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English-German Dictionary

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mouth-blown mundgeblasen [Glas]
mouthbreather [coll.] [idiot] Volltrottel {m} [ugs.] [pej.]
mouthbrooder Maulbrüter {m}
mouthbrooding Maulbrüten {n}
mouthfeelMundgefühl {n}
mouthful Mundvoll {m}
mouthful Mund {m} voll [Rsv.]
mouthful Bissen {m}
mouthful by mouthfulbissenweise [essen]
mouthful expectorationmaulvolle Expektoration {f} [großvolumiger / geschichteter Auswurf]
mouthful of sputum maulvoller Auswurf {m} [bei Bronchiektasen]
mouthgag Mundknebel {m}
mouthgasm [Am.] [sl.] Geschmacksorgasmus {m} [ugs.] [besonders leckeres Essen]
mouthguard [gumshield]Mundschutz {m}
mouthguard [used in the treatment of bruxism] Zahnschiene {f} [Aufbissschiene]
mouth-hole Mundloch {n}
mouthie [Scot.] [coll.] Mündchen {n}
mouthless crab [Gecarcinus quadratus]Halloweenkrabbe {f}
mouthlike mundähnlich
mouthlike mundartig
mouthorgan Mundharmonika {f}
mouth-organ Mundharmonika {f}
mouthorgan Fotzhobel {m} [österr.] [bayer.] [ugs.] [Mundharmonika]
mouthparts Mundwerkzeuge {pl}
mouthpiece Mundschutz {m}
mouthpiece Sprechmuschel {f}
mouthpiece Instrumentenmundstück {n}
mouthpiece [also fig.] Sprachrohr {n} [auch fig.]
mouthpiece [Am.] [sl.] [lawyer, esp. defense lawyer] Rechtsanwalt {m}
mouthpiece [e.g. on a wind instrument, a bridle, or a tobacco pipe] Mundstück {n}
mouthpiece bag Mundstücktasche {f}
mouthpiece brush [wind instrument] Mundstückbürste {f} [Blasinstrument]
mouthpiece cleaner [wind instrument] Mundstückreiniger {m} [Blasinstrument-Pflegemittel]
mouthpiece cushion [for a wind instrument] Bissplättchen {n} [für das Mundstück eines Blasinstrumentes]
mouthpiece for an oral douche Mundstück {n} für eine Munddusche
mouthpiece patch [for a wind instrument]Bissplättchen {n} [für das Mundstück eines Blasinstrumentes]
mouthpiece receiver [trumpets]Mundstückaufnahme {f} [Trompeten]
mouthpiecesMundstücke {pl}
mouthrinse Mundwasser {n}
mouth-root / mouth root [Coptis trifolia, syn. Coptis groenlandica] [goldthread]Goldfaden {m}
mouthsMünder {pl}
mouthsMäuler {pl}
Mouths are flapping all over town. [coll.]Alle Leute in der Stadt sprechen davon.
mouths to feed [coll.] [children]durchzufütternde Kinder {pl} [ugs.]
mouth-to-mask ventilationMund-zu-Maske-Beatmung {f}
mouth-to-mouth and nose ventilation Mund-zu-Mund-und-Nase-Beatmung {f}
mouth-to-mouth insufflation Mund-zu-Mund-Beatmung {f}
mouth-to-mouth kissMund-zu-Mund-Kuss {m}
mouth-to-mouth respiration Mund-zu-Mund-Beatmung {f}
mouth-to-mouth resuscitation Mund-zu-Mund-Beatmung {f}
mouth-to-mouth resuscitation Atemspende {f}
mouth-to-nose insufflation Mund-zu-Nase-Beatmung {f}
mouth-to-nose resuscitation Mund-zu-Nase-Beatmung {f}
mouth-to-nose ventilationMund-zu-Nase-Beatmung {f}
mouthwash Mundwasser {n}
mouthwash solution Mundspüllösung {f}
mouth-watering schmackhaft
mouthy [coll.]großmäulig [ugs.] [pej.]
mouthy [coll.] großschnäuzig [salopp]
mouthy [coll.]großschnauzig [salopp]
mouthy [coll.] großmundig
mouvementé lebhaft
movabilityBeweglichkeit {f}
movability Verschieblichkeit {f}
movability [transportability]Transportfähigkeit {f} [z. B. eines Kranken, einer Ware etc.]
movable beweglich
movable verschiebbar
movable bewegbar
movable ortsbeweglich
movable mitfahrend [Sender, Empfänger, Bolzen usw.]
movable wegfahrbar [bewegbar, verfahrbar]
movable [e.g. furniture] verrückbar [z. B. Möbel]
movable [e.g. table top] verfahrbar [beweglich]
movable [furniture] beweglicher Einrichtungsgegenstand {m}
movable bridge for road trafficbewegliche Brücke {f} für den Straßenverkehr
movable equipment {sg}bewegliche Gerätschaften {pl}
movable feast bewegliches Fest {n} [wie Ostern]
movable feast beweglicher Feiertag {m} [wie Ostern]
movable feastbeweglicher Festtag {m} [wie Ostern]
movable goodsbewegliche Güter {pl}
movable goods {pl}bewegliches Gut {n}
movable guard [ISO 12100] bewegliche trennende Schutzeinrichtung {f} [ISO 12100]
movable holiday beweglicher Feiertag {m}
movable kidney [Ren mobilis, Ren migrans] Wanderniere {f}
movable maxillarybeweglicher Oberkiefer {m}
movable part bewegliches Teil {n}
movable parts bewegliche Teile {pl}
movable piece of scenery Versatzstück {n}
movable plate bewegliche Platte {f}
movable property bewegliche Habe {f}
movable propertyfahrende Habe {f} [geh.] [veraltet]
movable property {sg} Effekten {pl} [bes. schweiz.] [sonst veraltet: bewegliche Habe]
movable property {sg} bewegliche Güter {pl}
movable scaffolding system <MSS> Vorschubrüstung {f}
movable scaffolding system <MSS> Vorschubgerüst {n}
movable tangible property {sg} bewegliche körperliche Gegenstände {pl}
movable thing either lost or stolen abhanden gekommene Sache {f} [alt]
« mounmourmousmousmousmoutmovamovemovimovimovi »
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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