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northern beardless tyrannulet [Camptostoma imberbe] Chaparralfliegenstecher {m}
northern bear-spider [Arctosa cinerea]Graue Bärin {f} [Flussufer-Wolfsspinne]
northern bedstraw [Galium boreale] Nordisches Labkraut {n}
northern beech fern [Thelypteris phegopteris, syn.: Dryopteris phegopteris, Lastrea phegopteris, Phegopteris connectilis, P. polypodioides] Buchenlappenfarn / Buchen-Lappenfarn {m}
northern beech fern [Thelypteris phegopteris, syn.: Dryopteris phegopteris, Lastrea phegopteris, Phegopteris connectilis, P. polypodioides]Gemeiner Buchenfarn {m}
northern bentbill [Oncostoma cinereigulare] Aschkehl-Krummschnabel {m}
northern bettong [Bettongia tropica]Nördliches Rattenkänguru {n}
northern bilberry [Vaccinium uliginosum]Rauschbeere {f}
northern bilberry [Vaccinium uliginosum] Trunkelbeere {f}
northern bilberry [Vaccinium uliginosum]Moorbeere {f}
northern bilberry redleaf [Exobasidium expansum] Schmalsporige Rauschbeer-Nacktbasidie {f}
northern birch [Betula borealis] Nördliche Kleine Birke {f}
northern birch [Betula pumila] Amerikanische Zwergbirke {f}
northern birch [Betula pumila] Amerikanische Strauch-Birke {f}
northern birch mouse [Sicista betulina]Waldbirkenmaus {f}
northern birch mouse [Sicista betulina] Streifenhüpfmaus {f} [Waldbirkenmaus]
northern black bustard [Afrotis afraoides, syn.: Eupodotis afraoides]Weißflügeltrappe {f}
northern black crested mangabey [Lophocebus aterrimus, syn.: Cercocebus congicus, C. hamlyni] Schopfmangabe {f}
northern black flycatcher [Melaenornis edolioides]Senegaldrongoschnäpper {m}
northern black flycatcher / black-flycatcher [Melaenornis edolioides]Schieferschwarzer Drongoschnäpper {m}
Northern Black ForestNordschwarzwald {m}
northern black grouse [Lyrurus tetrix, syn.: Tetrao tetrix] Birkhuhn {n}
northern black korhaan [Afrotis afraoides, syn.: Eupodotis afraoides]Weißflügeltrappe {f}
northern black racer [Coluber constrictor] Schwarznatter {f}
northern black tit [Melaniparus leucomelas, syn.: Parus leucomelas] Weißflügel-Rußmeise {f}
northern black wattle [Acacia auriculiformis, syn.: Racosperma auriculiforme] Ohrförmige Akazie {f}
northern black widow spider [Latrodectus variolus]Nördliche Schwarze Witwe {f}
northern black-tailed rattlesnake [Crotalus molossus] Schwarzschwanz-Klapperschlange {f}
northern black-throated wren [Thryothorus atrogularis] Schwarzkehl-Zaunkönig {m}
northern blind limpet [Lepeta caeca, syn.: L. caeca caeca, L. caeca pacifica, L. caecoides, Patella caeca, P. candida, P. cerea] Lepeta caeca {f} [Meeresschneckenart]
northern blindfish [Amblyopsis spelaea] Blinder Trugkärpfling {m}
northern blossom bat [Macroglossus minimus]Zwerg-Langzungenflughund {m}
northern BlotNorthern Blot {m}
Northern blotting (technique)Northern-Blotting {n}
northern blue devil [Paraplesiops poweri]Powers Mirakelbarsch {m}
northern blue flag [Iris versicolor] Verschiedenfarbige Schwertlilie {f}
northern blue flag [Iris versicolor]Schillernde Schwertlilie {f}
northern blue mussel [Mytilus trossulus, syn.: M. edulis declivis, M. edulis normalis, M. ficus, M. glomeratus, M. pedroanus, M. septentrionalis] Pazifische Miesmuschel {f}
northern blue penguin [Eudyptula minor iredalei, syn.: E. albosignata iredalei]Nordneuseeland-Zwergpinguin {m}
northern blue penguin [Eudyptula minor iredalei, syn.: E. albosignata iredalei] Nordinsel-Zwergpinguin {m}
northern blue violet [Am.] [Viola sororia, syn.: V. affinis , V. missouriensis, V. novae-angliae, V. nephrophylla, V. papilionacea, V. pratincola, V. priceana, V. septentrionalis]Pfingst-Veilchen {n}
northern blue-eared glossy starling [Lamprotornis chloropterus] Messingglanzstar {m}
northern bluefin tuna [Thunnus thynnus] Roter Thun {m}
northern bluefin tuna [Thunnus thynnus]Roter Thunfisch {m}
northern bluefin tuna [Thunnus thynnus] Blauflossen-Thunfisch {m}
northern bluefin tuna [Thunnus thynnus]Großer Thun {m}
northern bluefin tuna [Thunnus thynnus] Nordatlantischer Thun {m}
northern bluefin tuna [Thunnus tonggol] Langschwanz-Thun {m}
northern blueflag / blue flag [Iris versicolor] Blaue Schwertlilie {f}
northern bluet [Enallagma cyathigerum]Gemeine Becherjungfer {f}
northern bluetongue [Tiliqua scincoides intermedia]Nördlicher Blauzungenskink {m}
