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ninety-seven siebenundneunzig
ninety-seven-year-old [attr.] <97-year-old> siebenundneunzigjährig <97-jährig>
ninety-seven-year-old [female] <97-year-old> Siebenundneunzigjährige {f} <97-Jährige>
ninety-seven-year-old <97-year-old>Siebenundneunzigjähriger {m} <97-Jähriger>
ninety-six-year-old [attr.] <96-year-old> sechsundneunzigjährig <96-jährig>
ninety-six-year-old [female] <96-year-old> Sechsundneunzigjährige {f} <96-Jährige>
ninety-six-year-old <96-year-old> Sechsundneunzigjähriger {m} <96-Jähriger>
ninety-somethings [coll.]Menschen {pl} in ihren Neunzigern [ugs.]
ninety-three-year-old [attr.] <93-year-old>dreiundneunzigjährig <93-jährig>
ninety-three-year-old [female] <93-year-old> Dreiundneunzigjährige {f} <93-Jährige>
ninety-three-year-old <93-year-old> Dreiundneunzigjähriger {m} <93-Jähriger>
ninety-two-year-old [attr.] <92-year-old> zweiundneunzigjährig <92-jährig>
ninety-two-year-old [female] <92-year-old> Zweiundneunzigjährige {f} <92-Jährige>
ninety-two-year-old <92-year-old> Zweiundneunzigjähriger {m} <92-Jähriger>
ninety-year-old [attr.] <90-year-old> neunzigjährig <90-jährig>
ninety-year-old [female] <90-year-old>Neunzigjährige {f} <90-Jährige>
ninety-year-old <90-year-old>Neunzigjähriger {m} <90-Jähriger>
ninety-year-oldsNeunzigjährige {pl}
NinevehNinive {n}
Ninevites Nineviten {pl}
Ninevites Niniviten {pl}
nine-volume [attr.]neunbändig
nine-volume edition neunbändige Ausgabe {f}
nine-volume work neunbändiges Werk {n}
nine-week [attr.] <9-week>neunwöchig <9-wöchig>
nine-year gymnasium / Gymnasium [esp. in Germany] neunjähriges Gymnasium {n} [bes. in Deutschland] <G9>
nine-year-old [attr.] neunjährig <9-jährig> [z. B. Mädchen, Kater etc.]
nine-year-old [female] <9-year-old> Neunjährige {f} <9-Jährige>
nine-year-old <9-year-old> Neunjähriger {m} <9-Jähriger>
nine-year-olds Neunjährige {pl}
ningauis [genus Ningaui] Ningauis {pl}
Ningbing pseudantechinus [Antechinus ningbing] Ningbing-Breitfußbeutelmaus {f}
ningpo clematis [Clematis lanuginosa] Wollige Waldrebe {f}
Ningshan burrowing snake [Br.] [Achalinus ningshanensis] Ningshan-Wühlnatter {f}
Ningshan odd-scaled snake [Br.] [Achalinus ningshanensis]Ningshan-Wühlnatter {f}
ninguid [obs.]verschneit
ningyoite [(U,Ca,Ce)2(PO4)2·1-2H2O] Ningyoit {m}
ninhydrin [C9H6O4]Ninhydrin {n}
niningerite [(Mg,Fe,Mn)S]Niningerit {m}
ninjaNinja {m}
ninnies Idioten {pl}
ninny [coll.] Trottel {m} [ugs.]
ninny [coll.]Depp {m} [ugs.]
ninny [coll.] Einfaltspinsel {m} [ugs.]
ninny [coll.] [pej.] Nebochant {m} [österr.] [ugs.] [pej.] [Ignorant]
ninny [coll.] [fool] Gimpel {m} [ugs.] [Narr]
ninny [dated] [coll.] [pej.]Idiot {m} [ugs.] [pej.]
ninon[leichter, aber starker Seidenstoff, heute auch synthetisch]
Ninotchka [Ernst Lubitsch]Ninotschka
Ninoy Aquino International Airport Ninoy Aquino International Airport {m}
(Nintendo ®) GameCube™ <GCN, GC, NGC>(Nintendo ®) GameCube™ {m} <GCN, GC, NGC>
Nintendo® DS Nintendo® DS {m} {n} <NDS, DS>
ninthNone {f}
ninth [fraction] Neuntel {n} [schweiz. meist {m}]
ninth [ninthly] neuntens
ninth <9th>neunte
ninth centenary Neunhundertjahrfeier {f}
ninth century 9. Jahrhundert {n}
ninth division of German league [football] Kreisklasse {f}
ninth grader [Am.] Tertianer {m} [Obertertianer]
ninth gradersNeuntklässler {pl}
ninth largest neuntgrößte
ninth partNeuntel {n} [schweiz. meist {m}]
ninth thoracic vertebra <9th thoracic vertebra, T9 vertebra, T9> [Vertebra thoracica IX] neunter Brustwirbel {m} <9. Brustwirbel, Th9, Th 9>
[ninth and final year of a German secondary school] Oberprima {f} [veraltend]
ninthly neuntens
ninths Neunten {pl}
ninths Nonen {pl}
ninths [fractions]Neuntel {pl}
nioaka [Sporobolus virginicus, syn.: S. littoralis, S. pungens]Virginischer Fallsame {m}
niobate Niobat {n}
NiobeNiobe {f}
Niobe fritillary [Argynnis niobe, syn.: Fabriciana niobe] [butterfly]Stiefmütterchen-Perlmutterfalter {m}
Niobe fritillary [Argynnis niobe] [butterfly] Mittlerer Perlmutterfalter {m}
Niobe ground squirrel [Lariscus niobe] Niobe-Schwarzstreifenhörnchen {n}
Niobe willow [Salix x pendulina, syn.: S. blanda, S. elegantissima, S. pendulina, S. x blanda, S. x elegantissima, S. babylonica x S. fragilis]Wisconsin-Trauer-Weide / Wisconsin-Trauerweide {f}
niobite [(Fe,Mn)(Nb,Ta)2O6]Niobit {m} [Mischkristall]
niobium <Nb>Niobium {n} <Nb>
niobium <Nb> Niob {n} <Nb>
niobium atomNiobatom {n}
niobium compoundNiobverbindung {f}
niobium dioxide [NbO2]Niobdioxid {n}
niobium diselenide [NbSe2] Niobdiselenid {n}
niobium disulfide [Am.] [NbS2]Niobdisulfid {n}
niobium fluorideNiobfluorid {n}
niobium isotope Niobisotop {n} [Niob-Isotop]
niobium monoxide [NbO] Niobmonoxid {n}
niobium nitride [NbN] Niobnitrid {n}
niobium oxide Nioboxid {n}
niobium pentabromide [NbBr5] Niobpentabromid {n}
niobium pentachloride [NbCl5]Niobpentachlorid {n}
niobium pentafluoride [NbF5]Niobpentafluorid {n}
niobium pentaiodide [NbI5, Nb2I10] Niobpentaiodid {n} [oder: Niobpentajodid]
niobium tetrabromide [NbBr4] Niobtetrabromid {n}
niobium tetrachloride [NbCl4] Niobtetrachlorid {n}
niobium tetrafluoride [NbF4]Niobtetrafluorid {n}
niobium tetraiodide [NbI4] Niobtetraiodid {n}
« nighnighNilSnimbninenineniobnippnitpnitrnitr »
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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