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« backPage 541 for words starting with M in the English-German dictionarynext page »
movie buff [esp. Am.] Filmfan {m}
movie buff [esp. Am.] Filmfreak {m}
movie buff [esp. Am.] [female] Cineastin {f} [begeisterte Kinogängerin, Filmkennerin]
movie businessFilmwirtschaft {f}
movie business [Am.]Filmgeschäft {n}
movie business [esp. Am.]Filmbranche {f}
movie camera Filmkamera {f}
movie careerLeinwandkarriere {f} [ugs.]
movie careerFilmkarriere {f}
movie channel Filmkanal {m}
movie characterFilmfigur {f}
movie cliché [esp. Am.] Filmklischee {n}
movie collection Filmsammlung {f}
movie contract [Am.]Filmvertrag {m}
movie critic Filmkritiker {m}
movie date [Am.]Kinodate {n}
movie director [Am.]Filmregisseur {m}
movie director [female] [Am.]Filmregisseurin {f}
movie experienceFilmerlebnis {n}
movie fan [esp. Am.]Filmfan {m} [ugs.]
movie fansFilmliebhaber {pl}
movie festival [Am.] Filmfest {n}
movie for young peopleJugendfilm {m}
movie greatsFilmgrößen {pl}
movie guy [Am.] [also: guy in the movies] Filmfritze {m} [Filmfachmann] [ugs.] [hum.]
movie guy [Am.] [movie specialist]alter Filmhase {m} [ugs.] [hum.] [Filmfachmann]
movie hall [esp. Am.] Kino {n}
movie hero [esp. Am.]Filmheld {m}
movie heroes [esp. Am.] Filmhelden {pl}
movie icon Filmikone {f}
movie industry Filmbranche {f}
movie industry Filmwirtschaft {f}
movie industry [Am.]Filmgeschäft {n}
movie industry [Am.]Filmindustrie {f}
movie industry [Am.]Spielfilmindustrie {f}
movie legend Filmlegende {f}
movie luminaries [esp. Am.] Filmstars {pl}
movie magazine Filmmagazin {n} [Zeitschrift]
movie magazine Filmzeitschrift {f}
movie maker [esp. Am.] Filmemacher {m}
movie maker [female] [esp. Am.]Filmemacherin {f}
movie make-up Film-Schminke {f}
movie make-up Filmschminke {f}
movie make-upFilm-Make-up {n}
movie mogul Filmzar {m}
movie music [Am.] Filmmusik {f}
movie news [Am.]Filmnachrichten {pl}
movie nightFilmabend {m}
movie night Kinoabend {m}
movie night [Am.] Kinonacht {f}
movie nutFilmnarr {m}
movie people [coll.] Filmleute {pl} [Filmfachleute] [ugs.]
movie piracy [Am.]Filmpiraterie {f}
movie posterKinoplakat {n}
movie poster Filmplakat {n}
movie poster collection Filmplakatsammlung {f}
movie premiere [Am.] Filmpremiere {f}
movie previewFilmvorschau {f}
movie producer [Am.] Filmproduzent {m}
movie productionFilmproduktion {f}
movie projector Filmprojektor {m}
movie quote Filmzitat {n}
movie quotesFilmzitate {pl}
movie rating Altersfreigabe {f}
movie rental store [Am.]Videothek {f}
movie review Filmrezension {f}
movie reviewsFilmkritiken {pl}
movie reviewsFilmrezensionen {pl}
movie rights Filmrechte {pl}
movie role [Am.] Kinorolle {f}
movie role [Am.] Filmrolle {f} [eines Schauspielers bzw. einer Schauspielerin]
movie scene [esp. Am.]Filmszene {f}
movie score Filmmusik {f}
movie screenKinoleinwand {f}
movie screen Filmleinwand {f}
movie script [esp. Am.]Drehbuch {n}
movie script [esp. Am.] Filmskript {n}
movie setFilmset {n}
movie settings [camera settings] Filmeinstellungen {pl}
movie show [Am.] Kinovorstellung {f} [Filmvorführung im Kino]
movie sound effect Filmgeräusch {n}
movie starFilmstar {m}
movie star Filmgröße {f} [(männlicher oder weiblicher) Filmstar]
movie star Leinwandgröße {f} [Filmstar]
movie star Kinostar {m}
movie stars Filmgrößen {pl}
Movie State [nickname] [California] Kalifornien {n} [selten: Film-Staat als Spitzname]
movie studio [Am.] Filmwerkstatt {f}
movie theater [Am.]Kino {n} [Gebäude]
movie theater [Am.]Filmtheater {n}
movie theater [Am.] Lichtspieltheater {n} [veraltend]
movie theater advertising [Am.] Kinowerbung {f}
movie theater owner [Am.]Kinobesitzer {m}
movie theater owner [female] [Am.] Kinobesitzerin {f}
movie theaters [Am.] Lichtspielhäuser {pl}
movie theaters [Am.]Kinos {pl}
movie theatreFilmtheater {n} [Kino]
movie ticket [Am.]Kinokarte {f}
movie ticket [Am.] Kinoticket {n}
movie tie-in book Buch {n} zum Film
« mousmousmoutmovamovemovimovimoviMozaMr.PMs.B »
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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