northern blue-tongued skink [Tiliqua scincoides intermedia] Nördlicher Blauzungenskink {m}
northern blue-winged kookaburra [Dacelo leachii] Haubenliest {m}
northern blue-winged kookaburra [Dacelo leachii] Blauflügel-Kookaburra {m}
northern blue-winged kookaburra [Dacelo leachii] Blauflügel-Jägerliest {m}
northern blunt-spined monitor [varanus primordius, syn.: V. acanthurus primordius]Zwergwaran {m}
northern bobwhite [Colinus virginianus] Virginia-Baumwachtel {f}
northern bobwhite [Colinus virginianus] Virginiawachtel {f}
northern bobwhite [Colinus virginianus] Virginische Baumwachtel {f}
northern bog clubmoss / club-moss [Lycopodium inundatum, also Lycopodiella inundata] Sumpf-Bärlapp / Sumpfbärlapp {m}
northern bog lemming [Synaptomys borealis]Nördlicher Moorlemming {m}
northern bog violet [Am.] [Viola sororia, syn.: V. affinis , V. missouriensis, V. novae-angliae, V. nephrophylla, V. papilionacea, V. pratincola, V. priceana, V. septentrionalis]Pfingst-Veilchen {n}
northern bogorchid [Platanthera hyperborea, syn.: P. borealis, Habenaria hyperborea, Orchis hyperborea]Westliche Kuckucksblume {f}
northern bogorchid [Platanthera hyperborea, syn.: P. convallariifolia, Habenaria hyperborea, Orchis convallariifolia]Isländische Waldhyazinthe {f}
northern bogorchid [Platanthera hyperborea, syn.: P. convallariifolia, Habenaria hyperborea, Orchis convallariifolia] Nördliche Waldhyazinthe {f}
Northern BohemiaNordböhmen {n}
northern Bonelli's eagle [Aquila fasciata fasciata]Habichtsadler {m}
northern border Nordgrenze {f}
northern bottlenose whale [Hyperoodon ampullatus]Nördlicher Entenwal {m}
northern bottlenose whale [Hyperoodon ampullatus] Dögling {m} [Walart]
northern boundaryNordgrenze {f}
northern bracken fern [Pteridium aquilinum, syn.: Pteris aquilina](Gewöhnlicher) Adlerfarn {m}
northern bracken fern [Pteridium aquilinum, syn.: Pteris aquilina]Gemeiner Adlerfarn {m}
Northern Brazilian calico snake [Oxyrhopus trigeminus]Nordbrasilianische Mondnatter {f}
northern bronzeback [Dendrelaphis calligaster] [snake] Nördliche Bronzenatter {f}
northern brown argus [Aricia artaxerxes, syn.: Plebeius artaxerxes] [butterfly] Großer Sonnenröschen-Bläuling {m} [Tagfalterspezies]
northern brown bandicoot [Isoodon macrourus] Großer Kurznasenbeutler {m}
northern brown bullhead [Ameiurus nebulosus, syn.: A. vulgaris, Ictalurus nebulosus] (Amerikanischer) Zwergwels {m}
northern brown bullhead [Ameiurus nebulosus, syn.: A. vulgaris, Ictalurus nebulosus] (Brauner) Katzenwels {m}
northern brown howler / howling monkey [Alouatta guariba guariba]Nördlicher Brauner Brüllaffe {m}
northern brown kiwi [Apteryx mantelli] Nördlicher Streifenkiwi {m}
northern brown kiwi [Apteryx mantelli]Brauner Kiwi {m}
northern brown kiwi [Apteryx mantelli] Nordkiwi {m}
northern brown kiwi [Apteryx mantelli] Nordstreifenkiwi {m}
northern brown mouse lemur [Microcebus tavaratra] Nördlicher Mausmaki {m}
northern brownbul [Phyllastrephus strepitans] Schillingsbülbül {m}
northern brown-throated weaver [Ploceus castanops] Riedweber {m}
northern brushtail possum [Trichosurus arnhemensis] Nördlicher Fuchskusu {m}
northern buckler fern [Dryopteris expansa] Feingliedriger Dornfarn {m}
northern buffed-cheeked gibbon [Nomascus annamensis]Nördlicher Gelbwangen-Schopfgibbon {m}
northern bullfinch [Pyrrhula pyrrhula] Gimpel {m}
northern bullfinch [Pyrrhula pyrrhula]Dompfaff {m}
northern bullfinch [Pyrrhula pyrrhula] Blutfink {m}
northern bunchberry [Cornus suecica] Schwedischer Hartriegel {m}
northern butterflyfish / butterfly-fish [Chaetodon rainfordi] Doppelband-Falterfisch {m}
northern butterflyfish / butterfly-fish [Chaetodon rainfordi] Rainfords Falterfisch {m}
northern button [Acleris lipsiana, syn.: Acalla eutaeniana, Peronea costimaculana, P. griseana, Tortrix sudoriana] [moth] Schieferfarbener Moorwickler {m} [Nachtfalterspezies]
northern bypass Nordumgehung {f}
northern caddisflies [family Limnephilidae, order Trichoptera] Limnephiliden {pl} [Köcherfliegenfamilie]
northern caenolestid [Caenolestes convelatus]Dunkle Opossummaus {f}
« NortnortnortnortNortnortNortnortnortnortnort »
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Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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