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English-German Dictionary

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new startNeuanfang {m}
new start Neubeginn {m}
new start Neuanlauf {m}
new state of affairs neue Sachlage {f}
new stock {sg}neue Aktien {pl}
new stock issuesneue Aktienemissionen {pl}
New Stone Age Jungsteinzeit {f}
New Stone Age Neolithikum {n}
new stretch of road / track Neubaustrecke {f}
new style neue Art {f}
new subscriber Neukunde {m}
new surveyNeuankörung {f}
New Sweden [North American colony of Sweden] Neuschweden {n}
New Synagogue [in Berlin]Neue Synagoge {f}
new systemNeuanlage {f}
new systemNeusystem {n}
new tackneuer Kurs {m}
New Taipei City Neu-Taipeh {n}
new talentneues Talent {n}
new technique neue Methode {f}
new technology neue Verfahrenstechnik {f}
new tenantNachmieter {m}
new termneuer Zeitabschnitt {m}
new termsneue Vertragsformeln {pl}
new territory / ground [fig.] Neuland {n} [fig.]
New Testament [attr.]neutestamentlich <ntl.>
New Testament [attr.] neutestamentarisch
New Testament <NT> Neues Testament {n} <NT>
New Testament biblical scholarNeutestamentler {m}
New Testament miracle stories neutestamentliche Wunderberichte {pl}
New Testament scholarNeutestamentler {m}
New Testament scholar [female] Neutestamentlerin {f}
New Thought (Movement)Neugeistbewegung {f}
new titleNovität {f}
new to the district [postpos.] neu im Bezirk
new to the industry [postpos.]branchenfremd
new to the job [postpos.]unerfahren in der Tätigkeit [prädikativ]
new to the job [postpos.]in der Tätigkeit unerfahren
new to the office [postpos.]neu im Amt [nachgestellt]
new to the school [postpos.] neu in die Schule eingetreten
new town Neustadt {f}
new town New Town {f}
new town [Br.] Retortenstadt {f} [ugs.] [pej.]
new trading segment neues Handelssegment {n}
new translation Neuübersetzung {f}
new trial [civil litigation] Wiederaufnahme {f} des Verfahrens [Zivilprozess]
New TricksNew Tricks – Die Krimispezialisten
new type / types of neuartig
new type of risk neue Art {f} von Risiko
new types of documentary credits neue Arten {pl} von Dokumentenakkreditiven
new useNeunutzung {f}
new users Erstanwender {pl}
new varietyNeuzüchtung {f} [Pflanze]
new vehicleNeufahrzeug {n}
new vehicle registrations Neufahrzeugzulassungen {pl}
new ventureneues Unternehmen {n}
new venture neues Wagnis {n}
new version neues Modell {n}
new versionneue Version {f}
new version Neufassung {f}
new version Neuauflage {f}
new Vienneseneu-wienerisch
New Vision Neues Sehen {n}
new voter Neuwähler {m}
New Wave New Wave {m}
New Wave [film] Neue Welle {f}
New Wave [French] Nouvelle Vague {f}
New Wave of British Heavy Metal <NWoBHM> New Wave {m} {f} of British Heavy Metal <NWoBHM>
new way of hearing [e.g. for cochlear implant patients]neue Hörsituation {f} [für Cochlea-Implantatpatienten etc.]
new weekneue Woche {f}
New Western PomeraniaNeuvorpommern {n} [auch: Neu-Vorpommern]
new wineHeuriger {m} [österr.]
new wine Junker {m} [österr.] [regional]
new winejunger Wein {m}
new wine [slightly cloudy]Staubiger {m} [österr.] [regional]
New wine in old bottles. [a swindle] Neuer Wein in alten Flaschen. [auch: ... alten Schläuchen]
New wine in old wineskins. Neuer Wein in alten Schläuchen.
new wine still in fermentation Jungwein {m}
New Woman [feminist ideal of the late 19th century] Neue Frau {f} [feministisches Ideal des späten 19. Jahrhunderts]
new wool Schurwolle {f}
new wool cap Schurwollmütze {f}
new wool glovesSchurwollhandschuhe {pl}
new work item <NWI>neues Normungsvorhaben {n}
new work item proposal <NWIP, MWI proposal> Vorschlag {m} eines neuen Normenprojekts
New World bollworm [Helicoverpa zea, syn.: Bombyx obsoleta, Heliothis umbrosa, H. zea, Phalaena zea] Amerikanischer Baumwollkapselwurm {m}
New World camelids Neuweltkamele {pl}
New World camelids <NWC>Neuweltkameliden {pl} <NWK>
New World deer {pl} [Capreolinae, Odocoileinae, Telemetacarpalia]Trughirsche {pl}
New World deer {pl} [Capreolinae, Odocoileinae, Telemetacarpalia]Neuwelthirsche {pl}
New World flying squirrels [genus Glaucomys]Neuweltliche Gleithörnchen {pl}
New World leaf-nosed bats [family Phyllostomidae]Blattnasen {pl}
New World moles [subfamily Scalopinae] Neuweltmaulwürfe {pl}
New World monkeys [Platyrrhini] Neuweltaffen {pl}
New World monkeys [Platyrrhini] Breitnasenaffen {pl}
new world orderneue Weltordnung {f}
New World Order <NWO> [conspiracy theory] Neue Weltordnung {f} <NWO> [Verschwörungstheorie]
New World orioles [family Icteridae, genus Icterus]Trupiale {pl}
New World pigs [family Tayassuidae]Nabelschweine {pl}
New World pigs [family Tayassuidae] Neuweltliche Schweine {pl}
New World pigs [family Tayassuidae] Pekaris {pl}
« newbnewdNewGNewInewonewsNewWNewZNewZNewfnewl »
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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