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northern white-breasted hedgehog [Erinaceus roumanicus] Osteuropäischer Igel {m}
northern whitecedar [Thuja occidentalis]Gewöhnliche Thuja {f}
northern whitecedar [Thuja occidentalis]Abendländischer Lebensbaum {m}
northern whitecedar / white cedar [Thuja occidentalis] Abendländische Thuja {f}
northern whitecedar / white cedar [Thuja occidentalis]Amerikanischer Lebensbaum {m}
northern whitecedar / white cedar [Thuja occidentalis] Gewöhnlicher Lebensbaum {m}
northern white-cheeked crested gibbon [Nomascus leucogenys, syn.: Hylobates leucogenys] Nördlicher Weißwangen-Schopfgibbon {m}
northern white-cheeked gibbon [Nomascus leucogenys] Nördlicher Weißwangen-Schopfgibbon {m}
northern white-crowned shrike [Eurocephalus rueppelli]Rüppellwürger {m}
northern white-faced darterNordische Moosjungfer {f} [Libellenart]
northern white-faced owl [Ptilopsis leucotis, syn.: Otus leucotis] Nordbüscheleule {f}
northern white-faced owl [Ptilopsis leucotis]Temminck-Weißgesichtseule {f}
northern white-faced owl [Ptilopsis leucotis] Büscheleule {f}
northern whitefin gudgeon [Romanogobio belingi, syn.: Gobio belingi] Belings Gründling {m}
northern whitefin gudgeon [Romanogobio belingi, syn.: Gobio belingi] Stromgründling {m}
northern whitefish [Coregonus peled] Peledmaräne {f}
northern white-tailed bumblebee [Bombus magnus]Große Erdhummel {f}
northern widow [Latrodectus variolus] Nördliche Schwarze Witwe {f}
northern willow [Salix argyrocarpa]Silberfrüchtige Weide {f}
northern willow ptarmigan [Lagopus lagopus] Moorschneehuhn {n}
northern willowherb / willow-herb [Epilobium ciliatum, syn.: E. adenocaulon] Amerikanisches Weidenröschen {n}
northern willowherb / willow-herb [Epilobium ciliatum, syn.: E. adenocaulon]Drüsiges Weidenröschen {n}
northern wing Nordflügel {m}
northern winter moth [Operophtera fagata] Buchen-Frostspanner {m} [auch: Buchenfrostspanner]
northern wobbegong [Orectolobus wardi] Nördlicher Teppichhai {m}
northern wolf snake [Lycodon striatus]Nördliche Wolfszahnnatter {f}
northern wolf snake [Lycodon striatus] Bindenwolfsnatter {f}
northern wolffish [Anarhichas denticulatus, syn.: A. latifrons] Blauer Katfisch {m}
northern wolffish [Anarhichas denticulatus]Blauer Seewolf {m}
northern wolffish [Anarhichas denticulatus]Wasserkatze {f}
northern wolffish [Anarhichas denticulatus] Steinbeißer {m}
northern wolfsbane [Aconitum lycoctonum, also A. lycotonum]Fuchs-Eisenhut {m} [Gelber Eisenhut]
northern wolfsbane [Aconitum lycoctonum] Wolfs-Eisenhut {m}
northern wolfsbane [Aconitum lycoctonum]Gelber Eisenhut {m}
northern woodsia [Woodsia alpina] Alpen-Wimperfarn {m}
northern woodslave [Hemidactylus brookii] [Brook's gecko]Brooks Halbfingergecko {m}
northern woodslave [Hemidactylus brookii] [Brook's gecko] Afrikanischer Hausgecko {m}
northern wormwood [Artemisia campestris] Feld-Beifuß {m}
northern wryneck [Jynx torquilla]Wendehals {m}
northern yellow bat [Lasiurus intermedius, syn.: Lasiurus (Dasypterus) intermedius] Nördliche Gelbfledermaus {f}
northern yellow-billed duck [Anas undulata rueppelli]Dunkle Gelbschnabelente {f}
northern yellow-billed duck [Anas undulata rueppelli] Nördliche Gelbschnabelente {f}
northern yellow-billed hornbill [Tockus flavirostris] (Östlicher) Gelbschnabeltoko {m}
northern yellow-cheeked crested gibbon [Nomascus annamensis] Nördlicher Gelbwangen-Schopfgibbon {m}
northern yellowcress / yellow-cress [Rorippa islandica] Isländische Sumpfkresse {f}
northern yellow-grosbeak [Pheucticus chrysopeplus] Gelbkopf-Kernknacker {m}
northern (yellow-shafted) flicker [Colaptes auratus luteus] Goldspecht {m}
northern yellowthroat [Geothlypis trichas]Weidengelbkehlchen {n} [auch: Weiden-Gelbkehlchen]
northern zoneNordzone {f}
(northern) annulated tree boa [Corallus annulatus] Ringelboa {f}
(northern) annulated tree boa [Corallus annulatus]Geringelte Baumboa {f}
(northern) bald ibis [Geronticus eremita] Waldrapp {m}
(northern) banded centipede snake [Tantilla supracincta]Nördliche Gebänderte Schwarzkopfnatter {f}
