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narrow-leaved arrowhead [Sagittaria subulata, syn.: S. lorata] Schmalblättriges Pfeilkraut {n}
narrow-leaved arrowhead [Sagittaria subulata, syn.: S. lorata]Kleines Pfeilkraut {n}
narrow-leaved arrowhead [Sagittaria subulata, syn.: S. lorata] Zwergpfeilkraut {n}
narrow-leaved arrowhead [Sagittaria subulata, syn.: S. lorata] Pfriemenpfeilkraut {n}
narrow-leaved biarum [Biarum tenuifolium, syn.: Arum tenuifolium] Schmalblättriges Biarum {n}
narrow-leaved bird of paradise [Strelitzia juncea]Binsen-Strelitzie {f}
narrow-leaved bittercress [Cardamine impatiens] Spring-Schaumkraut {n}
narrow-leaved bottle tree [Brachychiton rupestris, syn.: Delabechea rupestris] [Queensland bottle tree]Queensland-Flaschenbaum {m}
narrow-leaved bottle tree [Brachychiton rupestris, syn.: Delabechea rupestris] [Queensland bottle tree]Glücksbaum {m} [Queensland-Flaschenbaum]
narrow-leaved cattail [Am.] [Typha angustifolia] Schmalblättriger Rohrkolben {m}
narrow-leaved cattail [Typha domingensis, syn.: T. angustata, T. angustifolia, T. australis]Südlicher Rohrkolben {m}
narrow-leaved cistus [Cistus monspeliensis] Schmalblättrige Zistrose {f}
narrow-leaved cistus [Cistus monspeliensis] Französische Zistrose {f}
narrow-leaved cistus [Cistus monspeliensis]Montpellier-Zistrose {f}
narrow-leaved clover [Sparganium angustifolium, syn.: S. affine] Schmalblättriger Klee {m}
narrow-leaved cress [Lepidium ruderale, syn.: L. hyssopifolium]Schutt-Kresse / Schuttkresse {f}
narrow-leaved cress [Lepidium ruderale, syn.: L. hyssopifolium]Stink-Kresse / Stinkkresse {f}
narrow-leaved cumbungi [Typha domingensis, syn.: T. angustata, T. angustifolia, T. australis]Südlicher Rohrkolben {m}
narrow-leaved dock [Rumex acetosa]Wiesen-Sauerampfer {m}
narrow-leaved dock [Rumex acetosa] (Großer) Sauerampfer {m}
narrow-leaved dock [Rumex crispus]Krauser Ampfer {m}
narrow-leaved dock [Rumex stenophyllus]Schmalblatt-Ampfer {m}
narrow-leaved dock [Rumex stenophyllus] Salzampfer {m}
narrow-leaved dock [Rumex stenophyllus] Schmalblättriger Ampfer {m}
narrow-leaved everlasting-pea [Lathyrus sylvestris] Wilde Platterbse {f}
narrow-leaved everlasting-pea [Lathyrus sylvestris]Wald-Platterbse {f}
narrow-leaved firethorn [Pyracantha angustifolia, syn.: Cotoneaster angustifolius] Schmalblättriger Feuerdorn {m}
narrow-leaved flax [Linum tenuifolium]Schmalblättriger Lein {m}
narrow-leaved flax [Linum tenuifolium] Schmalblatt-Lein {m}
narrow-leaved foxtail lily [Eremurus stenophyllus] Schmalblättrige Steppenkerze {f}
narrow-leaved glaucous spurge [Euphorbia rigida] Zweidrüsen-Wolfsmilch {f}
narrow-leaved glaucous spurge [Euphorbia rigida] Steife Wolfsmilch {f}
narrow-leaved goosefoot [Chenopodium leptophyllum]Schmalblättriger Gänsefuß {m}
narrow-leaved hawk's-beard / hawksbeard [Crepis tectorum, syn.: C. muralis, Hieracioides tectorum, Hieracium tectorum] Dach-Pippau / Dachpippau {m}
narrow-leaved helleborine [Cephalanthera longifolia, syn.: C. ensifolia, Serapias grandiflora, S. longifolia] Schmalblatt-Waldvöglein / Schmalblatt-Waldvögelein {n}
narrow-leaved helleborine [Cephalanthera longifolia, syn.: C. ensifolia, Serapias grandiflora, S. longifolia] Schwertblatt-Waldvöglein / Schwertblatt-Waldvögelein {n}
narrow-leaved helleborine [Cephalanthera longifolia, syn.: Serapias grandiflora, S. longifolia] Schwertblättriges Waldvöglein / Waldvögelein {n}
narrow-leaved helleborine [Cephalanthera longifolia, syn.: Serapias grandiflora, S. longifolia] Langblättriges Waldvöglein / Waldvögelein {n}
narrow-leaved helleborine [Cephalanthera longifolia, syn.: Serapias grandiflora, S. longifolia]Kopfständel {m} [Schwertblättriges Waldvöglein]
narrow-leaved lavender [Lavandula angustifolia, syn.: Lavandula officinalis, Lavandula vera, Lavandula spica] Echter Lavendel {m}
narrow-leaved lavender [Lavandula angustifolia, syn.: Lavandula officinalis, Lavandula vera, Lavandula spica]Schmalblättriger Lavendel {m}
narrow-leaved lungwort [Pulmonaria angustifolia] Schmalblättriges Lungenkraut {n}
