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Nancy Ma's night monkey [Aotus nancymaae] Nancy-Ma-Nachtaffe {m}
NAND circuitNICHT-UND-Schaltung {f}
NAND gate NICHT-UND-Gatter {n} [einer Logikschaltung]
NAND operationNAND-Verknüpfung {f}
NAND operation UND-NICHT-Verknüpfung {f}
nanday conure [Nandayus nenday] Nandaysittich {m}
nanday parakeet [Nandayus nenday]Nandaysittich {m}
Nandi bull Bulle {m} Nandi [Buckelstier]
nandi flame [Spathodea campanulata]Afrikanischer Tulpenbaum {m}
Nandi water snake [Grayia tholloni] Nandi-Wassernatter {f}
nandina [Nandina domestica]Himmelsbambus {m}
nandina [Nandina domestica]Nandine {f}
nandrolone [C18H26O2] Nandrolon {n}
Nanga Parbat Nanga Parbat {m}
Nanga Parbat massifNanga-Parbat-Massiv {n}
nangai nut [Canarium indicum, syn.: C. amboinense, C. commune, C. mehenbethene, C. moluccanum] Indischer Kanaribaum {m}
nangai nut [Canarium indicum, syn.: C. amboinense, C. commune, C. mehenbethene, C. moluccanum]Kanarinuss {f}
nangai nut [Canarium indicum, syn.: C. amboinense, C. commune, C. mehenbethene, C. moluccanum]Galipnuss {f}
nanism Zwergwuchs {m}
nanism [dwarfism]Nanismus {m} [Verzwergung]
nanite Nanomaschine {f}
Nanjing Nanking {n} [veraltend]
nankeen [textile] Nanking {m} [Textilie]
nankeen kestrel [Falco cenchroides]Graubartfalke {m}
Nankeen lily [Lilium x testaceum] Isabellen-Lilie {f}
nankeen night heron [Nycticorax caledonicus]Rotrückenreiher {m}
Nankeen plover [Stiltia isabella] Stelzen-Brachschwalbe {f} [auch: Stelzenbrachschwalbe]
Nanking cherry [Prunus tomentosa, syn.: Armeniaca tomentosa, Cerasus tomentosa (ambiguous synonym)]Japanische Mandelkirsche / Mandel-Kirsche {f}
Nanking cherry [Prunus tomentosa, syn.: Armeniaca tomentosa, Cerasus tomentosa (ambiguous synonym)] Korea-Kirsche {f}
Nanking cherry [Prunus tomentosa, syn.: Armeniaca tomentosa, Cerasus tomentosa (ambiguous synonym)]Filzkirsche {f}
Nanking cherry [Prunus tomentosa, syn.: Armeniaca tomentosa, Cerasus tomentosa (ambiguous synonym)] Nanking-Kirsche {f}
Nanking cherry (tree) [Prunus tomentosa, syn.: Armeniaca tomentosa, Cerasus tomentosa (ambiguous synonym)] (Japanische) Kirschmandel {f} [Nanking-Kirsche]
Nanking cherry (tree) [Prunus tomentosa, syn.: Armeniaca tomentosa, Cerasus tomentosa (ambiguous synonym)]Korea-Kirschbaum {m}
Nanking Massacre Massaker {n} von Nanking
nanna [Br.] [coll.] [spv.] Oma {f} [ugs.]
nanner [sl.] Banane {f}
nannie [spv.]Kinderfrau {f}
(nannie) nine eyes {pl} [treated as sg.] [Petromyzon marinus, syn.: P. adriaticus, P. concolor, P. lampetra, P. maximus, P. ruber, Lampetra marina] Große Lamprete {f}
(nannie) nine eyes {pl} [treated as sg.] [Petromyzon marinus, syn.: P. adriaticus, P. concolor, P. lampetra, P. maximus, P. ruber, Lampetra marina]Großes Neunauge {n}
nanniesKinderfrauen {pl}
nannies Kindermädchen {pl}
nanny Kinderfrau {f}
nanny Kindermädchen {n}
nanny Kinderfräulein {n} [veraltet]
nanny Geiß {f} [österr.] [südd.]
nanny Zicke {f}
nannyNanny {f}
nanny [child minder] Kinderbetreuerin {f}
nanny [child minder] Tagesmutter {f}
nanny [coll.] [grandmother] Oma {f} [ugs.]
nanny goatZicke {f}
nanny goat Mutterziege {f}
nanny state Vormundschaftsstaat {m}
nanny state Gouvernantenstaat {m}
nanny stateBevormundungsstaat {m} [über Bürger bestimmend]
nanny state [esp. Br.] [pej.]überfürsorglicher Staat {m}
(nanny) goatGeiß {f} [südd.] [österr.] [schweiz.] [weibliche Ziege]
nannyberry [Viburnum lentago] Kanadischer Schneeball {m}
nannyish [Br.] überfürsorglich
nano- <n> [10 ^ -9]Nano- <n>
nano electromechanical systems <NEMS> nano-elektromechanische Systeme {pl} <NEMS>
nano SIM cardNano-SIM-Karte {f}
nano technologies Nano-Technologien {pl}
nano vehicleNanovehikel {n} [auch: Nanoauto]
nanoampere <nA> Nanoampere {n} <nA>
nanobacteria {pl}Nanobakterien {pl}
nanobacterial Nanobakterien-
nanobacterially nanobakteriell
nanobacteriumNanobakterium {n}
nanobiotechnology Nanobiotechnologie {f}
nanobody Nanokörper {m}
nanochannelNanokanal {m}
nanochoreNanochore {f}
nanoclay Nanoton {m}
nanocoating [also: nano coating] Nanobeschichtung {f}
nanocomposite Nanokomposit {n}
nanocomposites Nanokomposite {pl}
nanocrystalNanokristall {n}
nanodiagnostics [treated as sg.]Nanodiagnostik {f}
nanodiffraction [also: nano-diffraction] Nanobeugung {f} [auch: Nano-Beugung]
nanodiffraction [also: nano-diffraction]Nanodiffraktion {f}
nanodimensionNanodimension {f}
nanodispersionNanodispersion {f}
nanoelectrode Nanoelektrode {f}
nanoelectromechanical system <NEMS>nanoelektromechanisches System {n} <NEMS>
nanoelectronics [treated as sg.] Nanoelektronik {f}
nano-emulsion Nanoemulsion {f}
nanofabrication Nanofabrikation {f}
nanofabrication Nanoherstellung {f}
nanofarad <nF> Nanofarad {n} <nF>
nanofiber [Am.]Nanofaser {f}
nanofibre [Br.]Nanofaser {f}
nanofiltration membrane Nanofiltrationsmembran {f} [auch: Nanofiltrations-Membran]
nanoflagellateNanoflagellat {m}
nanofluidics [treated as sg.] Nanofluidik {f}
nanofossil Nanofossil {n}
nanogram <ng> Nanogramm {n} <ng>
« NairnakenaksnamenameNancnanonapanappnarcNari »
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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