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New Guinea crud [Am.] [coll.] [tropical skin disease] Dschungelfäule {f} [Tropengeschwür]
New Guinea death adder [Acanthophis laevis]Urwald-Todesotter {f}
New Guinea death adder [Acanthophis laevis]Neuguinea-Todesotter {f}
New Guinea flightless rail [Megacrex inepta] Neuguinea-Stirnralle {f}
New Guinea flightless rail [Megacrex inepta]Baumralle {f}
New Guinea friarbird [Philemon novaeguineae]Papualederkopf {m}
New Guinea giant rat [Anisomys imitator] Hörnchenzahnratte {f}
New Guinea giant softshell turtle [Pelochelys bibroni] Bibrons Riesen-Weichschildkröte {f}
New Guinea greybird [Coracina schisticeps] [Br.]Grayraupenfänger {m}
New Guinea ground boa [Candoia aspera] Neuguinea-Boa {f}
New Guinea ground boa [Candoia aspera]Viper-Boa {f}
New Guinea ground boa [Candoia aspera] Pazifikboa {f} [Neuguinea-Boa]
New Guinea ground boa [Candoia aspera]Südsee-Boa {f}
New Guinea harpy eagle [Harpyopsis novaeguineae] Papuaadler {m}
New Guinea lungNeu-Guinea-Lunge {f} [Strohdachlunge]
New Guinea megapode [Megapodius decollatus, syn.: M. affinis]Neuguineahuhn {n}
New Guinea (mountain) white-eye [Zosterops novaeguineae]Papuabrillenvogel {m}
New Guinea native cat [Dasyurus albopunctatus]Neuguinea-Beutelmarder {m}
New Guinea native cat [Dasyurus albopunctatus] Fleckenbeutelmarder {m}
New Guinea pipit [Anthus gutturalis]Papuapieper {m}
New Guinea quail [Anurophasis monorthonyx]Schneegebirgswachtel {f}
New Guinea quoll [Dasyurus albopunctatus]Neuguinea-Beutelmarder {m}
New Guinea quoll [Dasyurus albopunctatus] Fleckenbeutelmarder {m}
New Guinea scrub fowl [Megapodius affinis]Neuguineahuhn {n}
New Guinea scrubfowl [Megapodius affinis] Neuguineahuhn {n}
New Guinea singing dog [Canis lupus hallstromi] Neuguinea-Dingo {m}
New Guinea snake lizard [Lialis jicari]Neuguinea-Flossenfuß {m}
New Guinea spinetailed swift [Mearnsia novaeguineae]Papuasegler {m}
New Guinea taipan [Oxyuranus scutellatus]Östlicher Taipan {m}
New Guinea taipan [Oxyuranus scutellatus]Küstentaipan {m}
New Guinea viper boa [Candoia aspera]Neuguinea-Boa {f}
New Guinea walking stick [Heteropteryx dilatata] Dschungelnymphe {f}
New Guinea walking stick [Heteropteryx dilatata] Grüne Riesengespenstschrecke {f}
New Guinea walking stick [Heteropteryx dilatata] Malaiische Riesengespenstschrecke {f}
New Guinea walking stick [Heteropteryx dilatata] Riesenblatt-Gespenstheuschrecke {f}
New Guinea waterside rat [Parahydromys asper] Bergschwimmratte {f}
New Guinea waterside rat [Parahydromys asper]Gebirgs-Wasserratte {f}
New Guinea wrasse [Anampses neoguinaicus] Neuguinea-Perljunker {m}
New Guinea (wreathed) hornbill [Rhyticeros plicatus, syn.: Aceros plicatus] Papuahornvogel {m}
New Guinea (wreathed) hornbill [Rhyticeros plicatus, syn.: Aceros plicatus]Papuajahrvogel {m}
(New Guinea) black-fronted white-eye [Zosterops minor] Neuguineabrillenvogel {m}
(New Guinea) bockadam [Cerberus rynchops, syn.: Cerberus rhynchops]Hundskopf-Wassertrugnatter {f}
(New Guinea) grey-headed goshawk [Br.] [Accipiter poliocephalus]Aschkopfhabicht {m}
(New Guinea) viper boa [Candoia aspera] Viper-Boa {f}
(New Guinea) viper boa [Candoia aspera] Pazifikboa {f} [Neuguinea-Boa]
