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English-German Dictionary

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My wheel is buckled. Mein Rad hat eine Acht.
My Wife and KidsWhat's Up, Dad?
My word goes around here.Hier bestimme ich.
My word is my bond.Mein Wort gilt.
My world just caved in. Meine Welt ist zusammengebrochen.
my worst enemymein ärgster Feind {m}
My Year in the No-Man's-Bay Mein Jahr in der Niemandsbucht. Ein Märchen aus den neuen Zeiten [Peter Handke]
(my) folks (meine) Eltern {pl}
(my) folks [coll.](meine) Ellis {pl} [ugs.] [Eltern]
(My) oh my. Allmächd! [fränk.] [Ausruf (des Erstaunens), Allmächtiger Gott!]
(My) sincere condolences. (Mein) herzliches Beileid.
(my) sweetie pie [Am.] [coll.] (mein) Zuckerpüppchen [ugs.] [veraltet; als Anrede]
myalgiaMyalgie {f} [Muskelschmerz]
myalgia Muskelschmerz {m}
myalgia {sg} Muskelschmerzen {pl}
myalgic encephalomyelitis <ME> [esp. Br.] [chronic fatigue syndrome]myalgische Enzephalomyelitis {f} <ME> [chronisches Erschöpfungssyndrom]
Myanmar <.mm> [Burma] Myanmar {n} [Birma]
Myanmar narrow-headed softshell turtle [Chitra vandijki]Burma-Kurzkopf-Weichschildkröte {f}
Myanmar snub-nosed monkey [Rhinopithecus strykeri] Burmesischer Stumpfnasenaffe {m}
Myanmarese myanmarisch
Myanmarese Myanmare {m}
Myanmese [Burmese]myanmarisch
myastheniaMuskelschwäche {f}
myasthenia [muscle weakness]Myasthenie {f}
myasthenia gravis <MG> Myasthenia gravis {f} <MG>
myasthenic crisis <MC>myasthenische Krise {f}
myasthenic syndrome <MS>myasthenes Syndrom {n}
myatrophic lateral sclerosis [rare] [amyotrophic lateral sclerosis] myatrophe Lateralsklerose {f} <MLS> [amyotrophische Lateralsklerose]
myatrophy Muskelatrophie {f}
myatrophyMyatrophie {f}
myatrophy Muskelschwund {m}
myceliaMyzelien {pl}
mycelia Myzele {pl}
myceliaMycele {pl} [Rsv.] [fachspr.]
mycelial Mycel-
mycelial cordsMyzelstränge {pl}
mycelial cordsRhizomorphen {pl}
mycelial growthMyzelwachstum {n}
mycelial pad Myzellappen {m}
mycelium Myzel {n}
myceliumMycel {n} [Rsv.] [fachspr.]
mycelium Pilzbrut {f} [für die Pilzzucht benötigtes Myzel]
mycelium Pilzgeflecht {n} [Myzelium]
mycelium growthMyzelwachstum {n}
Mycenae Mykene {n}
Mycenaean Mykener {m}
Mycenean [Am.] Mykener {m}
Mycenean [Am.] mykenisch
MycenologyMykenologie {f}
Mycetina cruciata [species of handsome fungus beetles]Kreuzbinden-Pilzkäfer {m}
mycetism Myzetismus {m}
mycetocyte Mycetozyte {f}
mycetoma Mycetom {n}
mycetoma Myzetom {n}
mycetomeMyzetom {n}
mycetome Mycetom {n}
mycetophagous mycetophag
mycetophilic mycetophil
mycetophilous mycetophil
mycobacteria [family Mycobacteriaceae]Mykobakterien {pl}
mycobacterial mykobakteriell
mycobacterial Mykobakterien-
mycobacterially mykobakteriell
mycobacteriology Mykobakteriologie {f}
mycobacteriosisMykobakteriose {f}
mycobacterium smegmatis Smegmabakterium {n}
mycobiontMykobiont {m}
mycoburuli ulcers [Buruli ulcers]Buruli-Ulzera {pl}
mycodiversityMykodiversität {f}
mycofloraMykoflora {f}
mycoheterotrophic [also: myco-heterotrophic] mykoheterotroph
mycologically mykologisch
mycologistPilzkundler {m}
mycologist Mykologe {m}
mycologist [female] Pilzkundlerin {f}
mycologist [female]Mykologin {f}
mycology Pilzkunde {f}
mycology Mykologie {f}
mycology Pilzflora {f}
mycoparasite Mykoparasit {m}
mycoparasitic mycoparasitisch
mycoparasitism Mykoparasitismus {m}
mycophagist Pilzesser {m}
mycophagist [female]Pilzsammlerin {f}
mycophagists Pilzsammler {pl}
mycophagyMykophagie {f}
mycophenolate Mycophenolat {n}
mycophenolic acid Mycophenolsäure {f}
mycoplanktonMykoplankton {n}
mycoplasma Mykoplasma {n}
mycoplasma {pl}Mykoplasmen {pl}
mycoplasma pneumonia [caused by the bacteria species Mycoplasma pneumoniae] Mykoplasmenpneumonie {f}
mycoplasmal mykoplasmal
mycoplasmal pneumonia <EP in pigs>enzootische Pneumonie {f} der Schweine <EP der Schweine>
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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