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English-German Dictionary

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mammary Paget disease <MPD> [also: mammary Paget's disease] Paget-Karzinom {n}
mammary pitWarzengrube {f}
mammary ridge Milchleiste {f}
mammary secretionMammasekretion {f}
[mammary glands and teats, esp. in sows]Milchbar {f} [ugs.] [das Gesäuge, bes. bei Sauen]
(mammary) ptosisHängebrust {f}
mamma's boy [pej.]Muttersöhnchen {n} [pej.]
mammasonographic mammasonographisch
mammasonographic mammasonografisch
mammasonographically mammasonographisch
mammasonographically mammasonografisch
mammasonography Mammasonographie {f}
mammasonography Mammasonografie {f}
mammatus clouds Mammatuswolken {pl}
mammee (apple) [Mammea americana]Mammiapfel {m}
mammee (apple) [Mammea americana] Amerikanischer Mammeiapfel {m}
mammilitis Mammilitis {f}
mammilitisBrustwarzenentzündung {f}
mammillary Mamillen-
mammillary bodies [Corpora mamillaria] Mammillarkörper {pl}
mammillary body [Corpus mamillare]Mamillarkörper {m}
mammillary body [Corpus mamillare]Mammillarkörper {m}
mammo [short or coll. for: mammography] Mammo {f} [kurz bzw. ugs. für: Mammographie]
mammogenesisMammogenese {f}
mammogram Mammogramm {n}
mammogramMammographieaufnahme {f}
mammogramsMammogramme {pl}
mammographMammogramm {n}
mammographic mammographisch
mammographic screening Mammographie-Screening {n}
mammographic screening Mammografie-Screening {n}
mammographical mammographisch
mammographical mammografisch
mammographically mammografisch
mammography Mammographie {f}
mammographyMammografie {f}
mammography device Mammographieeinrichtung {f}
mammography device Mammografieeinrichtung {f}
mammography screening <MS> Mammographie-Screening {n} <MS>
mammography screening <MS> [EUR 17538] mammographische Früherkennung {f} [EUR 17538]
mammography technique Mammographietechnik {f}
mammography unit Mammographie-Einheit {f} [auch: Mammographieeinheit]
mammon Mammon {m}
mammoplastyBrustplastik {f}
mammoth Mammut {n}
mammoth boneMammutknochen {m}
mammoth eventMammutveranstaltung {f}
mammoth finds Mammutfunde {pl}
mammoth hunters Mammutjäger {pl}
mammoth ivory Mammutelfenbein {n}
mammoth jobRiesenjob {m}
mammoth mummyMammutmumie {f}
mammoth project Mammutprojekt {n}
mammoth pumpLuftheber {m}
mammoth red clover [Trifolium pratense]Wiesen-Klee / Wiesenklee {m}
mammoth red clover [Trifolium pratense] Rot-Klee / Rotklee {m}
mammoth scapulaMammut-Schulterblatt {n} [auch: Mammutschulterblatt]
mammoth screen epic Großproduktion {f}
mammoth skeletonMammutskelett {n} [auch: Mammut-Skelett]
mammoth skullMammutschädel {m} [auch: Mammut-Schädel]
mammoth task Mammutaufgabe {f}
mammoth tree [Sequoia sempervirens] Immergrüner Mammutbaum {m}
mammoth tusk Mammutstoßzahn {m}
mammoth vertebra Mammutwirbel {m}
mammoth wild rye [Leymus racemosus, syn.: L. giganteus, Elymus giganteus, E. racemosus] Riesenhaargerste {f}
mammothite [Pb6Cu4AlSbO2(SO4)2Cl4(OH)16]Mammothit {m}
mammoth-ivory statuette Statuette {f} aus Mammutelfenbein
mammothly riesig
mammotomyMammotomie {f}
mammotrophic mammotroph
mammotropic mammotrop
mammotropic auf die Brustdrüse wirkend
mammotropic brustdrüsenstimulierend
mammotropin Mammotropin {n}
mammy [Irish] Mama {f}
mamo [Drepanis pacifica] [extinct]Königskleidervogel {m} [ausgestorben]
mamo [Drepanis pacifica] [extinct]Mamo {m} [ausgestorben]
mamushi [Agkistrodon halys] Halysotter {f} [Schlange]
mamushi [Gloydius blomhoffii, syn.: Agkistrodon blomhoffi] Japanische Mamushi {f}
man Mannsbild {n}
man [human being] Mensch {m}
man [humankind](die) Menschheit {f}
man [humankind]Menschengeschlecht {n}
man [humankind]der Mensch {m} [Menschheit]
man [husband]Gemahl {m} [geh.]
man [husband] Ehemann {m}
man [male]Mann {m}
man [real man] Kerl {m} [ganzer, richtiger]
man / one / person presumed dead Totgeglaubter {m}
man / one / person thought dead Totgeglaubter {m}
man / player of the match [award] Man / Player of the Match {m} [Auszeichnung]
man about town [einer, der sich auskennt]
Man About Town [Toni Marsh Bruyere]Die Dame meines Herzens
man aged forty Mann {m} von vierzig
man aged forty Vierziger {m}
Man alive! Menschenskind!
« malimallmalpMaltMamlmammManamanoMan!manamana »
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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