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English-German Dictionary

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newspaper readership Zeitungsleserschaft {f}
newspaper report Zeitungsbericht {m}
newspaper report Zeitungsmeldung {f}
newspaper reportingZeitungsberichterstattung {f} [alltägliche]
newspaper reviews Zeitungskritiken {pl}
newspaper sceneZeitungsszene {f}
newspaper song [15th/16th cent.] Zeitungslied {n} [15./16. Jh.]
newspaper standZeitungskiosk {m}
newspaper stick (holder) Zeitungsspanner {m}
newspaper storyZeitungsartikel {m}
newspaper story Zeitungsgeschichte {f}
newspaper stufferProspektanzeige {f} [Zeitung]
newspaper stuffer [industry jargon] [ad supplement in a newspaper] Anzeigenbeilage {f}
newspaper subscribers Zeitungsabonnenten {pl}
newspaper subscription Zeitungsabonnement {n}
newspaper supplement Zeitungsbeilage {f}
newspaper textZeitungstext {m}
newspaper titleZeitungstitel {m}
newspaper tycoon Zeitungskönig {m}
newspaper vending machineZeitungsautomat {m} [Straßenverkauf]
newspaper vendor Zeitungsverkäufer {m}
[newspaper designated by a stock exchange, in which issuers of stocks are obliged to publish official notifications]Pflichtblatt {n} [Börse]
[newspaper in / from western Germany] Westzeitung {f} [DDR-Sprachgebrauch]
(newspaper) hoax Zeitungssage {f} [seltener für: Zeitungsente]
(newspaper) kioskZeitungskiosk {m}
(newspaper) press Zeitungspresse {f}
(newspaper) wrapperKreuzband {n} [Streifband]
newspapermanZeitungsverkäufer {m}
newspapermanKolporteur {m} [österr.]
newspaperman Zeitungsjournalist {m}
newspapermenZeitungsverkäufer {pl}
newspapermenZeitungsjournalisten {pl}
newspapermen Zeitungsleute {pl}
newspapers Zeitungen {pl}
newspapers Gazetten {pl} [veraltet] [Zeitungen]
newspapers shares Zeitungsaktien {pl}
newspaperwoman Zeitungsjournalistin {f}
newspaperwomen Zeitungsjournalistinnen {pl}
newspeak Neusprech {m} {n}
newspeopleZeitungsleute {pl} [ugs.]
newspeople Reporter {pl}
newsperson [Am.] Reporter {m}
newsperson [Am.]Journalist {m}
newsprintZeitungspapier {n}
newsprintZeitungsdruckpapier {n}
newsprintRotationspapier {n}
newsreader [esp. Br.]Nachrichtensprecher {m}
newsreader [female] [esp. Br.]Nachrichtensprecherin {f}
newsreel Wochenschau {f}
newsreel cinema Aktualitätenkino {n} <AKI>
news-reporting services {pl} Presseagentur {f}
news-reporting services {pl} Nachrichtenagentur {f}
newsroom [media] Nachrichtenabteilung {f} [Medien]
newssheet Nachrichtenblatt {n}
newsstand Zeitungsstand {m}
newsstand Zeitschriftenkiosk {m}
newsstand [Am.] Zeitungskiosk {m}
newsvendorZeitungsverkäufer {m}
newswire Presseagentur {f}
newswire Nachrichtenagentur {f}
newswire Nachrichtendienst {m} [Nachrichtenagentur]
newswoman Zeitungsverkäuferin {f}
newswoman Journalistin {f}
newswomen Zeitungsverkäuferinnen {pl}
newsworthy aktuell
newsy [coll.] nachrichtenträchtig
newsy cap [Am.] [coll.] Ballonmütze {f}
newt Molch {m}
newt Wassermolch {m}
Newt [watercolour] [Br.] Molch [Aquarell] [Emil Nolde]
newton <N> Newton {n} <N>
Newton finderNewtonsucher {m}
Newton Gearloose [Disney] Dieter Düsentrieb {m} [in älteren Übersetzungen] [Neffe Daniel Düsentriebs]
Newton Gearloose [Disney] Darius Düsentrieb {m} [in neueren Übersetzungen] [Neffe Daniel Düsentriebs]
Newton linearisation [Br.] Newton-Linearisierung {f}
Newton linearization Newton-Linearisierung {f}
newton meter <Nm> [Am.]Newtonmeter {m} {n} <Nm>
newton metre <Nm> [Br.]Newtonmeter {m} {n} <Nm>
Newton number Newton-Zahl {f}
Newton polynomial [also: Newton's polynomial]Newton-Polynom {n}
Newton-Cotes formula <NC formula, N-C-F> Newton-Cotes-Formel {f} <NC-Formel, N-C-F>
Newtonian newtonsch
NewtonianNewtonianer {m}
Newtonian aberration Newton-Aberration {f} [chromatische Aberration]
Newtonian fluidnewtonsches Fluid {n}
Newtonian fluidNewton'sche Flüssigkeit {f}
Newtonian fluidnewtonsche Flüssigkeit {f}
Newtonian laws newtonsche Gesetze {pl}
Newtonian laws newtonsche Axiome {pl}
Newtonian mechanics [treated as sg.]Newton'sche Mechanik {f}
Newtonian mechanics [treated as sg.] newtonsche Mechanik {f}
Newtonian physics [treated as sg.] Newton'sche Physik {f}
Newtonian physics [treated as sg.] newtonsche Physik {f}
Newtonian telescopeNewton-Teleskop {n}
(Newtonian) constant of gravitation <G> (Newton'sche) Gravitationskonstante {f} <G>
Newtonianism Newtonianismus {m}
Newton-Raphson methodNewton-Verfahren {n}
Newton-Raphson method Newtonverfahren {n}
Newton's axiomnewtonsches Axiom {n}
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Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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