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North American wood duck [Aix sponsa] Brautente {f}
North American worm lizard [Rhineura floridana] Florida-Doppelschleiche {f}
(North American) barn swallow [Hirundo rustica erythrogaster]Amerikanische Rauchschwalbe {f}
(North American) brown snakes [genus Storeria]Braunschlangen {pl}
(North American) garter snakes [genus Thamnophis] [Am.] Strumpfbandnattern {pl}
(North American) hog-nosed snakes [genus Heterodon] Hakennattern {pl}
(North American) hog-nosed snakes [genus Heterodon] Hakennasennattern {pl}
(North American) water vole [Microtus richardsoni] Richardson-Wühlmaus {f}
North AmericansNordamerikaner {pl}
North Americans [female] Nordamerikanerinnen {pl}
North Anatolian Fault <NAF> [also: North Anatolian fault]Nordanatolische Verwerfung {f}
North Anatolian Fault <NAF> [also: North Anatolian fault]Nordanatolische Störung {f}
North Anatolian Fault Zone <NAFZ> Nordanatolische Verwerfungszone {f}
North Anatolian Fault Zone <NAFZ>Nordanatolische Störungszone {f}
North And South [novel: John Jakes]Fackeln im Sturm
North Andean deer [Hippocamelus antisensis]Nördlicher Andenhirsch {m}
North Andean deer [Hippocamelus antisensis] Nördlicher Huemul {m}
north Andean deer [Hippocamelus antisensis] Nordandenhirsch {m}
north Andean deer [Hippocamelus antisensis]Peruanischer Huemul {m}
north Andean deer [Hippocamelus antisensis]Taruka {m}
North Andean huemul [Hippocamelus antisensis] Nördlicher Andenhirsch {m}
North Andean huemul [Hippocamelus antisensis] Nördlicher Huemul {m}
north Andean huemul [Hippocamelus antisensis] Nordandenhirsch {m}
north Andean huemul [Hippocamelus antisensis]Peruanischer Huemul {m}
north Andean huemul [Hippocamelus antisensis] Taruka {m}
north apse Nordapsis {f}
North Aral Sea Nördlicher Aralsee {m}
North Aral Sea Kleiner Aralsee {m} [Nördlicher Aralsee]
north arrowNordpfeil {m}
North Atlantic Nordatlantik {m}
North Atlantic nordatlantisch
North Atlantic Alliance [NATO]NATO {f} [auch: Nato] [kurz für: North Atlantic Treaty Organization] [Atlantisches Bündnis]
North Atlantic Alliance [NATO]Nordatlantikpakt {m} [NATO]
North Atlantic Alliance [NATO]Nordatlantische Allianz {f} [NATO]
North Atlantic Alliance [NATO] Nordatlantisches Bündnis {n} [selten] [NATO]
North Atlantic beaked whale [Mesoplodon bidens] Sowerby-Zweizahnwal {m}
North Atlantic beaked whale [Mesoplodon bidens] Nordsee-Schnabelwal {m}
North Atlantic beaked whale [Mesoplodon bidens] Flosser {m}
North Atlantic cold-water coral [Lophelia pertusa, syn.: L. californica, L. prolifera, Dendrosmilia nomlandi, Lophohelia affinis, L. prolifera, L. subcostata, L. tubulosa, Madrepora pertusa] Weiße Koralle {f}
North Atlantic common eider [Somateria mollissima borealis] Kanadische Eiderente {f}
North Atlantic Current <NAC> Nordatlantikstrom {m}
North Atlantic Deep Water <NADW>Nordatlantisches Tiefenwasser {n}
North Atlantic Drift Nordatlantikstrom {m}
North Atlantic Drift <NAD> Nordatlantischer Strom {m}
North Atlantic right whale [Eubalaena glacialis]Atlantischer Nordkaper {m}
North Atlantic routeNordatlantikroute {f}
North Atlantic Sea Movement Nordatlantikstrom {m}
North Atlantic Subtropical High <NASH> [also: Azores High / Azores anticyclone]Azorenhoch {n}
North Atlantic Treaty Nordatlantikpakt {m} [Rechtsgrundlage der NATO]
