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northern sunstar / sun star [Solaster endeca, syn.: S. endeca decemradiata, S. galaxides, S. intermedius, Asterias alboverrucosa, A. aspera, A. endeca, A. rumphii, Stellonia endeca] Gelber Sonnenstern {m}
northern swamp dogwood [Cornus racemosa, syn.: C. foemina subsp. racemosa, Swida racemosa] Rispen-Hartriegel / Rispenhartriegel {m}
northern swamp groundsel [Tephroseris palustris, syn.: Cineraria congesta, Senecio congestus, S. palustris, S. tubicaulis, S. arcticus] Moor-Greiskraut / Moorgreiskraut {n}
northern swamp groundsel [Tephroseris palustris, syn.: Cineraria congesta, Senecio congestus, S. palustris, S. tubicaulis, S. arcticus] Moor-Aschenkraut {n}
northern Syria Nordsyrien {n}
northern talapoin [Miopithecus ogouensis] Nördliche Zwergmeerkatze {f}
northern tamandua [Tamandua mexicana]Nördlicher Tamandua {m}
Northern Territory [N. Australia] Nordterritorium {n}
Northern Territory <NT> Nördliches Territorium {n}
Northern Territory <NT>Northern Territory {n} [australisches Bundesterritorium]
Northern Thailand Nordthailand {n}
northern three-striped opossum [Monodelphis americana] Dreistreifen-Spitzmausbeutelratte {f}
northern three-toed jerboa [Dipus sagitta]Raufuß-Springmaus {f}
northern three-toed woodpecker [Picoides dorsalis, syn.: P. americanus, P. tridactylus, Dendrocopos dorsalis] Fichtenspecht {m}
Northern Thuringia Nordthüringen {n}
northern timber wolf [Canis lupus occidentalis] Mackenzie-Wolf {m}
northern tip Nordspitze {f}
northern tooth [Climacodon septentrionalis, syn.: C. septentrionale, Steccherinum septentrionale]Nördlicher Stachelseitling {m}
northern tooth (fungus) [Climacodon septentrionalis, syn.: C. septentrionale, Steccherinum septentrionale]Riesen-Stachelporling {m}
northern tower Nordturm {m}
northern tree moss [Climacium dendroides] Bäumchenartiges Leitermoos {n}
northern tree moss [Climacium dendroides]Bäumchen-Leitermoos {n}
northern tree moss [Climacium dendroides] Bäumchenartiges Palmenmoos {n}
northern tree moss [Climacium dendroides]Bäumchenmoos {n}
northern tree shrew / treeshrew [Tupaia belangeri]Belangers Tupaja {n}
northern treeshrew [Tupaia belangeri] Nördliches Spitzhörnchen {n}
northern troupial [Icterus icterus]Weißflügeltrupial {m}
northern troupial [Icterus icterus] Orangetrupial {m}
northern view [esp. of a building] Nordansicht {f} [bes. eines Gebäudes]
northern violaceous trogon [Trogon caligatus]Nördlicher Veilchentrogon {m}
northern violet [Viola biflora, syn.: V. lutea]Gelbes Berg-Veilchen / Bergveilchen {n}
northern violet [Viola biflora, syn.: V. lutea]Zweiblütiges Veilchen {n}
northern violet [Viola selkirkii, syn.: V. borealis, V. carnosula, V. crassicornis, V. imberbis, V. kamtschatica, V. umbrosa]Großsporniges Veilchen {n}
northern viper [Vipera berus] Kreuzotter {f}
northern viscacha [Lagidium peruanum]Peruanische Hasenmaus {f}
northern wall Nordwand {f} [die nördliche Wand]
northern wall Nordmauer {f} [nördliche Mauer]
northern wall brown (butterfly) [Lasiommata petropolitana] Braunscheckauge {n} [Tagfalterart]
northern wall brown (butterfly) [Lasiommata petropolitana]Kleines Braunauge {n} [Tagfalterart]
northern wall brown (butterfly) [Lasiommata petropolitana] Alpen-Braunauge {n} [Tagfalterart] [selten]
Northern Wars Nordische Kriege {pl}
northern water plantain [Alisma triviale, syn.: A. brevipes, A. plantago-aquatica ssp. brevipes] Amerikanischer Froschlöffel {m}
northern water plantain [Alisma triviale, syn.: A. brevipes, A. plantago-aquatica ssp. brevipes] Wegerich-Froschlöffel {m}
northern water plantain [Alisma triviale, syn.: A. brevipes, A. plantago-aquatica ssp. brevipes] Wasserwegerich {m}
northern water shrew [Sorex palustris] Amerikanische Wasserspitzmaus {f}
northern water snake [Nerodia sipedon]Siegel-Ringelnatter {f} [veraltet] [Siegelring-Schwimmnatter]
northern water snake [Nerodia sipedon] Siegelring-Schwimmnatter {f}
northern water snake [Nerodia sipedon] Siegelringnatter {f}
northern water starwort [Callitriche hermaphroditica, syn.: C. autumnalis]Herbst-Wasserstern / Herbstwasserstern {m}
northern water thrush [Seiurus noveboracensis] [spv.]Drosselwaldsänger {m}
