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northern Limestone Alps nördliche Kalkalpen {pl}
Northern Limestone Alps Nördliche Kalkalpen {pl}
Northern LithuaniaNordlitauen {n}
northern lobster [Am.] [Homarus americanus] Amerikanischer Hummer {m}
northern lobster [Am.] [Homarus americanus] Nordhummer {m}
northern lobster [Am.] [Homarus americanus]Maine-Hummer {m}
northern long-eared bat [Myotis septentrionalis, syn.: Myotis keenii septentrionalis, Vespertilio gryphus septentrionalis] [North American bat species] Nordamerikanisches Mausohr {n}
northern long-eared bat [Nyctophilus arnhemensis] [Australian species of vesper bat] Arnhem-Langohr {n} [australische Fledermausart]
northern long-eared bat [Nyctophilus arnhemensis] [Australian species of vesper bat] Nördliche Langohr-Fledermaus {f}
northern long-tailed glossy starling / glossy-starling [Lamprotornis caudatus, syn.: Lamprotornis eytoni]Langschwanz-Glanzstar {m}
northern long-tailed starling [Lamprotornis caudatus, syn.: Lamprotornis eytoni] Langschwanz-Glanzstar {m}
northern lousewort [Pedicularis lapponica] Lappländisches Läusekraut {n}
northern lucina [Lucinoma borealis]Nördliche Mondmuschel {f}
northern lucine [Lucinoma borealis] Nördliche Mondmuschel {f}
northern Luzon giant cloud rat [Phloeomys pallidus] Nördliche Luzon-Riesenborkenratte {f}
northern Luzon giant cloud rat [Phloeomys pallidus]Nördliche Riesenborkenratte {f}
northern Luzon phloeomys [Phloeomys pallidus]Nördliche Luzon-Riesenborkenratte {f}
northern Luzon phloeomys [Phloeomys pallidus] Nördliche Riesenborkenratte {f}
northern Luzon rhynchomys [Rhynchomys soricoides] Mount-Data-Nasenratte {f}
northern Luzon shrew rat [Crunomys fallax] Nördliche Luzon-Spitzmausratte {f}
northern Luzon slender-tailed cloud rat [Phloeomys pallidus] Nördliche Luzon-Riesenborkenratte {f}
northern Luzon slender-tailed cloud rat [Phloeomys pallidus]Nördliche Riesenborkenratte {f}
northern Madagascar sand snake [Mimophis occultus] Nördliche Madagaskar-Sandrennatter {f}
northern maidenhair fern [Adiantum pedatum, syn.: A. boreale, A. pedatum var. pedatum] Hufeisenfarn {m}
northern maidenhair fern [Adiantum pedatum, syn.: A. boreale, A. pedatum var. pedatum] Pfauenrad-Frauenhaarfarn {m}
northern mallard duck [Anas platyrhynchos platyrhynchos]Europäische Stockente {f}
northern mammoth [Mammuthus primigenius] [extinct] Wollhaarmammut {n} [ausgestorben]
northern mangrove sea snake [Parahydrophis mertoni]Arafura-Seeschlange {f}
northern map turtle [Graptemys geographica]Landkarten-Höckerschildkröte {f}
northern marbled carpet [Chloroclysta citrata, syn.: Dysstroma citrata]Spitzwinkel-Bindenspanner {m}
northern marbled carpet [Chloroclysta citrata, syn.: Dysstroma citrata] [moth]Buschhalden-Blattspanner {m} [Nachtfalterspezies]
northern marbled nocturnal tree snake [Dipsadoboa flavida] Nördliche Marmor-Nachtbaumnatter {f}
northern marbled tree snake [Dipsadoboa flavida]Nördliche Marmor-Nachtbaumnatter {f}
northern marginNordrand {m}
Northern Mariana IslanderBewohner {m} der Nördlichen Marianen
Northern Mariana Islands Nördliche Marianen {pl}
Northern Mariana Islands <.mp> Nördliche Marianen-Inseln {pl}
Northern Marquesan reed warbler [Acrocephalus percernis] Nuku-Hiva-Rohrsänger {m}
northern marsh orchid [Dactylorhiza purpurella] Purpur-Knabenkraut {n}
northern marsh orchid [Dactylorhiza purpurella] Purpurblütiges Knabenkraut {n}
northern marsh orchid [Pancratium maritimum] Strandpankrazlilie / Strand-Pankrazlilie {f}
northern marsh orchid [Pancratium maritimum]Meerstrandtrichterlilie {f}
northern marsh orchid [Pancratium maritimum]Dünen-Trichternarzisse / Dünentrichternarzisse {f}
northern marsh orchid [Pancratium maritimum] [sea daffodil] Dünen-Pankrazlilie / Dünenpankrazlilie {f}
northern marsh violet [Viola palustris, syn.: V. juressi] Sumpf-Veilchen / Sumpfveilchen {n}
northern marsh-meadowlark [Sturnella militaris, syn.: Leistes militaris, Pezites militaris] Rotbruststärling {m}
northern marsh-meadowlark [Sturnella militaris] Soldatenstärling {m}
northern marsupial mole [Notoryctes caurinus]Kleiner Beutelmull {m}
northern masked titi [Callicebus personatus] Maskenspringaffe {m}
northern masked weaver [Ploceus taeniopterus] Goldmantelweber {m}
Northern Mexican garter snake [Thamnophis marcianus] Karierte Strumpfbandnatter {f}
Northern Mexican garter snake [Thamnophis marcianus] Texas-Strumpfbandnatter {f}
northern migratory grasshopper [Melanoplus frigidus bzw. Bohemanella frigida] Nordische Gebirgsschrecke {f}
