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narrow-hinge astarte [Astarte montagui]Kugel-Astarte {f} [Meeresmuschel]
narrow-hinge astarte [Astarte montagui] Schmalband-Astarte {f} [Meeresmuschel]
narrowing einengend
narrowingEinengung {f}
narrowing verkleinernd
narrowing sich verengend
narrowing Striktur {f}
narrowing Engführung {f}
narrowingVerengung {f}
narrowingVerjüngung {f} [Verengung]
narrowing Verschmälerung {f}
narrowing conversion eingeschränkte Konvertierung {f}
narrowing of a spread Verengung {f} einer Marge
narrowing of marginsVerengung {f} der Ertragsspanne
narrowing of the blood vesselsVerengung {f} der Blutgefäße
narrowing of the heart arteriesHerzgefäßverengung {f}
narrowing of the preputial orificeVorhautverengung {f}
narrowing of the roadEngstelle {f} der Straße
narrowing the spreadVerengung {f} der Streuung
narrowingsVerengungen {pl}
narrowleaf / narrow-leaf bur-reed [Sparganium angustifolium, syn.: S. affine]Schmalblättriger Igelkolben {m}
narrow-leaf / narrowleaf dock [Rumex stenophyllus] Schmalblatt-Ampfer {m}
narrow-leaf / narrowleaf dock [Rumex stenophyllus]Salzampfer {m}
narrow-leaf / narrowleaf dock [Rumex stenophyllus] Schmalblättriger Ampfer {m}
narrowleaf / narrow-leaf firethorn [Pyracantha angustifolia, syn.: Cotoneaster angustifolius]Schmalblättriger Feuerdorn {m}
narrowleaf / narrow-leaf goosefoot [Chenopodium leptophyllum] Schmalblättriger Gänsefuß {m}
narrowleaf / narrow-leaf lambsquarters {pl} [treated as sg.] [Chenopodium leptophyllum] Schmalblättriger Gänsefuß {m}
narrow-leaf / narrowleaf pondweed [Potamogeton strictifolius, syn.: P. longiligulatus, P. pusillus var. rutiloides, P. rutilus, P. strictifolius var. rutiloides, P. strictifolius var. typicus] Steifblättriges Laichkraut {n}
narrow-leaf / narrowleaf willow [Salix exigua, syn.: S. fluviatilis, S. hindsiana, S. interior, S. longifolia, S. sessilifolia, S. var. hindsiana]Sandbank-Weide / Sandbankweide {f}
(narrow-leaf / narrowleaf) blue-eyed grass [Sisyrinchium angustifolium, syn.: S. bermudianum, S. gramineum, S. graminoides] Blauäugiges Gras {n}
(narrow-leaf / narrowleaf) blue-eyed grass [Sisyrinchium angustifolium, syn.: S. bermudianum, S. gramineum, S. graminoides]Blauaugengras {n}
(narrow-leaf / narrowleaf) blue-eyed grass [Sisyrinchium angustifolium, syn.: S. bermudianum, S. gramineum, S. graminoides] Binsenlilie {f}
(narrow-leaf / narrowleaf) blue-eyed grass [Sisyrinchium angustifolium, syn.: S. bermudianum, S. gramineum, S. graminoides] Schmalblättriger Grasschwertel {m}
narrow-leaf arrowhead [Sagittaria subulata, syn.: S. lorata] Flutendes Pfeilkraut {n}
narrow-leaf arrowhead [Sagittaria subulata, syn.: S. lorata] Zwergpfeilkraut {n}
narrow-leaf arrowhead [Sagittaria subulata, syn.: S. lorata] Pfriemenpfeilkraut {n}
narrow-leaf arrowhead [Sagittaria subulata, syn.: S. lorata]Pfriemenblättriges Pfeilkraut {n} [Pfriemenpfeilkraut]
narrow-leaf bittercress [Cardamine impatiens, syn.: C. brachycarpa, C. dasycarpa, C. impatiens subsp. impatiens, C. pectinata] Spring-Schaumkraut {n}
