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mug [esp. Br.] [sl.] [often pej.] [face]Visage {f} [salopp] [pej.] [Gesicht]
mug [jug] Krug {m}
mug [Scot.] Mist {m} [leichter Nebel]
mug [sl.] [face]Fresse {f} [derb] [Gesicht]
mug [sl.] [human face]Ponem {n} [österr.] [ugs.] [menschliches Gesicht]
mug [sl.] [pej.] [face]Gefrieß {n} [ugs.] [österr.] [südd.] [pej.] [Gesicht]
mug [sl.] [face]Gfrieß {n} [österr.] [südd.] [ugs. und pej: Gesicht]
mug of ale [light, top-fermented beer] Krug {m} Bier [helles, obergäriges Bier]
mug of beer Krug {m} Bier
mug of coffee with milk Häferlkaffee {m} [österr.]
mug shot [coll.] Fahndungsfoto {n}
mug shot [coll.] Polizeifoto {n}
mug shot [coll.for: booking photograph]erkennungsdienstliches Foto {n}
mug shot [sl.]Verbrecherfoto {n}
mug shot [sl.] Kopfbild {n}
mug shots [sl.]Verbrecherfotos {pl}
mug treeTassenständer {m}
mug tree Becherbaum {m}
mugeariteMugearit {m}
muggedauf offener Straße überfallen
mugger [Am.] [Can.]Grimassenschneider {m} [Spaßmacher]
mugger [coll.] Straßenräuber {m}
mugger (crocodile) [Crocodylus palustris]Sumpfkrokodil {n}
muggiest schwülste
muggily schwül
mugginessMuffigkeit {f}
mugginessSchwüle {f}
muggingÜberfall {m} [auf offener Straße]
mugging [category of crime]Straßenraub {m}
mugging [incident]Raubüberfall {m} [auf der Straße]
muggingsÜberfälle {pl}
muggins [Br.] [coll.] Blödmann {m} [ugs.]
muggins [Br.] [coll.]Trottel {m} [ugs.]
muggins [Br.] [coll.]Narr {m}
muggins [Br.] [coll.] [pej.] Tölpel {m} [ugs.] [pej.] [Idiot]
muggins! [interjection in cribbage] Töffel! [Ausruf beim Cribbage-Spiel]
muggle [coll.] technischer Analphabet {m}
muggle [Harry Potter] Muggel {m} [jd., der nicht zaubern kann]
muggle [person unfamiliar with geocaching]Muggel {m} [Person, die nicht über Geocaching Bescheid weiß]
muggle [sl.] [obs.] [marijuana cigarette]Joint {m}
muggled [vandalized or stolen (cache)] [geocaching] gemuggelt [zerstört oder gestohlen (Geocache)] [Geocaching]
muggy feuchtwarm
muggygewittrig [feuchtwarm, schwül]
muggy feucht und stickig
muggy [heat]drückend [Hitze]
muggy [weather]schwül [Wetter]
muggy weatherschwüles Wetter {n}
Mughal Mogul {m}
Mughal EmpireMogulreich {n}
Mughal Empire Mughal-Reich {n}
mugimaki flycatcher [Ficedula mugimaki] Mugimakischnäpper {m}
mugo pine [Pinus mugo mugo]Legföhre {f}
mugo pine [Pinus mugo] Bergkiefer {f}
mugs Krüge {pl}
mugs [cups]Haferln {pl} [österr.] [ugs.] [Tassen]
mugs [cups] Häferln {pl} [österr.] [ugs.] [Tassen]
mugshotVerbrecherfoto {n}
mugshot [coll.] erkennungsdienstliches Foto {n}
mugshot [coll.] Polizeifoto {n}
mugshot [sl.]Porträtfoto {n} [eines mutmaßlichen Verbrechers]
mugwort [Artemisia absinthium] Absinth {m}
mugwort [Artemisia absinthium]Alsem {m} [Wermutkraut]
mugwort [Artemisia absinthium] Wurmkraut {n} [Wermutkraut]
mugwort [Artemisia absinthium]Heilbitter {m} [Wermutkraut]
mugwort [Artemisia douglasiana] Amerikanisches Moxakraut {n}
mugwort [Artemisia douglasiana] Traumkraut {n}
mugwort [Artemisia douglasiana]Präriebeifuß {m}
mugwort [Artemisia vulgaris] Beifuß {m}
mugwort [Artemisia vulgaris] Gänsekraut {n}
mugwort [genus Artemisia] Stabwurz {m}
mugwort [genus Artemisia] Wermut {m}
mugwort [Tanacetum vulgare, syn.: Chrysanthemum vulgare]Rainfarn {m}
mugwort [Tanacetum vulgare, syn.: Chrysanthemum vulgare] Wurmkraut {n} [Rainfarn]
mugwort looper [Ascotis selenaria, syn.: Boarmia selenaria] [moth] Großer Augenspanner {m} [Nachtfalterspezies]
mugwort looper [Ascotis selenaria, syn.: Boarmia selenaria] [moth]Mondfleck-Rindenspanner {m}
mugwort looper [Ascotis selenaria, syn.: Boarmia selenaria] [moth]Schlehenhecken-Grauspanner {m}
mugwort looper [Ascotis selenaria, syn.: Boarmia selenaria] [moth]Beifuß-Baumspanner {m}
mugwort looper [Ascotis selenaria, syn.: Boarmia selenaria] [moth] Trockenrasenspanner {m}
mugworts [genus Artemisia]Edelrauten {pl}
mugwump Einzelgänger {m}
mugwump Unabhängiger {m}
mugwump Parteiloser {m}
mugwumphohes Tier {n} [ugs.]
Muhajirun Muhadschirun {pl}
Muhammad Mohammed {m}
Muhammad Ali dynasty [1805-1953]Dynastie {f} des Muhammad Ali
Muhammad cartoons [satirical cartoons depicting the Prophet Muhammad that sparked outrage around the Muslim world]Mohammed-Karikaturen {pl}
Muhammadan [archaic] mohammedanisch
Muhammadan [dated]Mohammedaner {m} [ugs.] [veraltend]
Mühlviertel district rabbit hunt [Nazi war crime] Mühlviertler Hasenjagd {f}
Muir Glacier Muir-Gletscher {m}
Muir Woods National Monument Muir Woods National Monument {n}
Muirhead's inequationMuirhead-Ungleichung {f}
muirite [Ba10Ca2MnTiSi10O30(OH,Cl,F)10]Muirit {m}
Muir-Torre syndrome <MTS> Muir-Torre-Syndrom {n} <MTS>
mujaheddin {pl} Mudschaheddin {pl}
« mucomucomudhmuddmudsmug[mujamulgMullmultmult »
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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