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Mudéjar ArchitectureMudéjar-Architektur {f}
mudéjar styleMudéjarstil {m}
mudfish [Clarias anguillaris] Aalraubwels {m}
mudfish [Clarias gariepinus]Aalbüschelwels {m}
mudflap Schmutzfänger {m}
mudflat Watt {n}
mudflat Wattenmeer {n}
mudflat organismsWattorganismen {pl}
mudflats {pl} Schlickwatt {n}
mudflowMure {f}
mudflow Schlammstrom {m}
mudflow Murenabgang {m}
mudflowSchlammlawine {f}
mudflow Rüfe {f} [schweiz.] [westösterr.]
mudgerabah [Acacia melanoxylon] [Australian blackwood] Schwarzholz-Akazie {f} [auch: Schwarzholzakazie] [Australisches Schwarzholz]
mudgerabah [Acacia melanoxylon] [Australian blackwood] Australisches Schwarzholz {n}
mudgrip tire [Am.] Matschreifen {m}
mudguard Kotflügel {m}
mudguard Kotblech {n}
mudguard [Br.] Schutzblech {n} [Fahrrad]
mudguard [splash guard]Spritzschutz {m}
mudguards Kotflügel {pl}
mudhead [Am.] [sl.]Depp {m} [ugs.]
mudhole [spv.] Schlammloch {n}
mud-honey {sg} [fig.] [rare] weltliche Freuden {pl}
mud-hopper [Periophthalmus barbarus, syn.: Gobius barbarus] Schmetterlings-Schlammspringer {m}
mud-hopper [Periophthalmus barbarus, syn.: Gobius barbarus] Atlantischer Schlammspringer {m}
mud-hopper [Periophthalmus barbarus, syn.: Gobius barbarus]Afrikanischer Schlammspringer {m}
mudir [local Arab governor] Mudir {m}
mudlark[Armer, der in Schlamm und Schmutz nach Kohlen, Schrott etc. sucht]
mudlark [fig.]Gassenjunge {m}
mudlark [Grallina cyanoleuca]Drosselstelze {f}
mudlark [sl.] [pej.] [rare] Schmutzfink {m} [ugs.] [bes. Kind]
mudlarker [Br.] [Person, die im Uferschlamm der Themse nach Wertgegenständen sucht]
mudminnows [family Umbridae] Hundsfische {pl}
mudpuppies [family Proteidae] Olme {pl}
mudra Mudra {f}
mudrock Tonstein {m}
mudrockTongestein {n}
mudroom [Am.] Dreckschleuse {f} [ugs.] [im Hauseingang bzw. ein Nebenraum]
mudroom [Am.] Vorraum {m} [vor dem eigentlichen Flur]
muds Schlamme {pl}
mudskipper [Periophthalmus]Schlammspringer {m}
mud-skipper goby [Periophthalmus argentilineatus] Ostafrika-Schlammspringer {m}
mud-skipper goby [Periophthalmus argentilineatus]Silberlinien-Schlammspringer {m}
mudslideSchlammlawine {f}
mudslide Mure {f}
mudslideMurgang {m}
mudslides Schlammlawinen {pl}
mudslingerVerleumder {m}
mud-slinger Dreckschleuder {f} [ugs.]
mudslingers Verleumder {pl}
mudslingingBeschmutzung {f}
mud-slinging Schlechtmacherei {f}
mudslinging [fig.]Schlammschlacht {f} [fig.]
mud-slinging [fig.] Verunglimpfung {f}
mud-slinging [fig.] Schlammschlacht {f} [fig.]
mud-smeared schlammverschmiert
mudsnakes [family Homalopsidae] Wassertrugnattern {pl}
mudstone Schlammstein {m}
mudstone Schlammgestein {n}
mudstream Mure {f}
mudstreamSchlammstrom {m}
mud-walled houseLehmhaus {n}
mud-walled hut Lehmhütte {f}
mud-wrestling Schlammschlacht {f}
Muehrcke's lines [changes in the fingernail, non-specific appearance] Muehrcke-Linien {pl}
Mueller matrixMüller-Matrix {f}
Mueller's black-headed snake [Micrelaps muelleri](Muellers) Erdviper {f}
Mueller's bristle-mouth fish [Maurolicus muelleri]Lachshering {m}
Mueller's calypogeia [Calypogeia muelleriana]Müllers Bartkelchmoos {n}
Mueller's crown snake [Aspidomorphus muelleri] Lamantsiro-Kronenschlange {f}
Mueller's glassfish [Ambassis agassizii]Agassiz' Glasbarsch {m}
Mueller's ground-viper [Micrelaps muelleri] (Muellers) Erdviper {f}
Mueller's parrot [Tanygnathus everetti, syn.: Tanygnathus sumatranus everetti] Everettpapagei {m}
Mueller's pearlside [Maurolicus muelleri] Lachshering {m}
Mueller's pouchwort [Calypogeia muelleriana] Müllers Bartkelchmoos {n}
Mueller's rat [Sundamys muelleri]Müller-Sunda-Riesenratte {f}
Mueller's sundamys [Sundamys muelleri]Müller-Sunda-Riesenratte {f}
Mueller's two-headed snake [Micrelaps muelleri](Muellers) Erdviper {f}
Mueller's wren-babbler / wren babbler [Napothera marmorata, syn.: Turdinus marmorata, T. marmoratus]Marmortimalie {f} [auch: Marmor-Timalie]
Muenster (cheese) [esp. Br.] [also spelled muenster, Munster, munster or Münster] [munster-géromé]Münster {m} [auch Munster] [Münsterkäse]
Muenster yellow-toothed cavy [Galea monasteriensis]Münstersches Meerschweinchen {n}
muesli Müsli {n}
muesli Müesli {n} [schweiz.]
muesli barMüsliriegel {m}
muesli bowl Müslischale {f}
muesli effectMüsli-Effekt {m}
muesli freak [coll.] Körnerfresser {m} [hum.]
muesli-freak [coll.] Körndlfresser {m} [österr.] [südd.] [ugs.]
muezzinMuezzin {m}
muff Muff {m}
muff [coll.] [pej.] [bungler] Stümper {m} [pej.]
muff [female] [coll.] [bungler] Stümperin {f}
muff [sl.]Schambehaarung {f}
muff couplingMuffenkupplung {f}
muff couplingSchalenkupplung {f}
muff pistolTaschenpistole {f} [z. B. Derringer]
muffaletta sandwich [muffuletta sandwich] Muffuletta-Sandwich {n} {m}
« muchmuckmucomucumudsMudémuffmuggmulcmullmult »
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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