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normalizing normalisierend
normalizingNormalglühen {n}
normalizing normierend
normally normalerweise
normally gewöhnlich
normally in der Regel <i. d. R.>
normally üblicherweise
normallyim Normalfall
normallyim Normfall
normally für gewöhnlich [regional]
normally [in a normal way]normal
normally closed <NC>öffnender Kontakt {m} [Relais, Schalter]
normally closed <NC>Öffner {m} [Relais, Schalter]
normally closed contactRuhekontakt {m}
normally closed contact <NC contact, N/C contact>Öffner {m}
normally conductingnormalleitend
normally conductive normalleitend
normally deenergized circuit principle [UPC term]Arbeitsstromprinzip {n}
normally deenergized circuit (UPC term)Arbeitsstromschaltung {f}
normally distributed normalverteilt
normally flammable normalentflammbar
normally inflammablenormal entflammbar
normally opennormal offen
normally open <NO> [operating principle; relay, contactor] Schließer {m} [Kontaktart; Relais, Schütz]
normally open <NO> [relay/switch] schließender Kontakt {m} [Relais, Schalter]
normally open circuit <no-circuit>Arbeitsstromschaltung {f}
normally open contact Arbeitskontakt {m}
normally open contact [make contact acc. to IEC 60050] Schließerkontakt {m}
normally open contact <NO contact, N/O contact>Schließer {m} [im Ruhezustand offener Melder]
normally open switch Schließer {m} [im Ruhezustand offener Schalter]
normally positioned / located [normotopic] ortsgerecht [normotop]
normally procurablenormalerweise zu beschaffen
normally required normalerweise benötigt
Normally sb./sth. wouldn't.Normalerweise nicht.
normally used normalerweise verwendet
normals Normalen {pl}
normal-sized von normaler Größe [nachgestellt]
normal-tension glaucoma <NTG> Normaldruckglaukom {n} [auch: Normaldruck-Glaukom]
normal-tension glaucoma <NTG> Niederdruckglaukom {n} [veraltet] [Normaldruckglaukom]
Norman Normanne {m}
Norman normannisch
Norman Normannisch {n}
Norman [female]Normannin {f}
Norman Stylenormannische Architektur {f}
Normande sauce normannische Sauce {f} [Sauce normande]
Normandie Triangle [Justin Scott] [1981] Sein Name war Otter
Normandie-Niemen fighter squadron [of French Air Force in WWII] Jagdfliegergeschwader {n} Normandie-Njemen [2. WK, Frankreich]
normandite [NaCa(Mn,Fe)(Ti,Nb,Zr)Si2O7(O,F)2] Normandit {m}
NormandyNormandie {f}
(Normandy / Brittany) cider Cidre {m}
Normandy invasion Invasion {f} in der Normandie
Normandy sauce normannische Sauce {f} [Sauce normande]
Norman-FrenchNormannisch {n}
Normans {pl}Normannen {pl}
normative normativ
normative normgebend
normative aesthetics [treated as sg.] normative Ästhetik {f}
normative economics normative Volkswirtschaftslehre {f}
normative ethics normative Ethik {f}
normative ordernormative Ordnung {f}
normative patternnormatives Muster {n}
normative proposition normative Aussage {f}
normative provisions Tarifnormen {pl}
normative references [ISO]normative Verweisungen {pl} [DIN EN ISO]
normative requirements normative Anforderungen {pl} [ISO, IEC]
normative statementnormative Aussage {f}
normative system Normensystem {n}
normative textNormtext {m}
normative theory normative Theorie {f}
normative void rechtsleerer Raum {m}
normative-actual value comparison Soll-Ist-Vergleich {m}
normativityNormativität {f}
normativizationNormierung {f}
normcore [fashion trend]Normcore-Trend {m}
norm-defying [attr.]von der Norm abweichend
normed algebra normierte Algebra {f}
normed spacenormierter Raum {m}
normed vector space normierter Vektorraum {m}
normergic [in immunology] normergisch [gewöhnliche, normale Reaktion auf einen Reiz]
normergy [immunology] Normergie {f} [Immunologie]
normethadoneNormethadon {n}
normie [coll.] Stino {m} [ugs.] [stinknormaler Mensch]
normie [coll.] Normalo {m} [ugs.]
normie [coll.]Durchschnittsmensch {m}
normoblast Normoblast {m}
normoblastosis Normoblastose {f}
normoblasts Normoblasten {pl}
normocapniaNormokapnie {f}
normochromiaNormochromie {f}
normocyteNormozyt {m}
normocytes Normozyten {pl}
normocytic normalzellig
normocytic anaemia [Br.]normozytische Anämie {f}
normocytic anemia [Am.] normozytische Anämie {f}
normocytosis Normozytose {f}
« nonwnoonNordnormnormnormnormNortNortNortnort »
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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