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nap time Nickerchenzeit {f}
napa cabbage [Brassica rapa subsp. pekinensis]Chinakohl {m}
napalmNapalm {n}
napalm bombNapalmbombe {f}
nap-at-noon [Ornithogalum umbellatum] (Gewöhnlicher) Dolden-Milchstern / Doldenmilchstern {m}
nap-at-noon [Ornithogalum umbellatum] Stern {m} von Bethlehem
Napcab ® sleeping cabinNapcab ® -Schlafkabine {f}
nape Nacken {m}
nape Genick {n}
nape Gnack {n} [österr.] [südd.] [ugs.] [Genick]
nape of the neckGenick {n}
nape protection Nackenschutz {m}
napery Tischwäsche {f}
napes of the neck Genicke {pl}
naphtha Naphtha {n}
naphtha Rohbenzin {n}
naphthacene [C18H12] Naphthacen {n}
naphthalene [C10H8]Naphthalin {n}
naphthalene [C10H8] Naphthalen {n}
naphthalene derivativeNaphthalenderivat {n}
naphthalic acid Naphthalsäure {f}
naphthene-base crude oilnaphthenbasisches Erdöl {n}
naphthene-base crude oil Naphthenerdöl {n}
naphthenic acid Naphthensäure {f}
naphthenic acid Naphtensäure {f} [Rsv.]
naphthionic acidNaphthionsäure {f}
naphthoic acidNaphthoesäure {f}
naphthol Naphthol {n}
naphthol derivate Naphtholderivat {n} [auch: Naphthol-Derivat]
naphthol dyeNaphtholfarbstoff {m}
naphthoquinone Naphthochinon {n}
naphthylamine Naphthylamin {n}
napier grass [Pennisetum purpureum]Napiergras {n}
napier grass [Pennisetum purpureum]Elefantengras {n}
napier grass [Pennisetum purpureum] Uganda-Gras {n}
Napier's bones Napiersche Rechenstäbchen {pl}
napiform rübenförmig
napkinMundtuch {n} [veraltend] [Serviette]
napkin Serviette {f}
napkin Tellertuch {n} [veraltet] [Serviette]
napkin [Br.] [dated]Windel {f}
napkin candidiasis [Br.] [Erythema mycoticum infantile, Candidosis genito-glutealis infantum]Windelsoor {m} [veraltet] [ugs.] [Windelcandidose]
napkin candidiasis [Br.] [Erythema mycoticum infantile Candidosis genito-glutealis infantum] Windelcandidose {f}
napkin chain Serviettenkettchen {n}
napkin decoupageServiettentechnik {f}
napkin dermatitis [Br.]Windeldermatitis {f}
napkin dumpling [bread dumpling] Serviettenkloß {m} [Semmelkloß]
napkin dumplings [bread dumplings]Serviettenklöße {pl} [Semmelklöße]
napkin foldingServiettenbrechen {n} [fachspr. für: Serviettenfalten]
napkin folding Serviettenfalten {n}
napkin holder Serviettenhalter {m}
napkin holderServiettenbehälter {m}
napkin psoriasis [Br.] Napkin-Psoriasis {f}
napkin psoriasis [Br.] Napkin-Psoriasis {f}liechkeit
napkin ring Serviettenring {m}
napkinsServietten {pl}
Naples Neapel {n}
Naples garlic [Allium neapolitanum] Neapolitanischer Lauch {m}
Naples onion [Allium neapolitanum]Neapolitanischer Lauch {m}
Naples redNeapelrot {n}
Naples yellowNeapelgelb {n}
Naples yellow deepNeapelgelb {n} dunkel
Naples yellow light Neapelgelb {n} hell
Naples-bornin Neapel geboren
Napo sabrewing [Campylopterus villaviscensio] Napodegenflügel {m}
Napo spindle snake [Atractus duboisi] Napo-Spindelnatter {f}
nap-of-the-earth flightTiefstflug {m} [über Land]
nap-of-the-earth flightKonturenflug {m}
NaPolA: Hitler's Elite Napola – Elite für den Führer [Dennis Gansel]
Napoleon and Samantha [Bernard McEveety] Flucht in die Wildnis
Napoleon complex [coll.] Napoleon-Komplex {m} [ugs.]
Napoleon Dynamite [Jared Hess] Napoleon Dynamite
Napoleon point Napoleon-Punkt {m}
Napoleon sign [belly-press sign]Napoleonzeichen {n} [auch: Napoleon-Zeichen]
Napoleon snake eel [Ophichthus bonaparti]Sattel-Schlangenaal {m}
Napoleon spider [Synema globosum]Südliche Glanz-Krabbenspinne {f}
Napoleon spider [Synema globosum] Südliche Krabbenspinne {f}
Napoleonic Code Code {m} Napoléon
Napoleonic complex [dated] Größenwahn {m}
Napoleonic Eranapoleonische Zeit {f}
Napoleonic WarsNapoleonische Kriege {pl}
Napoleonic Wars [1813-1815] Freiheitskriege {pl} [1813-1815]
Napoleonism Napoleonismus {m}
Napoleon's peacock-pheasant [Polyplectron napoleonis] Palawan-Pfaufasan {m}
Napoleon's peacock-pheasant [Polyplectron napoleonis] Napoleon-Pfaufasan {m}
Napoleon's peacock-pheasant [Polyplectron napoleonis]Napoleonfasan {m}
Napoleon's plume [Bauhinia monandra] Kleiner Orchideenbaum {m}
Napoleon's plume [Bauhinia monandra] Rosa Orchideenbaum {m}
Napoleon's theorem [also: theorem of Napoleon] Satz {m} von Napoleon
Napoleon's (tricorn) hatNapoleon-Dreispitz {m}
(Napoleon's) Hundred Days {pl} Herrschaft {f} der Hundert Tage
Napoletan [rare] [Neapolitan] napoletanisch [selten] [neapolitanisch]
nappa coatNappamantel {m}
nappa jacket Nappajacke {f}
nappa leather braNappaleder-BH {m}
nappa leather coat Nappaledermantel {m}
nappa leather jacketNappalederjacke {f}
nappa leather pants {pl} [one pair] [Am.] Nappalederhose {f}
nappa leather skirtNappalederrock {m}
« naksnamenamenancnanonaptnappnarcnarinarrnarr »
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English-German dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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