North Atlantic TreatyNordatlantikvertrag {m}
North Atlantic Treaty Organisation [Br.] <NATO> Nordatlantische Allianz {f} [NATO]
North Atlantic Treaty Organization <NATO> Nordatlantikpakt-Organisation {f} [NATO]
North Atlantic Treaty Organization <NATO> Nordatlantik-Vertragsorganisation {f} [selten] [NATO]
North Atlantic Treaty Organization <NATO> NATO {f} [auch: Nato] [Kurzwort]
North Atlantic Treaty Organization <NATO>Nordatlantische Allianz {f} [NATO]
North Atlantic Treaty Organization <NATO>Nordatlantische Vertragsorganisation {f} [NATO]
North Atlantic Treaty Organization <NATO> Nordatlantikvertrag-Organisation {f} [NATO]
North Atlantic Treaty Organization <NATO>Nordatlantikvertrags-Organisation {f} [NATO]
North Atlantic whelk [Busycon carica, syn.: Fusus lamellosus]Stachlige Feige {f} [Meeresschneckenart]
North Australia <NA> Nordaustralien {n}
North Australia BasinNordaustralisches Becken {n}
North Australian native cat [Dasyurus hallucatus]Zwergbeutelmarder {m}
North Australian native cat [Dasyurus hallucatus]Nördlicher Beutelmarder {m}
North Australian wobbegong [Orectolobus wardi]Nördlicher Teppichhai {m}
North Banda Basin Nordbandabecken {n}
north bank Nordufer {n}
North Bohemia Nordböhmen {n}
North Borneo [now Sabah] Nordborneo {n} [heute Sabah]
North Brabant Nordbrabant {n}
north brook moss [Hygrohypnum alpestre] Alpen-Wasserschlafmoos {n}
north brook moss [Hygrohypnum alpestre]Bach-Wasserschlafmoos {n}
north by east <NbE, N by E>Nord zu Ost <NzO>
North by Northwest [Alfred Hitchcock] Der unsichtbare Dritte
north by west <NbW, N by W>Nord zu West <NzW>
North Cape Nordkap {n}
North Carolina <NC> Nordkarolina {n} [selten]
North Carolina <NC>Nordkarolinien {n} [veraltet]
North Carolina <NC> Nord-Carolina {n}
North Carolina <NC> [Tar Heel State]North Carolina {n} [US-Bundesstaat]
North Carolina Avenue [Am.] [Monopoly] Hauptstraße {f} [Monopoly]
North Carolinian [Mensch aus North Carolina (USA)]
North Caucasian nordkaukasisch
North Caucasian Legion [WW II, German Armed Forces] Nordkaukasische Legion {f} [2. WK, dt. Wehrmacht]
North CaucasusNordkaukasien {n}
North CaucasusVorkaukasus {m}
North CaucasusNordkaukasus {m}
North Caucasus region Nordkaukasus {m}
north celestial poleHimmelsnordpol {m}
North Central EuropeNordmitteleuropa {n}
North Channel [between Great Britain and Ireland]Nordkanal {m} [Meerenge zwischen Schottland und Nordirland]
north Chilean nordchilenisch
North China leopard [Panthera pardus japonensis] Chinesischer Leopard {m}
North China tiger [Panthera tigris altaica] Sibirischer Tiger {m}
North China tiger [Panthera tigris altaica] Amurtiger {m}
North China zokor [Myospalax psilurus, syn.: M. epsilanus, M. spilurus] Transbaikal-Blindmull {m}
North Chinese flying squirrel [Aeretes melanopterus] Furchenzahn-Gleithörnchen {n}
North Chinese flying squirrel [Aeretes melanopterus] Spaltzahn-Gleithörnchen {n}
north coast Nordküste {f}
North Coast of EgyptNordküste {f} Ägyptens
North Colombian spindle snake [Atractus nicefori] Nordkolumbianische Spindelnatter {f}
« NorfnormnormNormNorsNortNortNortnortnortnort »
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Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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