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New Ireland drongo [Dicrurus megarhynchus]Bandschwanzdrongo {m}
New Ireland flowerpecker [Dicaeum eximium]Bismarckmistelfresser {m}
New Ireland friarbird [Philemon eichhorni]Eichhornlederkopf {m}
New Ireland honeyeater [Myzomela pulchella]Neuirlandhonigfresser {m}
New Ireland munia [Lonchura forbesi]Forbesnonne {f}
New Ireland myzomela [Myzomela pulchella]Neuirlandhonigfresser {m}
new issueNeuauflage {f}
new issueNeuausgabe {f}
new issue Neuemission {f}
new issue activity Neuemissionsgeschäft {n}
new issue announcement Neuemissionsankündigung {f}
new issue market Neuemissionsmarkt {m}
new itemneuer Artikel {m}
New Jersey <NJ> [Garden State] New Jersey {n} [US-Bundesstaat]
New Jerseyan [Mensch aus New Jersey (USA)]
New Jerusalem Neues Jerusalem {n}
new job neue Stelle {f}
new kind / kinds ofneuartig
new kind of biscuit neue Art {f} von Plätzchen
New Kingdom [Egypt]Neues Reich {n} [Ägypten]
new laboratory buildingLaborneubau {m}
new landNeuland {n}
New Latinneulateinisch
New Latin Neulatein {n}
new lease of life [Br.] [idiom]Auffrischung {f} [fig.]
new lease of life [Br.] [idiom] Neustart {m} [fig.]
new lease on life [Am.] [idiom] neues Leben {n}
New LeftNeue Linke {f}
new legislative framework <NLF>neuer Rechtsrahmen {m}
new lendingneues Kreditgeschäft {n}
new lendingNeukreditgewährung {f}
new letting Neuvermietung {f}
new life form <NLF> neue Lebensform {f}
new line neue Zeile {f}
new line of defence neue Art {f} der Verteidigung
new loanneuer Kredit {m}
new loan neues Darlehen {n}
new loan Neukredit {m}
New Madrid BendNew Madrid Bend {f}
New Madrid fault line New-Madrid-Graben {m}
New March [historical region in present-day northeast Germany and northwest Poland] Neumark {f} [historische Landschaft im heutigen Nordostdeutschland und Nordwestpolen]
new market neuer Markt {m}
New Market [Dresden] [often as a gloss following Neumarkt] Neumarkt {m} [Dresden]
new markets neue Märkte {pl}
New Masters Gallery Galerie {f} Neue Meister
new materials neue Werkstoffe {pl}
new materialsneue Materialien {pl}
new means of raising capital neue Formen {pl} der Eigenkapitalaufnahme
new measures to stop phone tapping neue Maßnahmen {pl} zum Abhörschutz
new meat [fig.] [sl.] [pej.]Frischling {m} [fig.] [hum.] [Neuling, Grünschnabel]
New Mecklenburg [now New Ireland] Neumecklenburg {n} [heute Neuirland]
new medianeue Medien {pl}
new medium neues Medium {n}
new member neues Mitglied {n}
new memberNeumitglied {n}
new member Neuzugang {m} [neues Mitglied]
new member states <NMS> neue Mitgliedsstaaten {pl}
new membersNeumitglieder {pl}
new method neue Methode {f}
new method neues Verfahren {n}
new methods neue Methoden {pl}
New Mexican [Mensch aus New Mexico (USA)]
New Mexican neumexikanisch
New Mexican tarantula [Brachypelma kahlenbergi] Veracruz-Vogelspinne {f}
New MexicoNeumexiko {n}
New Mexico <NM> [Land of Enchantment] New Mexico {n} [US-Bundesstaat]
New Mexico forestiera [Forestiera pubescens var. pubescens, formerly: Forestiera neomexicana] Neumexikanische Adelie {f}
New Mexico garter snake [Thamnophis sirtalis dorsalis] New-Mexico-Strumpfbandnatter {f}
New Mexico olive [Forestiera pubescens var. pubescens, formerly: Forestiera neomexicana] Neumexikanische Adelie {f}
New Mexico olive [Forestiera pubescens var. pubescens, formerly: Forestiera neomexicana]Wüstenolive {f}
New Mexico prickly pear [Opuntia phaeacantha]Schwarzbraundorniger Feigenkaktus {m}
New Mexico privet [Forestiera pubescens var. pubescens, formerly: Forestiera neomexicana]Neumexikanische Adelie {f}
New Mexico spadefoot (toad) [Spea multiplicata]Gebirgs-Schaufelfuß {m}
New Mexico Territory New-Mexico-Territorium {n} [historisches US-Territorium (1850-1912)]
new molecular entity <NME>neue molekulare Entität {f} <NME>
new money neues Geld {n}
new money {sg} [additional funds]zusätzliche Gelder {pl}
new money {sg} [people who have recently become wealthy]Neureiche {pl}
new moon Neumond {m}
New Moon [Stephenie Meyer]Bis(s) zur Mittagsstunde
new morality neue Moral {f}
new museum building Museumsneubau {m} [Gebäude]
New Music sceneNeue-Musik-Szene {f}
new mutation Neumutation {f}
New Netherland Neu-Niederland {n}
New Netherlands Neu-Niederland {n}
New New York [Futurama] Neu New York [Futurama]
new nobility [treated as either sg. or pl.]Neuadel {m}
new normal neue Normalität {f}
new novel neuer Roman {m}
New Objectivity Neue Sachlichkeit {f}
new offerneues Angebot {n}
new officeneues Büro {n}
new office building Büroneubau {m}
new old stock <NOS>New Old Stock {m} <NOS> [neuwertige Ware aus alten Lagerbeständen]
new old stock <NOS> neu aus altem Lagerbestand
new openingNeueröffnung {f}
new openingNeuöffnung {f} [Neueröffnung]
new openings Neueröffnungen {pl}
new oral anticoagulants <NOACs> neue orale Antikoagulanzien {pl} <NOAK>
« Nevenew[newbnewdNewGNewInewonewsNewWNewZNewZ »
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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