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naringenin [C15H12O5]Naringenin {n}
naringin [C27H32O14]Naringin {n}
Nariño spindle snake [Atractus echidna] Nariño-Spindelnatter {f}
Narino tapaculo [Scytalopus vicinior]Nariñotapaculo {m}
nark [Br.] [sl.] Spitzel {m}
nark [sl.] Polizeispitzel {m}
narked [Br.] [coll.]sauer [ugs.]
narkiness [esp. Br.] [coll.]Gereiztheit {f}
narky [Br.] [coll.] gereizt
narky [Br.] [coll.] unausstehlich [übellaunig, kaum zu ertragen]
narky [Br.] [coll.]grantig [südd.] [österr.] [ugs.]
narluga Narluga {f}
narly [sl.]krass [ugs.]
Narmer Palette Narmerpalette {f}
Narok honeyguide [Indicator meliphilus, syn.: I. narokensis]Olivmantel-Honiganzeiger {m}
Narok honeyguide [Indicator meliphilus, syn.: I. narokensis]Tavetahoniganzeiger {m}
Narosky's seedeater [Sporophila zelichi]Zelichpfäffchen {n}
narrated in the second person [postpos.]in der Du-Form geschrieben
narrateefiktiver Leser {m}
narrateefiktiver Adressat {m}
narration Erzählung {f}
narrationGeschichte {f}
narration kurze Wiedergabe {f} des Sachverhalts
narrationNarration {f}
narration [of events, journey]Schilderung {f}
narrational erzählerisch
narrationsErzählungen {pl}
narratival [rarely used outside of theological writings]narrativ
narrativally narrativ
narrativeBericht {m}
narrative Erzählung {f}
narrativeSchilderung {f}
narrative Erzählen {n}
narrative erzählerisch
narrative narrativ
narrative Narrativ {n}
narrative [story, account]Geschichte {f} [Erzählung, Bericht]
narrative analysisErzählanalyse {f}
narrative arc Erzählbogen {m}
narrative citation narrativer Kurzbeleg {m}
narrative community Erzählgemeinschaft {f}
narrative continuity Erzählfluss {m}
narrative culture Erzählkultur {f}
narrative cycle Erzählkranz {m}
narrative discourse Erzähldiskurs {m}
narrative eventErzählereignis {n}
narrative fallacynarrative Verzerrung {f}
narrative flowErzählfluss {m}
narrative form Erzählform {f}
narrative forms Erzählformen {pl}
narrative frameworkRahmenhandlung {f}
narrative functionErzählfunktion {f}
narrative level Erzählebene {f}
narrative literatureErzählliteratur {f}
narrative logicErzähllogik {f}
narrative materialErzählstoff {m}
narrative medicine <NM>narrative Medizin {f}
narrative perspectiveErzählperspektive {f}
narrative poempoetische Erzählung {f}
narrative preachingnarrative Predigt {f}
narrative reportErzählbericht {m} [als Darbietungsform]
narrative review narratives Review {n} [auch {m}: narrativer Review; auch {f}: narrative Review]
narrative skillErzählergabe {f}
narrative structure Erzählstruktur {f}
narrative styleerzählender Stil {m}
narrative style Erzählstil {m}
narrative style Erzählweise {f}
narrative techniqueErzähltechnik {f}
narrative tense Erzähltempus {n}
narrative text Erzähltext {m}
narrative theologynarrative Theologie {f}
narrative thread Erzählstrang {m}
narrative timeErzählzeit {f}
narrative toneErzählton {m}
narrative traditionErzähltradition {f}
narrative verdict [England and Wales][vorläufiges Ergebnis der Leichenschau]
(narrative) writerErzähler {m}
narrative-based medicine <NBM>sprechende Medizin {f}
narratively erzählend
narratively narrativ
narratives Erzählungen {pl}
narratives {pl}Erzählgut {n} [Erzählungen]
narrative-within-the-narrative Binnenerzählung {f}
narrativistic erzählend
narrativity Narrativität {f}
narratological narratologisch
narratology Erzähltheorie {f}
narratologyErzählforschung {f}
narratologyNarratologie {f}
narratorErzähler {m}
narrator Sprecher {m}
narrator [female] Sprecherin {f}
narrator [female]Erzählerin {f}
narrator [in literature]Erzählerfigur {f}
« Nancnanonaptnappnarcnarinarrnarrnarrnarrnarr »
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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