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English-German Dictionary

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nitrogen trichloride [NCl3] Stickstofftrichlorid {n}
nitrogen trifluoride [NF3]Stickstofftrifluorid {n}
nitrogen triiodide [NI3] Stickstofftriiodid {n}
nitrogen uptakeStickstoffaufnahme {f}
nitrogen utilisation [Br.]Stickstoffnutzung {f}
nitrogen utilizationStickstoffverwertung {f}
nitrogen utilization Stickstoffnutzung {f}
nitrogenase Nitrogenase {f}
nitrogen-based stickstoffbasiert
nitrogen-basedauf Stickstoffbasis [nachgestellt]
nitrogen-containing stickstoffhaltig
nitrogen-doped stickstoffdotiert
nitrogen-fixing stickstofffixierend
nitrogen-free stickstofffrei
nitrogenous stickstoffhaltig
nitrogenous basestickstoffhaltige Base {f}
nitrogenous fertilizer Stickstoffdünger {m}
nitrogen-poor sward Magerrasen {m}
nitrogen-purged stickstoffgespült
nitrogen-purged mit Stickstoff gespült
nitrogen-rich stickstoffhaltig
nitrogen-specific stickstoffspezifisch
nitrogen-vacancy center [Am.] <NV center, N-V center> Stickstoff-Fehlstellen-Zentrum {n} <NV-Zentrum>
nitrogen-vacancy centre [Br.] <NV centre, N-V centre>Stickstoff-Fehlstellen-Zentrum {n} <NV-Zentrum>
nitroglycerin <NG> [Am.]Nitroglyzerin {n} <NG>
nitroglycerine <NG>Nitroglyzerin {n} <NG>
nitroimidazoleNitroimidazol {n}
nitrolime Kalkstickstoff {m}
nitromagnesite [Mg(NO3)2·6H2O]Nitromagnesit {m}
nitrometerNitrometer {n}
nitromethane Nitromethan {n}
nitronatrite [NaNO3] Nitronatrit {m}
nitrone Nitron {n}
nitrophenolNitrophenol {n}
nitrophyte Nitrophyt {m}
nitrophyte Stickstoffzeiger {m}
nitrophytic nitrophytisch
nitrosamineNitrosamin {n}
nitrosamines Nitrosamine {pl}
nitrosatable nitrosierbar
nitrosation Nitrosierung {f}
nitrosative stress nitrosativer Stress {m}
nitrose [archaic]nitros [Stickstoff enthaltend]
nitrosoureaNitrosoharnstoff {m}
nitrosyl azide [N3NO, NON3, N4O]Nitrosylazid {n}
nitrosyl azide [N3NO, NON3, N4O]Tetrastickstoffmonoxid {n} [Nitrosylazid]
nitrosyl chloride <NOCl> Nitrosylchlorid {n} <NOCl>
nitrosyl fluoride [NOF] Nitrosylfluorid {n}
nitrosylation Nitrosylierung {f}
nitrosylsulfuric acid [Am.] Nitrosylschwefelsäure {f}
nitrosylsulphuric acid [Br.]Nitrosylschwefelsäure {f}
nitrotyrosine Nitrotyrosin {n}
nitrous salpeterhaltig
nitrous Salpeter-
nitrous nitros [Stickstoff enthaltend]
nitrousnitrosehaltig [Stickstoff enthaltend]
nitrous acid [HNO2] salpetrige Säure {f}
nitrous bonnet [Mycena leptocephala, syn.: M. alcalina var. chlorinella, M. ammoniaca, M. chlorinella, M. metata, Agaricus alcalinus subsp. leptocephalus] Grauer Nitrat-Helmling / Nitrathelmling {m}
nitrous earth Salpetererde {f}
nitrous fumes Salpeterdunst {m}
nitrous gasesnitrose Gase {pl}
nitrous gasesStickoxide {pl}
nitrous mycena [Mycena leptocephala, syn.: M. alcalina var. chlorinella, M. ammoniaca, M. chlorinella, M. metata, Agaricus alcalinus subsp. leptocephalus] Grauer Nitrat-Helmling / Nitrathelmling {m}
nitrous oxide [N2O]Lachgas {n}
nitrous oxide [N2O]Stickoxidul {n} [N2O] [veraltet] [Distickstoffmonoxid]
nitrous oxide [N2O] Stickoxydul {n} [N2O] [veraltet] [Distickstoffmonoxid]
nitrous oxide [N2O] [E-942]Distickstoffoxid {n}
nitrous oxide abuseLachgasabusus {m}
nitrous oxide analgesia Lachgasanalgesie {f}
nitrous (oxide) injectionLachgaseinspritzung {f}
nitrous soil Salpetererde {f}
nitrous-oxide containing stickoxidhaltig
nitroxide-mediated polymerisation <NMP> [Br.]Nitroxid-vermittelte Polymerisation {f}
nitroxide-mediated polymerization <NMP>Nitroxid-vermittelte Polymerisation {f}
nitryl Nitryl {n}
nitryl fluoride [NO2F, FNO2] Nitrylfluorid {n}
nitryl ionNitryl-Ion {n} [auch: Nitrylion]
nitsNissen {pl}
nitsLäuseeier {pl}
Nitsche's bush viper [Atheris nitschei] Schwarzgrüne Buschviper {f}
nitty [coll.] [archaic] [foolish] dämlich [ugs.]
nitty [full of nits]nissig
nitty grittyGrundelemente {pl}
nitty gritty Basisteile {pl}
nitty grittywichtige Elemente {pl} [eines Themas/Problems]
nitty-gritty [coll.]praktisch veranlagt
nitwit Nichtswisser {m}
nitwitNebochant {m} [ugs.]
nitwit [coll.]Schwachkopf {m} [pej.]
nitwit [coll.]Dummkopf {m} [pej.]
nitwit [coll.] Depp {m} [ugs.]
nitwit [coll.] Flitzpiepe {f} [ugs.] [berlin.] [ostd.]
nitwit [coll.] Knalltüte {f} [ugs.] [Blödmann]
nitwit [coll.] [often pej.] [a scatterbrained or stupid person]Boofke {m} [ugs.] [auch pej.] [bes. Berlin, Ruhrgebiet] [ungebildeter Mensch, Dummkopf]
« ninenintnippnitenitrnitrnitwnoboNoFonolonoon »
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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