narrow-leaf cattail [Typha domingensis, syn.: T. angustata, T. angustifolia, T. australis]Südlicher Rohrkolben {m}
narrow-leaf clover [Trifolium angustifolium]Schmalblättriger Klee {m}
narrowleaf cottonwood [Populus angustifolia] Schmalblättrige Pappel {f}
narrowleaf crimson clover [Trifolium angustifolium]Schmalblättriger Klee {m}
narrow-leaf cumbungi [Typha domingensis, syn.: T. angustata, T. angustifolia, T. australis] Südlicher Rohrkolben {m}
narrowleaf dock [Rumex crispus] [curled dock]Krausblättriger Ampfer {m} [Krauser Ampfer]
narrowleaf dock [Rumex crispus] [curled dock]Krauser Ampfer {m}
narrow-leaf drumsticks [Isopogon anethifolius] Schmalblättrige Paukenschlägel {pl}
narrow-leaf goosefoot [Chenopodium pratericola, syn.: C. desiccatum, C. pratericola subsp. desiccatum] Schmalblattgänsefuß {m}
narrowleaf hawk's-beard / hawksbeard [Crepis tectorum, syn.: C. muralis, Hieracioides tectorum, Hieracium tectorum] Dach-Pippau / Dachpippau {m}
narrowleaf hawkweed [Hieracium umbellatum, syn.: Hieracium canadense] Doldiges Habichtskraut {n}
narrow-leaf helleborine [Cephalanthera longifolia, syn.: C. ensifolia, Serapias grandiflora, S. longifolia]Schmalblatt-Waldvöglein / Schmalblatt-Waldvögelein {n}
narrow-leaf helleborine [Cephalanthera longifolia, syn.: C. ensifolia, Serapias grandiflora, S. longifolia] Schwertblatt-Waldvöglein / Schwertblatt-Waldvögelein {n}
narrow-leaf helleborine [Cephalanthera longifolia, syn.: Serapias grandiflora, S. longifolia] Langblättriges Waldvöglein / Waldvögelein {n}
narrow-leaf helleborine [Cephalanthera longifolia, syn.: Serapias grandiflora, S. longifolia] Schwertblättriges Waldvöglein / Waldvögelein {n}
narrow-leaf helleborine [Cephalanthera longifolia, syn.: Serapias grandiflora, S. longifolia]Kopfständel {m} [Schwertblättriges Waldvöglein]
narrow-leaf knotweed [Polygonum aviculare, syn.: P. aviculare subsp. aviculare](Echter) Vogelknöterich {m}
narrow-leaf knotweed [Polygonum aviculare, syn.: P. aviculare subsp. aviculare]Acker-Vogelknöterich / Ackervogelknöterich {m}
narrowleaf knotweed [Polygonum bellardii] Ungarischer Knöterich {m}
narrow-leaf lambsquarters {pl} [treated as sg.] [Chenopodium pratericola, syn.: C. desiccatum, C. pratericola subsp. desiccatum] Schmalblattgänsefuß {m}
narrow-leaf lettuce [Lactuca saligna]Weiden-Lattich / Weidenlattich {m}
narrow-leaf lettuce [Lactuca saligna]Weidenblättriger Lattich {m}
narrow-leaf lotus [Lotus angustissimus, syn.: L. angustissimus var. gracilis, L. ciliatus, L. corniculatus var. ciliatus, L. gracilis]Schmaler Hornklee {m}
narrow-leaf lotus [Lotus angustissimus, syn.: L. angustissimus var. gracilis, L. ciliatus, L. corniculatus var. ciliatus, L. gracilis] Zierlicher Hornklee {m}
narrowleaf milkvetch [Astragalus angustifolius]Schmalblättriger Tragant {m}
narrowleaf peatmoss [Sphagnum angustifolium] Schmalblättriges Torfmoos {n}
narrowleaf peatmoss [Sphagnum angustifolium]Kurzblättriges Torfmoos {n}
narrow-leaf pepper-grass / peppergrass [Lepidium ruderale, syn.: L. hyssopifolium] Stink-Kresse / Stinkkresse {f}
narrow-leaf phillyrea [Phillyrea angustifolia]Schmalblättrige Steinlinde {f}