narrow-leaved lungwort [Pulmonaria longifolia]Langblättriges Lungenkraut {n}
narrow-leaved marsh orchid [Dactylorhiza traunsteineri] Traunsteiners Knabenkraut {n}
narrow-leaved meadow grass [Poa palustris, syn.: P. fertilis, P. serotina] Sumpf-Rispengras / Sumpfrispengras {n}
narrow-leaved meadow grass [Poa palustris, syn.: P. fertilis, P. serotina] Spätes Rispengras {n} [veraltet]
narrow-leaved meadowsweet [Spiraea alba, syn.: S. alba var. latifolia, S. latifolia] Weißer Spierstrauch {m}
narrow-leaved mouse-ear [Cerastium lineare] Schmalblättriges Hornkraut {n}
narrow-leaved paperbark [Melaleuca alternifolia] Australischer Teebaum {m}
narrow-leaved pepperwort [Lepidium ruderale, syn.: L. hyssopifolium] Schutt-Kresse / Schuttkresse {f}
narrow-leaved pepperwort [Lepidium ruderale, syn.: L. hyssopifolium] Stink-Kresse / Stinkkresse {f}
narrow-leaved plantain [Plantago lanceolata] Spitzwegerich {m}
narrow-leaved plantain-lily [Hosta lancifolia] Lanzenblatt-Funkie {f}
narrow-leaved pondweed [Potamogeton strictifolius, syn.: P. longiligulatus, P. pusillus var. rutiloides, P. rutilus, P. strictifolius var. rutiloides, P. strictifolius var. typicus] Steifblättriges Laichkraut {n}
narrow-leaved ragwort [Senecio inaequidens] Schmalblättriges Greiskraut {n}
narrow-leaved rattle [Rhinanthus angustifolius, syn.: Rhinanthus serotinus, Rh. major, Rh. glaber, Rh. grandiflorus]Großer Klappertopf {m}
narrow-leaved rockrose / rock rose [Cistus monspeliensis]Schmalblättrige Zistrose {f}
narrow-leaved rockrose / rock rose [Cistus monspeliensis]Französische Zistrose {f}
narrow-leaved rockrose / rock rose [Cistus monspeliensis] Montpellier-Zistrose {f}
narrow-leaved sandwort [Moehringia bavarica]Steirische Nabelmiere {f}
narrow-leaved sandwort [Moehringia bavarica]Etschtaler Nabelmiere {f}
narrow-leaved sandwort [Moehringia bavarica] Fleischige Nabelmiere {f}
narrow-leaved screw moss [Tortula cernua, syn.: Desmatodon cernuus]Nickendes Bandzahnmoos {n}
narrow-leaved sedge [Carex stenophylla, syn.: C. duriuscula, C. eleocharis] Schmalblättrige Segge {f}
narrow-leaved sunflower [Helianthus angustifolius, syn.: Rudbeckia angustifolia] Sumpf-Sonnenblume / Sumpfsonnenblume {f}
narrow-leaved tea tree [Melaleuca alternifolia]Australischer Teebaum {m}
narrow-leaved tea-tree [Melaleuca alternifolia] Australischer Teebaum {m}
narrow-leaved turpentinegrass [Cymbopogon pospischilii]Schmallblättriges Pfeffergras {n}
narrow-leaved wall-mustard [Diplotaxis tenuifolia, syn.: Arabis sylvestris, Eruca muralis, E. perennis, Sisymbrium acre]Schmalblättriger Doppelsame {m}
narrow-leaved water-dropwort [Oenanthe silaifolia] Silaublättriger Wasserfenchel {m}
narrow-lined puffer [Arothron manilensis]Manilakugelfisch {m}
narrow-lined puffer [Arothron manilensis] Streifen-Kugelfisch {m}
narrowly mit Mühe
narrowly defined eng definiert
narrowly mixedleicht verändert
narrow-minded engherzig
narrow-minded engstirnig
narrow-minded (geistig) beschränkt
narrow-minded spießig [ugs.] [pej.] [engstirnig]
narrow-minded vernagelt [ugs.] [geistig beschränkt]
narrow-minded kleinkariert [ugs.]
narrow-minded kleinbürgerlich
narrowmindedness Engstirnigkeit {f}
narrow-mindednessEngstirnigkeit {f}
narrow-mindednessKleinkariertheit {f}
narrow-mindedness Borniertheit {f} [Geisteshaltung]
narrow-mindednessKleingeistigkeit {f}
narrow-mindedness Beschränktheit {f} [geistige Enge]
narrow-mindednessSpießigkeit {f}
narrow-mindedness [pej.]Philistertum {n} [geh.] [pej.]
narrow-mouthed / narrowmouthed catshark [Schroederichthys bivius] Schmalmaul-Katzenhai {m}
narrow-mouthed frog [genus Microhylidae] Engmaulfrosch {m}
narrow-mouthed frogs [family Microhylidae] Engmaulfrösche {pl}
narrow-mouthed salamander [Ambystoma texanum, syn.: A. nothagenes, Salamandra texana] Schmalkopf-Querzahnmolch {m}
narrow-mouthed toads [family Microhylidae] Engmaulfrösche {pl}
narrow-mouthed whorl snail [Vertigo angustior]Schmale Windelschnecke {f}
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Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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