(New Guinea) viper boa [Candoia aspera]Südsee-Boa {f}
New Guinean boa [Candoia aspera] Neuguinea-Boa {f}
New Guinean boa [Candoia aspera]Viper-Boa {f}
New Guinean boa [Candoia aspera]Südsee-Boa {f}
New Guinean frogfish [Antennatus dorehensis] Neuguinea-Anglerfisch {m}
New Guinean jumping mouse [Lorentzimys nouhuysi] Neuguinea-Springmaus {f}
New Guinean long-nosed bandicoots [genus Peroryctes]Große Neuguinea-Nasenbeutler {pl}
New Guinean mouse bandicoots [genus Microperoryctes] Mausnasenbeutler {pl}
New Guinean planigale [Planigale novaeguineae] Neuguinea-Flachkopfbeutelmaus {f}
New Guinean quoll [Dasyurus albopunctatus] Neuguinea-Beutelmarder {m}
New Guinean quoll [Dasyurus albopunctatus] Fleckenbeutelmarder {m}
New Guinean spiny bandicoots [genus Echymipera] Stachelnasenbeutler {pl}
new habits neue Gewohnheiten {pl}
new hall (building) Hallenneubau {m} [Gebäude selbst]
New Hampshire <NH> [Granite State]New Hampshire {n} [US-Bundesstaat]
New Hampshirite [Mensch aus New Hampshire (USA)]
New Hanover [Lavongai]Neuhannover {n} [Lavongai]
new hearing Wiederaufnahmeverfahren {n}
New Hebrides [now Vanuatu]Neue Hebriden {pl} [heute Vanuatu]
New Hebrides honeyeater [Phylidonyris notabilis]Weißbauch-Honigfresser {m}
New Hebrides scrubfowl [Megapodius layardi, syn.: M. brazieri] Layardhuhn {n} [auch: Layard-Huhn]
New Hebrides scrubfowl [Megapodius layardi, syn.: M. brazieri] Layardgroßfußhuhn {n} [auch: Layard-Großfußhuhn]
New Hebrides starling [Aplonis zelandica]Rostflügelstar {m}
new heel [of a shoe or boot] neuer Absatz {m} [an einem Schuh oder Stiefel]
New Helvetia Neu-Helvetien {n}
New High German <NHG> neuhochdeutsch <nhd.>
new hire [Am.]neu Angestellter {m}
new hire [female] [Am.] neu Angestellte {f}
new hiresNeueinstellungen {pl}
New Historicism Neuer Historizismus {m}
New Historicism Neuhistorismus {m}
New Holland [historical name for the western part of Australia] Neuholland {n} [historische Bezeichnung für den Westteil Australiens]
New Holland honeyeater [Phylidonyris novaehollandiae] Weißaugen-Honigfresser {m}
New Holland mouse [Pseudomys novaehollandiae] Neuholland-Maus {f}
New Holland seahorse [Hippocampus whitei] Whites Seepferdchen {n}
New Holland sea-horse / seahorse [Hippocampus whitei, syn.: H. novaehollandae, H. novaehollandiae] Whites Seepferdchen {n}
new home construction Wohnungsneubau {m}
new home salesNeubauverkäufe {pl} [Wohnbauten]
new homileticneue Homiletik {f}
new hope neue Hoffnung {f}
new horizon neuer Horizont {m}
new ideas neue Ideen {pl}
New Imperialism [ca. 1880 - 1914]Hochimperialismus {m}
new indebtedness Neuverschuldung {f}
new inductee [Am.] Neuzugang {m}
new infectionNeuinfektion {f}
new infection Neuerkrankung {f} [Neuinfektion]
new infection rate Neuinfektionsrate {f}
new infections Neuansteckungen {pl}
new inhabitant [of a town]Neubürger {m}
new insertions Neuaufnahmen {pl} [z. B. in ein Dokument]
new installation Neuinstallation {f}
new intake Neuaufnahme {f}
new interpretationNeuinterpretierung {f}
new investment Neuinvestition {f}
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Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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