arabidopsis thaliana]Gänserauke {f}
mouse-ear hawkweed [Hieracium pilosella, syn.: Pilosella officinarum] Kleines Habichtskraut {n}
mouse-ear hawkweed [Hieracium pilosella, syn.: Pilosella officinarum]Mausohr-Habichtskraut {n}
mouse-ear hawkweed [Hieracium pilosella, syn.: Pilosella officinarum]Mäuseohr {n}
mouse-eared alexia [Myosotella myosotis, syn.: Auricula myosotis, Ovatella myosotis] Mäuseöhrchen {n} [Landschnecke]
mouse-eared bat species [bats of the genus Myotis] Mausohrarten {pl} [Fledermäuse der Gattung Myotis] [auch: Mausohr-Arten]
mouse-eared bats [genus Myotis]Mausohren {pl} [Fledermäuse der Gattung Myotis]
mouse-eared bats [genus Myotis] Mausohrfledermäuse {pl}
mouse-eared combretum [Combretum hereroense]Mausohr-Langfaden {m}
mouse-eared snail [Myosotella myosotis, syn.: Auricula myosotis, Ovatella myosotis] Mäuseöhrchen {n} [Landschnecke]
mouse-gray [Am.] mausgrau
mouse-grey [Br.]mausgrau
mousehole Mauseloch {n}
mousehole [oil drilling rig] Mousehole {n} [Erdölfördertechnik]
mousehole tree [Myoporum laetum] Freudige Drüsenpflanze {f}
Mouseion [at Alexandria]Museion {n}
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Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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