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Mussy-la-Ville Mützich {n}
mustModer {m}
must Most {m} [für Wein]
must Muss {n}
must Notwendigkeit {f}
must Muffigkeit {f}
must Erfordernis {n}
must [grape juice during fermentation]Sturm {m} [österr.]
must [mould]Schimmel {m} [Belag von Schimmelpilzen]
Must Be Magic [Patricia Rice] Der Zaubergarten
Must dash! Ich muss sausen!
Must dash! Ich muss los!
Must is not a word to be used to princes! Little man, little man, if your late father were here he would never dare utter such a word. [Elizabeth I]Kleiner Mann, kleiner Mann, das Wort "müssen" ziemt sich nicht, wenn man mit Fürsten spricht. (Euer seliger Vater hätte hier niemals gewagt, solch ein Wort in den Mund zu nehmen.) [Elisabeth I.]
... must not be used again. ... dürfen nicht mehr weiterverwendet werden.
must scalesMostwaage {f}
must weightMostgewicht {n}
Must you always get into a huff?Spiel doch nicht immer die beleidigte Leberwurst!
Must you touch everything? Müssen Sie alles anfassen? [formelle Anrede]
mustache [Am.]Schnurrbart {m}
mustache [Am.] Pornobalken {m} [ugs.] [Schnurrbart]
mustache [Am.]Oberlippenbart {m}
mustache trainer [Am.]Bartbinde {f} [Schnurrbartbinde]
mustache trainer [Am.]Schnurrbartbinde {f}
mustached [Am.] schnurrbärtig
mustached bats [Am.] [family Mormoopidae]Schnurrbartfledermäuse {pl}
mustached bats [Am.] [family Mormoopidae]Kinnblatt-Fledermäuse {pl}
mustachesSchnurrbärte {pl}
mustachio Schnauzbart {m}
mustachioed schnurrbärtig
mustachioed schnauzbärtig
mustangMustang {m}
mustang [Am.] [military sl.] [commissioned officer who started military service as an enlistee][militärische Slang-Bezeichnung für Offiziere, die ihre Karriere als Mannschaftsdienstgrade begannen]
mustanger [Am.] [person who trains or rounds up wild horses]Mustangfänger {m}
mustard Mostrich {m} [regional für: Senf]
mustard Senf {m}
mustard Speisesenf {m}
mustard Mostert {m} [nordwestd. für: Senf]
mustard [colour]Senfgelb {n}
mustard blob Senfklecks {m}
mustard bucket Senfeimer {m}
mustard collard [Brassica carinata] Abessinischer Kohl {m} [selten auch: Abyssinischer Kohl]
mustard collard [Brassica carinata] Abessinischer Senf {m} [selten auch: Abyssinischer Senf]
mustard family {sg} [family Brassicaceae, formerly Cruciferae] Kreuzblütlergewächse {pl}
mustard family {sg} [family Brassicaceae, formerly Cruciferae]Kreuzblütengewächse {pl}
mustard family {sg} [family Brassicaceae, formerly Cruciferae] Brassicaceen {pl}
mustard family {sg} [family Brassicaceae] Kreuzblütler {pl}
mustard flourSenfmehl {n}
mustard flowers [family Brassicaceae, formerly Cruciferae]Kreuzblütler {pl}
mustard flowers [family Brassicaceae, formerly Cruciferae] Kreuzblütlergewächse {pl}
mustard flowers [family Brassicaceae, formerly Cruciferae] Kreuzblütengewächse {pl}
mustard fruits [mostarda di Cremona, mostarda di frutta; Italian condiment made of candied fruit and a mustard-flavoured syrup]Senffrüchte {pl}
mustard gasSenfgas {n}
mustard gasYperit {n}
mustard gas Gelbkreuz {n} [Senfgas]
mustard gas Mustardgas {n} [selten]
mustard gas Lost {m} [Senfgas als Kampfstoff]
mustard gas [sulphur mustard]Lost {n} [auch: S-Lost] [Schwefellost] [Senfgas]
mustard greens [Brassica juncea]Sareptasenf {m}
mustard hill coral [Porites astreoides, syn.: P. asteroides, P. astreoides]Senfhügelkoralle {f}
mustard jar Senfglas {n}
mustard (leaf) beetle [Phaedon cochleariae]Meerrettichblattkäfer {m} [auch: Meerrettich-Blattkäfer]
mustard leavesSenfblätter {pl}
mustard mill Senfmühle {f}
mustard oil Senföl {n}
mustard pail [esp. Am.]Senfeimer {m}
mustard pickleSenfgurke {f}
mustard plaster Senfpflaster {n}
mustard potSenftopf {m}
mustard poultice Senfpackung {f} [Umschlag]
mustard poulticeSenfumschlag {m}
mustard powder Senfpulver {n}
mustard productionSenfherstellung {f}
mustard sauceSenfsoße {f}
mustard sauceSenfsauce {f}
mustard sauce Senftunke {f}
mustard sawfly [Athalia proxima] Indische Senf-Blattwespe / Senfblattwespe {f}
mustard seedSenfkorn {n}
mustard seed Senfsamen {m}
mustard seed Senfsame {m}
mustard seed Senfsaat {f}
mustard seed oilSenföl {n}
mustard seedsSenfkörner {pl}
mustard species [genus Sinapis] Senf-Arten {pl} [Senfe]
mustard spoon Senflöffel {m}
mustard stain Senffleck {m}
mustard stainsSenfflecken {pl}
mustard tree [Nicotiana glauca]Blaugrüner Tabak {m}
mustard tree [Salvadora persica, syn.: Galenia asiatica, Salvadora indica]Zahnbürstenbaum {m}
mustard tree [Salvadora persica] Senfbaum {m}
mustard tube Senftube {f}
mustard yellowsenfgelb
mustard (yellow) senffarben
mustard-coloured [Br.] senffarbig
mustardsSenfe {pl}
mustards [family Brassicaceae, formerly Cruciferae] Kreuzblütler {pl}
mustards [family Brassicaceae, formerly Cruciferae] Kreuzblütlergewächse {pl}
mustards [family Brassicaceae, formerly Cruciferae]Kreuzblütengewächse {pl}
mustards [family Brassicaceae, formerly Cruciferae]Brassicaceen {pl}
Mustard's / Mustard operationMustard-Operation {f}
mustardseed Senfsamen {m}
« musimusimusimuskmuskMussmustmutamutimutumutu »
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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