northern water vole [Arvicola amphibius, formerly: Arvicola terrestris] Ostschermaus {f}
northern water vole [Arvicola amphibius, formerly: Arvicola terrestris] Schermaus {f}
northern water vole [Arvicola amphibius, formerly: Arvicola terrestris] Große Wühlmaus {f}
northern waterthrush [Seiurus noveboracensis] Drosselwaldsänger {m}
northern waterthrush / water-thrush / water thrush [Seiurus noveboracensis, syn.: Parkesia noveboracensis]Uferwaldsänger {m}
northern wave [Cabera exanthemata] [moth]Bräunlichweißer Erlenspanner {m}
northern wave [Cabera exanthemata] [moth] Braunstirn-Weißspanner {m}
northern wave [Cabera exanthemata] [moth] Weidenspanner {m}
northern weasel lemur [Lepilemur septentrionalis]Nördlicher Wieselmaki {m}
northern wheatear [Oenanthe (oenanthe) seebohmi]Atlassteinschmätzer / Atlas-Steinschmätzer {m}
northern whipbird [Psophodes olivaceus] Schwarzkopf-Wippflöter {m}
northern white chiton [Ischnochiton albus, syn.: Chiton albus, C. aselloides, C. minimus, C. oryza, C. sagrinatus, Lophyrus albus var. infuscata, Stenosemus albus]Weiße Käferschnecke {f} [Meeresschneckenart]
northern white pine [Pinus strobus] Weymouth-Kiefer {f}
northern white pine [Pinus strobus]Strobe {f}
northern white pine [Pinus strobus] Weymouthskiefer {f}
northern white rhino [Ceratotherium simum cottoni] [coll.] Nördliches Breitmaulnashorn {n}
northern white rhinoceros [Ceratotherium simum cottoni] Nördliches Breitmaulnashorn {n}
northern white-breasted hedgehog [Erinaceus roumanicus]Nördlicher Weißbrustigel {m}
northern white-breasted hedgehog [Erinaceus roumanicus]Osteuropäischer Igel {m}
northern whitecedar [Thuja occidentalis] Gewöhnliche Thuja {f}
northern whitecedar [Thuja occidentalis]Abendländischer Lebensbaum {m}
northern whitecedar / white cedar [Thuja occidentalis] Abendländische Thuja {f}
northern whitecedar / white cedar [Thuja occidentalis]Amerikanischer Lebensbaum {m}
northern whitecedar / white cedar [Thuja occidentalis] Gewöhnlicher Lebensbaum {m}
northern white-cheeked crested gibbon [Nomascus leucogenys, syn.: Hylobates leucogenys]Nördlicher Weißwangen-Schopfgibbon {m}
northern white-cheeked gibbon [Nomascus leucogenys]Nördlicher Weißwangen-Schopfgibbon {m}
northern white-crowned shrike [Eurocephalus rueppelli]Rüppellwürger {m}
northern white-faced darter Nordische Moosjungfer {f} [Libellenart]
northern white-faced owl [Ptilopsis leucotis, syn.: Otus leucotis] Nordbüscheleule {f}
northern white-faced owl [Ptilopsis leucotis] Temminck-Weißgesichtseule {f}
northern white-faced owl [Ptilopsis leucotis]Büscheleule {f}
northern whitefin gudgeon [Romanogobio belingi, syn.: Gobio belingi] Belings Gründling {m}
northern whitefin gudgeon [Romanogobio belingi, syn.: Gobio belingi] Stromgründling {m}
northern whitefish [Coregonus peled] Peledmaräne {f}
northern white-tailed bumblebee [Bombus magnus] Große Erdhummel {f}
northern widow [Latrodectus variolus] Nördliche Schwarze Witwe {f}
northern willow [Salix argyrocarpa]Silberfrüchtige Weide {f}
northern willow ptarmigan [Lagopus lagopus]Moorschneehuhn {n}
northern willowherb / willow-herb [Epilobium ciliatum, syn.: E. adenocaulon] Amerikanisches Weidenröschen {n}
northern willowherb / willow-herb [Epilobium ciliatum, syn.: E. adenocaulon] Drüsiges Weidenröschen {n}
northern wing Nordflügel {m}
northern winter moth [Operophtera fagata] Buchen-Frostspanner {m} [auch: Buchenfrostspanner]
northern wobbegong [Orectolobus wardi] Nördlicher Teppichhai {m}
northern wolf snake [Lycodon striatus] Nördliche Wolfszahnnatter {f}
northern wolf snake [Lycodon striatus]Bindenwolfsnatter {f}
northern wolffish [Anarhichas denticulatus, syn.: A. latifrons] Blauer Katfisch {m}
northern wolffish [Anarhichas denticulatus] Blauer Seewolf {m}
northern wolffish [Anarhichas denticulatus] Wasserkatze {f}
northern wolffish [Anarhichas denticulatus]Steinbeißer {m}
northern wolfsbane [Aconitum lycoctonum, also A. lycotonum]Fuchs-Eisenhut {m} [Gelber Eisenhut]
« nortnortnortnortnortnortnortnortNorwNorwnose »
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Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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