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English-German Dictionary

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museum of popular artVolkskundemuseum {n}
museum of popular artVolkskunstmuseum {n}
Museum of Pre- and Early History Museum {n} für Vor- und Frühgeschichte
museum of the artsKunstmuseum {n}
Museum of Tyrolese Popular Art Tiroler Volkskundemuseum {n}
museum opening hoursMuseumsöffnungszeiten {pl}
museum pedagogy [relatively rare] Museumspädagogik {f}
museum personnel Museumsmitarbeiter {pl}
museum piece [also hum.] Museumsstück {n} [auch hum.]
museum project Museumsprojekt {n}
museum quality Museumqualität {f}
museum quarter Museumsviertel {n}
museum shipMuseumsschiff {n}
museum shopMuseumsladen {m}
museum shop Museumsshop {m}
museum specimen Museumsexemplar {n}
museum staff {sg} Museumsmitarbeiter {pl}
museum storeMuseumsladen {m}
museum studies {pl}Museumswissenschaft {f}
museum terraceMuseumsterrasse {f}
museum ticket desk Museumskasse {f}
museum ticket officeMuseumskasse {f}
museum tour Museumsführung {f}
museum tour guideMuseumsführer {m}
museum tour guide [female]Museumsführerin {f}
museum type Museumstyp {m}
museum vesselMuseumsschiff {n}
museum visit Museumsbesuch {m}
museum visitorMuseumsbesucher {m}
museum visitor [female] Museumsbesucherin {f}
museum watchman Museumswächter {m}
museum workMuseumsarbeit {f}
museumite [Pb2(Pb,Sb)2S8 [Te,Au]2] Museumit {m}
museumizationMusealisierung {f}
museumsMuseen {pl}
museum's director Museumsleiter {m}
museum's director [female]Museumsleiterin {f}
mushMus {n} [regional auch {m}]
mush Pampe {f}
mush Papp {m} [regional] [Brei]
mush Brei {m}
mush(sentimentaler) Schmalz {m} [ugs.]
mush Matsch {m} [Brei]
mush [Br.] [coll.]Visage {f}
mush [Br.] [sl.] alter Freund {m}
mush [Br.] [sl.]Gesicht {n} [insbesondere der Mund]
mush [coll.] [song, way of singing]Schmalz {n} [ugs.] [Schnulze, Art zu singen]
mush [mushy matter] Mansch {m} [ugs.] [pej.]
mush area Störungsgebiet {n}
mush oak [Quercus lobata] Kalifornische Weiß-Eiche {f}
mushbite Bissprobe {f} in Wachsplatte [oder in Kunststoff-/Silikon-Behelfe]
mushbiteQuetschbiss {m} auf Wachsplatte [zur Bissregistrierung]
musher [Am.] [Can.]Hundeschlittenführer {m}
musher [Am.] [Can.]Musher {m} [Hundegespannführer]
musher [female] [Am.] [Can.] Hundeschlittenführerin {f}
mushesBreie {pl}
mushier weichlicher
mushier breiiger
mushiest weichlichste
mushiest breiigste
mushiness Weichlichkeit {f}
mushiness Breiigkeit {f}
mushistonite [(Cu,Zn,Fe)Sn(OH)6]Mushistonit {m}
mushmouth [Katsuwonus pelamis] Echter Bonito {m}
mushroom Champignon {m}
mushroom Pilz {m}
mushroomSchwammerl {m} {n} [bayer.] [österr.] [Pilz]
mushroomSchwamm {m} [bayer.] [österr.] [schweiz.] [Pilz]
mushroom [Am.] [coll.]unbeteiligtes Opfer {n} eines Bandenkrieges
mushroom [attr.] [e.g. dish, sauce, knife, hunter, poisoning] Pilz- [z. B. Gericht, Sauce, Messer, Sammler, Vergiftung]
mushroom body Pilzkörper {m}
mushroom buttonPilztaster {m}
mushroom cap [also techn.]Pilzkappe {f} [auch techn., z. B. bei Pilztaster]
mushroom cloudRauchpilz {m}
mushroom cloud Atompilz {m}
mushroom cloud Pilzwolke {f}
mushroom cloud [from atomic blast]Wolkenpilz {m}
mushroom (compost worker's) lung [coll.] [hypersensitivity pneumonitis]Hypersensitivitätspneumonitis {f} <HP>
mushroom connoisseurPilzkenner {m}
mushroom coral [Heliofungia actiniformis, syn.: Fungia actiniformis] Anemonen-Pilzkoralle {f}
mushroom coral [Sarcophyton spp.] Pilzlederkoralle {f}
mushroom coral [Sarcophyton trocheliophorum] Troglederkoralle {f}
mushroom cream soup Champignoncremesuppe {f}
mushroom cultivationPilzzucht {f}
mushroom culture Pilzkultur {f}
mushroom culturePilzzucht {f}
mushroom cut [hairstyle] Pilzschnitt {m} [Frisur]
mushroom (desk) lamp Pilzlampe {f}
mushroom dip Pilztunke {f}
mushroom dish Pilzgericht {n}
mushroom emergency button Not-Aus-Pilztaster {m}
mushroom fly [Sciara analis] Gelbbauch-Trauermücke {f}
mushroom goulash [esp. from chanterelles]Schwammerlgulasch {n} [südd.] [österr.]
mushroom growerPilzzüchter {m}
mushroom guide Pilzführer {m}
mushroom headPilzliderung {f} [Waffenrohr]
mushroom heater Heizpilz {m} [Terrassenstrahler]
mushroom hunterPilzsammler {m}
mushroom hunting Pilzesammeln {n}
mushroom identificationPilzbestimmung {f}
« murmmuscmuscMuscmuscmusemushmusimusimusimusi »
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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