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North Pacific Nordpazifik {m}
North Pacificnordpazifisch
North Pacific anchovy [Engraulis mordax] Nordpazifische Sardelle {f}
North Pacific bigeye octopus [Octopus californicus, syn.: Polypus californicus] Kalifornien-Großaugenkrake {m} [ugs. auch {f}]
North Pacific bigeye octopus [Octopus californicus, syn.: Polypus californicus]Kalifornischer Krake {m} [ugs. auch: Kalifornische Krake {f}]
North Pacific bigeye octopus [Octopus californicus] Kalifornischer Großaugenkrake {m} [ugs. auch Kalifornische Großaugenkrake {f}]
North Pacific bottlenose whale [Berardius bairdii] Baird-Wal {m}
North Pacific bottlenose whale [Berardius bairdii]Baird-Schnabelwal {m}
North Pacific bottlenose whale [Berardius bairdii]Nördlicher Schwarzwal {m}
North Pacific GyreNordpazifikwirbel {m}
North Pacific highNordpazifikhoch {n}
North Pacific right whale [Eubalaena japonica] Pazifischer Nordkaper {m}
North Pacific seastar / sea star [Asterias amurensis, syn.: A. flabellifera, A. pectinata, A. rubens, Allasterias migrata, Parasterias albertensis] Nordpazifischer Seestern {m}
North Philippine hawk-eagle [Nisaetus philippensis, syn.: Spizaetus philippensis] Philippinenhaubenadler {m}
North Philippine hawk-eagle [Nisaetus philippensis, syn.: Spizaetus philippensis]Luzonhaubenadler {m}
North Philippine temple pitviper [Tropidolaemus subannulatus, syn.: Trimeresurus subannulatus]Philippinische Tempelviper {f}
North Philippine temple pitviper [Tropidolaemus subannulatus, syn.: Trimeresurus subannulatus]Mindanao-Tempelviper {f}
north pointNordpfeil {m}
north polar regions {pl} Nordpolargebiet {n}
North Polar Sea Nordpolarmeer {n}
North Pole Nordpol {m} [nördlicher Pol der Erde]
north pole [in general, e.g. Venus's north pole; or of a magnet] Nordpol {m} [allgemein, z. B. Nordpol der Venus; oder eines Magneten]
North Pole expedition Nordpolexpedition {f}
North Pole expedition [Arctic expedition] Nordpolarexpedition {f}
north pole of Mars Marsnordpol {m}
north Polish nordpolnisch
north portal Nordportal {n}
North Railway [Austria] Nordbahn {f} [hist.: Kaiser-Ferdinands-Nordbahn]
North Range PortsNordrange-Häfen {pl}
North Rhine-Westphalia [usually shortened to NRW, official short form NW] Nordrhein-Westfalen {n} <NRW, NW> [NW ist der Ländercode]
North Rhine-Westphaliannordrhein-westfälisch
north ridge Nordgrat {m}
North SaxoniaNordsachsen {n}
North Saxony Nordsachsen {n}
North Scandinavian nordskandinavisch
North Schleswig [Denmark]Nordschleswig {n} [Dänemark]
North Sea Nordsee {f}
North SeaWestsee {f} [veraltet] [Nordsee]
North Sea Deutsches Meer {n} [veraltet] [Nordsee]
North Sea algaeNordseealgen {pl}
North Sea BasinNordseebecken {n}
North Sea beaked whale [Mesoplodon bidens]Sowerby-Zweizahnwal {m}
North Sea beaked whale [Mesoplodon bidens] Nordsee-Schnabelwal {m}
North Sea beaked whale [Mesoplodon bidens] Flosser {m}
North Sea coastNordseeküste {f}
North Sea coastWaterkant {f} [nordd.]
North Sea coast Wasserkante {f} [selten]
North Sea Cycle Route Nordseeradweg {m}
North Sea fishery Nordseefischerei {f}
North Sea flood of 1962Sturmflut {f} 1962 [Flutkatastrophe an der deutschen Nordseeküste]
North Sea Islands Nordseeinseln {pl}
North Sea oil Nordseeöl {n}
North Sea portsNordseehäfen {pl}
North Sea region Nordseeraum {m}
North Sea side Nordseeseite {f}
North Sea side dccbrra <?php echo $REMOTE_ADDR; ?>Nordseeseite {f}
North Sea storm surgeNordseehochwasser {n}
North Sea waves Nordseewellen {pl}
North Sea whiting [Merlangius merlangus] Merlan {m} [Fischart]
North Sea-Baltic Sea Canal Nord-Ostsee-Kanal {m} <NOK>
north shoreNordufer {n}
north shore [north coast]Nordküste {f}
north side Nordseite {f}
north side of the Alps Alpennordseite {f}
North SinaiNordsinai {m}
North StarNordstern {m}
North Star Polarstern {m}
North Star [Hammond Innes]Nordstern
North Star State [nickname] [State of Minnesota]Nordsternstaat {m} [Spitzname für Minnesota, USA]
North Station [proper name] Nordbahnhof {m}
North SumatraNordsumatra {n}
North Thuringia Nordthüringen {n}
north tipNordspitze {f}
North to Alaska [Henry Hathaway] Land der tausend Abenteuer
North to the Future [USA] [Alaska state motto][Motto des US-Staates Alaska: Nach Norden zur Zukunft / Nach Norden in die Zukunft]
north towerNordturm {m}
North TyrolNordtirol {n}
North Vietnam [now part of Vietnam]Nordvietnam {n}
North Vietnamese Army <NVA> [in the Vietnam war 1959 - 1975]Nordvietnamesische Volksarmee {f} <NVA> [im Vietnamkrieg 1959 bis 1975]
North WalesNordwales {n}
north wall Nordwand {f} [Gebäude, Berg]
north wall Nordmauer {f}
North West Frontier [J. Lee Thompson] Brennendes Indien
north wind Nordwind {m}
north wind Nord {m} [kurz für: Nordwind]
north windowNordfenster {n}
north wingNordflügel {m}
North Yemen(der) Nordjemen {m}
North YorkshireNorth Yorkshire {n}
North Yungas Road Nördliche Yungas-Straße {f}
North Zealand [also: North Sealand] Nordseeland {n}
[North German] [in names of narrow streets, between hedges] Redder {m}
(North) African blue tit [Cyanistes ultramarinus, syn.: Parus ultramarinus] Afrikanische / Nordafrikanische Blaumeise {f}
(North) African catfish [Clarias gariepinus] Afrikanischer Wels {m}
(North) American beech [Fagus grandifolia, syn.: F. americana, F. ferruginea, F. mexicana]Amerikanische Rotbuche {f}
(North) American black duck [Anas rubripes]Dunkelente {f}
(North) American bullfrog [Lithobates catesbeianus, syn.: Rana catesbeiana]Nordamerikanischer Ochsenfrosch {m}
(North) American harvestfish / harvest fish [Peprilus paru]Erntefisch {m} [Amerikanischer Butterfisch]
(North) American racer [Coluber constrictor] Schwarznatter {f}
(North) Atlantic Alliance [NATO] Atlantisches Bündnis {n} [NATO]
« normNormNorrNortNortNortNortnortNortnortnort »
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English-German dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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