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English-German Dictionary

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mucous cyst Schleimzyste {f}
mucous fold Schleimhautfalte {f}
mucous folds of rectum [Columnae anales] Schleimhautfalten {pl} des Analkanals [Analsäulen]
mucous folds of rectum [Columnae anales] Analpapillen {pl}
mucous gland Schleimdrüse {f}
mucous granulomaSchleimgranulom {n}
mucous granuloma traumatische Schleimzyste {f} [Schleimgranulom]
mucous layerSchleimschicht {f}
mucous lining Schleimhaut {f}
mucous membrane [Tunica mucosa] Schleimhaut {f}
mucous membrane electrode Schleimhautelektrode {f}
mucous membrane of the oral cavity Mundschleimhaut {f}
mucous membrane of the small intestineDünndarmschleimhaut {f}
mucous membranes [Tunicae mucosae]Schleimhäute {pl}
mucous membranes of the mouthSchleimhäute {pl} des Mundes
mucous retention cyst Schleimretentionszyste {f}
mucous secretion Schleimabsonderung {f}
mucous tumor <MT> [Am.]muzinöser Tumor {m}
mucous tumour <MT> [Br.]muzinöser Tumor {m}
mucous wall Schleimwall {m} [z. B. gegen Selbstverdauung]
mucoviscidosisMukoviszidose {f}
mucro [a short sharp point at the end of a part or organ]Stachelspitze {f}
mucronate stachelspitzig
mucronate amaranth [Amaranthus quitensis]Quito-Fuchsschwanz {m}
Mucurubá spindle snake [Atractus mijaresi] Mucurubá-Spindelnatter {f}
mucusSchleim {m}
mucus Mukus {m}
mucus barrier Schleimbarriere {f}
mucus bubble Schleimblase {f}
mucus plug Schleimpfropf {m}
mucus-dissolving schleimlösend
mucus-ridden mit Schleim versetzt
mudSchlamm {m}
mudSchmutz {m}
mud Dreck {m}
mudMorast {m}
mudMud {m} [nordd.]
mudSchlick {m}
mud Mudd {m} [nordd.]
mudModder {m} [ugs.] [nordd.]
mudMur {m} [alemannisch]
mudMatsch {m} [ugs.]
mudFließerde {f}
mudMudde {f}
mud Baaz {m} [bayer.] [österr.]
mud [building material] Lehm {m}
mud additiveSpülungszusatz {m}
mud and snow tyre <M+S> [Br.]M+S-Reifen {m}
mud architecture Lehmarchitektur {f}
mud bathSchlammbad {n}
mud bathSchlickbad {n}
mud bathsMoorbäder {pl}
mud bithynia [Bithynia tentaculata, syn.: Bulimus tentaculatus] Gemeine Schnauzenschnecke {f} [Süßwasserschneckenart]
mud boat Baggerschute {f}
mud brickLehmziegel {m}
mud brick pyramidLehmziegelpyramide {f}
mud cat [Am.] [Pylodictis olivaris] [flathead catfish] Katzenwels {m}
mud catshark [Bythaelurus lutarius] Morast-Katzenhai {m}
mud crab [Scylla serrata] Schlammkrabbe {f}
mud crab [Scylla serrata]Mangrovenkrabbe {f}
mud crabs [family Xanthidae] Rundkrabben {pl}
mud domeSchlammvulkan {m}
mud dwelling amphipod [Corophium volutator, syn.: C. grossipes, C. longicorne, Gammarus longicornis]Schlickkrebs {m}
mud dwelling amphipod [Corophium volutator, syn.: C. grossipes, C. longicorne, Gammarus longicornis] Wattenkrebs {m}
mud dwelling amphipod [Corophium volutator, syn.: C. grossipes, C. longicorne, Gammarus longicornis]Wattkrebs {m}
mud eel [family Heterenchelyidae] Schlammaal {m}
mud eel [Siren intermedia] [lesser siren] Kleiner Armmolch {m}
mud eel [Siren lacertina] [greater siren]Großer Armmolch {m}
mud eels [family Heterenchelyidae]Schlammaale {pl}
mud fever [bluecomb / blue comb disease] Blaukammkrankheit {f} [Coronavirus-Enteritis der Puten]
mud fever [caused by Dermatophilus congolensis]Mauke {f}
mud fightSchlammschlacht {f}
mud flap Schmutzfänger {m}
mud flap [rubber splash guard]Schmutzlappen {m} [Spritzfänger]
mud flap [splash guard] Spritzlappen {m}
mud flats {pl}Watt {n}
mud flats {pl} Wattenmeer {n}
mud flats {pl} Schlickwatt {n}
mud floorLehmboden {m} [Fußboden]
mud grip tire [Am.] Matschreifen {m}
mud guard Schmutzfänger {m}
mud guard (wing)Kotflügel {m}
mud hole Schlammloch {n}
mud hose [drilling rig]Kelly-Schlauch {m} [Rotary-Bohrverfahren]
mud hut Lehmhütte {f}
mud iguana [Siren lacertina] Großer Armmolch {m}
mud lamprey [Lampetra fluviatilis, syn.: L. opisthodon, Ammocoetes communis, Petromyzon argenteus, P. branchialis, P. fluviatilis, P. macrops] Fluss-Neunauge / Flussneunauge {n}
mud lighterBaggerschute {f}
mud mask Schlammpackung {f} [Schlammmaske]
mud mat Schlammmatte / Schlamm-Matte {f}
mud mound Schlammhügel {m}
Mud, Muck and Dead Things [Ann Granger] Stadt, Land, Mord
mud oyster [Br.] [Ostrea edulis] [European flat oyster] Europäische Auster {f}
mud oyster [Br.] [Ostrea edulis] [European flat oyster] Gemeine Auster {f}
mud oyster [Br.] [Ostrea edulis] [European flat oyster]Essbare Auster {f} [Europäische Auster]
mud pack Fangopackung {f}
mud packSchlammpackung {f}
mud period Schlammperiode {f}
mud pieKuchen {m} [aus Sand, Erde etc.]
mud pit Schlammgrube {f}
« MrRiMt.)muchmuckmucomucomudpmuddMuelmugtMula »
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Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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