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North Country [Niki Caro]Kaltes Land
north courtyard Nordhof {m}
North Crimean CanalNord-Krim-Kanal {m}
North Dakota <ND> [Peace Garden State, Sioux State] Norddakota {n} [US-Bundesstaat]
North Dakota <ND> [Peace Garden State, Sioux State] North Dakota {n} [US-Bundesstaat]
North Dakotan [Mensch aus North Dakota (USA)]
north Ecuadorian spindle snake [Atractus dunni]Nordecuadorianische Spindelnatter {f}
North Elbia [area in North Germany comprising Schleswig-Holstein and Hamburg] Nordelbien {n}
North Elbian [e. g. North Elbian Church] nordelbisch
north endNordende {n}
North Englishnordenglisch
north entrance Nordeingang {m}
North Equatorial Current <NEC> Nordäquatorialstrom {m}
North Eurasian bullfinch [Pyrrhula pyrrhula] Gimpel {m}
North Eurasian bullfinch [Pyrrhula pyrrhula]Dompfaff {m}
North Eurasian bullfinch [Pyrrhula pyrrhula]Blutfink {m}
North European nordeuropäisch
north exit Nordausgang {m}
north facade Nordfassade {f}
north façade [spv.] Nordfassade {f}
north face Nordseite {f} [eines Berges]
north face Nordwand {f} [von Berg]
north face of the EigerEigernordwand {f}
north flankNordflanke {f}
North Frisia Nordfriesland {n}
North Frisian nordfriesisch
North Frisian Nordfriesisch {n}
North Frisian IslandsNordfriesische Inseln {pl}
North Frisian Wadden SeaNordfriesisches Wattenmeer {n}
north from the old building nördlich des alten Gebäudes
North Galatian hypothesisnordgalatische Hypothese {f} [auch: Landschaftshypothese]
north gateNordtor {n}
North Germannorddeutsch <nordd.>
North German Basin Norddeutsche Senke {f}
North German Basin Norddeutsches Becken {n}
North German Broadcasting Corporation Norddeutscher Rundfunk {m} <NDR>
North German ConfederationNorddeutscher Bund {m}
North German lowlands {pl}Norddeutsche Tiefebene {f}
North German PlainNorddeutsches Tiefland {n}
North German Plain Norddeutsche Tiefebene {f}
North Germanic languagesnordgermanische Sprachen {pl}
North Germanic peoples Nordgermanen {pl}
North Germanic tribes Nordgermanen {pl}
North Germans Norddeutsche {pl}
North Germany Norddeutschland {n}
North GreeceNordgriechenland {n}
North HesseNordhessen {n}
North HollandNordholland {n}
north Indian nordindisch
North Indian river plainIndus-Ganges-Ebene {f}
North Island [New Zealand]Nordinsel {f}
North Island brown kiwi [Apteryx mantelli]Nördlicher Streifenkiwi {m}
North Island brown kiwi [Apteryx mantelli] Brauner Kiwi {m}
North Island brown kiwi [Apteryx mantelli] Nordkiwi {m}
North Island brown kiwi [Apteryx mantelli] Nordstreifenkiwi {m}
North Island goose [Cnemiornis gracilis] [extinct]Nordinsel-Riesengans {f} [ausgestorben]
North Island piopio [Turnagra capensis, syn.: T. tanagra, T. t. t., T. crassirostus ] Piopio {m}
North Island robin [Petroica longipes] Nordinselschnäpper {m}
North Island snipe [Coenocorypha barrierensis] [extinct] Nordinsel-Schnepfe {f} [ausgestorben]
North Island snipe [Coenocorypha barrierensis] [extinct]Little-Barrier-Schnepfe {f} [ausgestorben]
North Island takahē [Porphyrio mantelli] [extinct] Nordinseltakahe {f} [ausgestorben]
North Islander Nordinsulaner {m} [Neuseeland]
North Italian [also: north Italian] norditalienisch
North Karelia [Finnish: Pohjois-Karjala] Nordkarelien {n}
North Karelia Project Nordkarelien-Projekt {n}
North Kivu Nord-Kivu {n}
North Korea <.kp> [internet TLD is inactive] <NK>Nordkorea {n}
North Koreannordkoreanisch
North Korean Nordkoreaner {m}
North Korean [female] Nordkoreanerin {f}
North Korean won <KPW, ₩>Nordkoreanischer Won {m} <KPW, ₩>
North Koreans Nordkoreaner {pl}
North Kosovo Nordkosovo {n} [auch {m}]
North Lebanon Nordlibanon {m}
north lemon [Chaenomeles jap.] [quince japonica, Japanese quince, henomeles] Nordische Zitrone {f} [Handelsname Cido]
North Loop [also: North loop] [Nurburgring]Nordschleife {f} [Nürburgring]
North Low Saxon Nordniedersächsisch {n}
North Macedonia <.mk> Nordmazedonien {n}
North Macedonian Nordmazedonier {m}
North Macedonian nordmazedonisch
North Macedonians Nordmazedonier {pl}
north node <☊> [Rahu] aufsteigender Knoten {m} <☊> [Rahu]
North NorwayNordnorwegen {n}
North of EnglandNordengland {n}
North of France Nordfrankreich {n}
North of Germany Norddeutschland {n}
north of sixtynördlich des 60. Breitengrades
north of sth. [idiom] [more than a specified figure]oberhalb von etw. [Dat.] [mehr als ein bestimmter Betrag]
north of sth. [idiom] [more than the stated amount]über etw. [Dat.] [oberhalb der zuvor genannten Menge]
north of the Alpsnördlich der Alpen
north of the Alps [postpos.] nordalpin
North OssetiaNordossetien {n}
North PacificNordpazifik {m}
North Pacificnordpazifisch
North Pacific anchovy [Engraulis mordax] Nordpazifische Sardelle {f}
North Pacific bigeye octopus [Octopus californicus, syn.: Polypus californicus]Kalifornien-Großaugenkrake {m} [ugs. auch {f}]
North Pacific bigeye octopus [Octopus californicus, syn.: Polypus californicus]Kalifornischer Krake {m} [ugs. auch: Kalifornische Krake {f}]
North Pacific bigeye octopus [Octopus californicus] Kalifornischer Großaugenkrake {m} [ugs. auch Kalifornische Großaugenkrake {f}]
North Pacific bottlenose whale [Berardius bairdii]Baird-Wal {m}
North Pacific bottlenose whale [Berardius bairdii]Baird-Schnabelwal {m}
« normnormNormNorsNortNortNortnortnortnortnort »
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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