narrowleaf plantain [Plantago lanceolata] Spitzwegerich {m}
narrow-leaf sage [Salvia reflexa, syn.: S. lanceolata] Schmalblättriger Salbei {m} [selten {f}: Schmalblättrige Salbei]
narrow-leaf sorrel [Rumex thyrsiflorus]Straußblütiger Sauerampfer {m}
narrow-leaf sorrel [Rumex thyrsiflorus] Rispen-Sauerampfer / Rispensauerampfer {m}
narrow-leaf sorrel [Rumex thyrsiflorus] Rispenampfer {m}
narrow-leaf sorrel [Rumex thyrsiflorus] Bahndamm-Ampfer / Bahndammampfer {m}
narrow-leaf spirea [Spiraea alba, syn.: S. alba var. latifolia, S. latifolia] Weißer Spierstrauch {m}
narrow-leaf sunflower [Helianthus angustifolius, syn.: Rudbeckia angustifolia] Sumpf-Sonnenblume / Sumpfsonnenblume {f}
narrowleaf thorowax / thorow wax [Bupleurum odontites, syn.: B. fontanesii, B. gerardi, Tepso odontites]Desfontaines Hasenohr {n}
narrow-leaf trefoil [Lotus angustissimus, syn.: L. angustissimus var. gracilis, L. ciliatus, L. corniculatus var. ciliatus, L. gracilis] Schmaler Hornklee {m}
narrow-leaf trefoil [Lotus angustissimus, syn.: L. angustissimus var. gracilis, L. ciliatus, L. corniculatus var. ciliatus, L. gracilis]Zierlicher Hornklee {m}
narrow-leaf vetch [Am.] [Vicia sativa] Ackerwicke {f}
narrow-leaf vetch [Am.] [Vicia sativa] Futterwicke {f}
narrow-leaf vetch [Am.] [Vicia sativa]Saatwicke {f}
narrow-leaf vetch [Am.] [Vicia sativa] Sommerwicke {f}
narrow-leaf vetch [Vicia sativa L. subsp. angustifolia]Schmalblättrige Wicke {f}
narrow-leaf vetch [Vicia sativa L. subsp. angustifolia]Schmalblättrige Futterwicke {f}
narrow-leaf water starwort [Callitriche hermaphroditica, syn.: C. autumnalis] Büngel {m}
narrow-leaf water starwort [Callitriche hermaphroditica, syn.: C. autumnalis] Herbst-Wasserstern / Herbstwasserstern {m}
narrowleaf water-plantain [Alisma gramineum, also A. arcuatum, A. geyeri, A. lanceolatum] Grasblättriger Froschlöffel {m}
narrowleaf water-plantain [Alisma gramineum, also A. arcuatum, A. geyeri, A. lanceolatum]Gras-Froschlöffel {m}
narrow-leaf water-plantain [Alisma gramineum, also A. arcuatum, A. geyeri, A. lanceolatum]Grasblättriger Froschlöffel {m}
narrow-leaf water-plantain [Alisma gramineum, also A. arcuatum, A. geyeri, A. lanceolatum] Gras-Froschlöffel {m}
narrowleaf yucca [Yucca glauca, syn.: Yucca angustifolia] Blaugrüne Palmlilie {f}
(narrowleaf) meadowsweet [Spiraea alba, syn.: S. alba var. latifolia, S. latifolia]Weißer Spierstrauch {m}
narrow-leafed ash [Fraxinus angustifolia, syn.: F. oxycarpa, F. tamariscifolia]Schmalblättrige Esche {f}
narrow-leafed ash [Fraxinus angustifolia, syn.: F. oxycarpa, F. tamariscifolia]Quirl-Esche {f}
narrow-leaved arrowhead [Sagittaria subulata, syn.: S. lorata] Flutendes Pfeilkraut {n}
narrow-leaved arrowhead [Sagittaria subulata, syn.: S. lorata] Schmalblättriges Pfeilkraut {n}
narrow-leaved arrowhead [Sagittaria subulata, syn.: S. lorata]Kleines Pfeilkraut {n}
narrow-leaved arrowhead [Sagittaria subulata, syn.: S. lorata] Zwergpfeilkraut {n}
« nappnarcNariNarrnarrnarrnarrnarrnasanasaNass »
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