northern milk vetch [Oxytropis lapponica] Lappland-Spitzkiel {m}
northern milk vetch [Oxytropis lapponica] Lappländer Spitzkiel {m}
northern milkcap / milk-cap / milk cap (mushroom) [Lactarius trivialis, syn.: Lactifluus trivialis]Blaureizker {m} [Nordischer Milchling]
northern milkcap / milk-cap / milk cap (mushroom) [Lactarius trivialis] Nordischer Milchling {m}
northern milkcap / milk-cap / milk cap (mushroom) [Lactarius trivialis] Moor-Reizker {m} [Nordischer Milchling]
northern minke whale [Balaenoptera acutorostrata, syn.: Balaenoptera rostrata, Balaena minima, Balaena rostrata]Zwergwal {m}
northern minke whale [Balaenoptera acutorostrata, syn.: Balaenoptera rostrata, Balaena minima, Balaena rostrata] Minkwal {m}
northern minke whale [Balaenoptera acutorostrata, syn.: Balaenoptera rostrata, Balaena minima, Balaena rostrata] Minkewal {m}
northern minke whale [Balaenoptera acutorostrata]Nördlicher Zwergwal {m}
northern mockingbird [Mimus polyglottos]Spottdrossel {f}
northern mole [Talpa europaea]Europäischer Maulwurf {m}
northern mole vole [Ellobius talpinus]Nördlicher Mull-Lemming {m}
northern moon clam [Lucinoma borealis] Nördliche Mondmuschel {f}
northern mountain ash [Sorbus decora, syn.: Pyrus americana] Labrador-Eberesche {f}
northern mountain ash [Sorbus decora, syn.: Pyrus americana]Schnee-Eberesche {f}
northern mountain cacique [Cacicus chrysonotus leucoramphus] Bergkassike {f}
northern mountain cacique [Cacicus chrysonotus leucoramphus]Mittelandenkassike {f}
northern mountain viscacha [Lagidium peruanum] Peruanische Hasenmaus {f}
northern mudwort [Limosella aquatica, syn.: Danubiunculus acaulis, Mutafinia silesiaca, Plantaginella aquatica]Schlammglöckchen {n}
northern mudwort [Limosella aquatica, syn.: Danubiunculus acaulis, Mutafinia silesiaca, Plantaginella aquatica] Schlammkraut {n}
northern mudwort [Limosella aquatica, syn.: Danubiunculus acaulis, Mutafinia silesiaca, Plantaginella aquatica]Schlammling {m}
northern mudwort [Limosella aquatica, syn.: Danubiunculus acaulis, Mutafinia silesiaca, Plantaginella aquatica] Wasserschlammkraut {n}
northern muriqui [Brachyteles hypoxanthus]Nördlicher Spinnenaffe {m}
northern myotis [Myotis septentrionalis, syn.: Myotis keenii septentrionalis, Vespertilio gryphus septentrionalis]Nordamerikanisches Mausohr {n}
northern nail-tail wallaby [Onychogalea unguifera] Nördliches Nagelkänguru {n}
northern naked-tailed armadillo [Cabassous centralis] Mittelamerikanisches Nacktschwanzgürteltier {n}
northern naked-tailed armadillo [Cabassous centralis] Nördliches Nacktschwanz-Gürteltier {n}
northern naked-tailed armadillo [Cabassous centralis] Nördliches Nacktschwanzgürteltier {n}
northern native cat [Dasyurus hallucatus]Zwergbeutelmarder {m}
northern native cat [Dasyurus hallucatus]Nördlicher Beutelmarder {m}
northern naugehyde liverwort [Am.] [Ptilidium ciliare]Großes Federchenmoos {n}
northern naugehyde liverwort [Am.] [Ptilidium ciliare]Behaartes Federchen-Lebermoos {n}
northern needle-clawed bushbaby [Euoticus pallidus]Nördlicher Kielnagelgalago {m}
northern neighbor [Am.] Nachbar {m} im Norden
northern neighbour [Br.] Nachbar {m} im Norden
northern night monkey [Aotus trivirgatus] Östlicher Graukehl-Nachtaffe {m}
northern nightingale-wren [Microcerculus philomela]Nachtigallzaunkönig {m}
northern nutclam [Nuculana pernula, syn.: N. elongata, N. fossa, Arca martini, A. pernula, A. rostrata, Leda buccata, L. fossa, L. pernula, Nuculana buccata] Große Schnabelmuschel {f}
northern oak fern [Gymnocarpium dryopteris, syn.: Currania dryopteris, Phegopteris dryopteris, Thelypteris dryopteris] Echter Eichenfarn {m}
northern octopus [Eledone cirrhosa]Zirrenkrake {m} [ugs. auch {f}]
northern octopus [Eledone cirrhosa] Nördlicher Krake {m} [ugs. auch: Nördliche Krake {f}]
northern olingo [Bassaricyon gabbii, syn.: B. lasius, B. pauli, B. richardsoni] Olingo {m}
northern olingo [Bassaricyon gabbii, syn.: B. lasius, B. pauli, B. richardsoni]Chiriqui-Makibär {m}
northern Olympic salamander [Rhyacotriton olympicus, syn.: Ranodon olympicus, R. olympicus olympicus] Nördlicher Olymp-Querzahnmolch {m}
northern orange-legged leaf frog [Phyllomedusa hypochondrialis] Gewöhnlicher Affenfrosch {m}
northern orange-tufted sunbird [Nectarinia/Cinnyris oseus]Jerichonektarvogel {m}
northern owl monkey [Aotus trivirgatus] Östlicher Graukehl-Nachtaffe {m}
« NortnortNortnortnortnortnortnortnortnortnort »
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