(northern) bay mussel [Mytilus trossulus, syn.: M. edulis declivis, M. edulis normalis, M. ficus, M. glomeratus, M. pedroanus, M. septentrionalis] Pazifische Miesmuschel {f}
(northern) bayberry [Myrica pensylvanica, syn.: M. caroliniensis, Morella caroliniensis] Amerikanischer / Pennsylvanischer Gagelstrauch {m}
(northern) bog clubmoss / club-moss [Lycopodiella inundata, also Lycopodium inundatum] Gemeiner Moor-Bärlapp / Moorbärlapp {m}
(northern) bog clubmoss / club-moss [Lycopodiella inundata, also Lycopodium inundatum]Gewöhnlicher Sumpf-Bärlapp {m}
(northern) bog clubmoss / club-moss [Lycopodiella inundata, also Lycopodium inundatum]Moorbärlapp / Moor-Bärlapp {m}
(northern) brubru [Nilaus afer] Brubruwürger {m}
(northern) brubru [Nilaus afer] Brubru {m}
(northern) candle-berry / candleberry / candle berry [Myrica pensylvanica, syn.: M. caroliniensis, Morella caroliniensis] Amerikanischer / Pennsylvanischer Gagelstrauch {m}
(northern) cisco [Coregonus artedi] Amerikanische Kleine Maräne {f}
(northern) gannet [Morus bassanus, formerly Sula bassana]Basstölpel {m}
(northern) giant horsetail [Equisetum telmateia, syn.: E. braunii, E. maximum] Riesen-Schachtelhalm / Riesenschachtelhalm {m}
(northern) goshawk [Accipiter gentilis] Habicht {m}
(northern) goshawk [Accipiter gentilis]Hühnerhabicht {m}
(northern) hawk owl [Surnia ulula] Sperbereule {f}
(northern) helmeted curassow [Pauxi pauxi, syn.: Crax pauxi]Helmhokko {m}
(northern) house wren [Troglodytes aedon] Hauszaunkönig {m}
(northern) ivory-billed woodpecker [Campephilus principalis, syn.: Pampephilus principalis] [possibly extinct]Herrenspecht {m} [möglicherweise ausgestorben]
(northern) Labrador tea [Rhododendron groenlandicum, syn.: Ledum groenlandicum, Ledum latifolium] Grönland-Porst {m}
(northern) Labrador tea [Rhododendron groenlandicum, syn.: Ledum groenlandicum, Ledum latifolium]Grönländischer Porst {m}
(northern) leopard frog [Lithobates pipiens, syn.: Rana pipiens] Leopardfrosch {m}
(northern) long-eared owl [Asio otus, previously Strix otus] Waldohreule {f}
(northern) olingo [Bassaricyon gabbii, syn.: B. lasius, B. pauli, B. richardsoni] Schlankbär {m}
(northern) olingo [Bassaricyon gabbii, syn.: B. lasius, B. pauli, B. richardsoni] Mittelamerika-Makibär {m}
(northern) pike [Esox lucius]Hechten {m} [veraltet; noch regional gebräuchlich für Hechte der Unteren Elbe]
(northern) pintail [Anas acuta] Spießente {f}
(northern) pitch pine [Pinus rigida, syn.: P. taeda var. rigida] Pech-Kiefer / Pechkiefer {f}
(northern) quahog [Am.] [Mercenaria mercenaria]Quahog-Muschel {f}
(northern) red oak (tree) [Quercus rubra, syn. Quercus borealis] Bluteiche {f}
(northern) red-bellied turtle [Pseudemys rubriventris] Nördliche Rotbauch-Schmuckschildkröte {f}
(northern) redbreast tilapia [Tilapia rendalli] Rotbrüstige Tilapie {f}
(northern) river terrapin [Batagur baska, syn.: Emys baska, E. batagur, Tetronyx baska]Batagur-Flussschildkröte {f}
(northern) rough fescue [Festuca altaica, syn.: F. scabrella] Altai-Schwingel {m}
(northern) rubber boa [Charina bottae]Gummiboa {f}
(northern) sea oats [Chasmanthium latifolium] Plattährengras {n}
(northern) shoveler [Anas clypeata] Löffelente {f}
(northern) sparrowhawk [Accipiter nisus] Sperber {m}
(northern) speckled racer [Drymobius margaritiferus] [snake] Juwelennatter {f}
(northern) speckled racer [Drymobius margaritiferus] [snake] Gesprenkelte Bodenschlange {f}
(northern) tuatara [Sphenodon punctatus]Brückenechse {f}
(northern) water hemlock [Cicuta virosa] Wasserschierling {m}
(northern) wheatear [Oenanthe oenanthe] Steinschmätzer {m}
(northern) yellow periwinkle [Littorina obtusata] Stumpfe Strandschnecke {f} [Meeresschneckenart]
(northern) yellow periwinkle [Littorina obtusata] Stumpfkegelige Uferschnecke {f} [Meeresschneckenart]
(northern) yellow periwinkle [Littorina obtusata] Flache Strandschnecke {f} [Meeresschneckenart]
northern-based mit Sitz im Norden
northernerNordländer {m}
northernerBewohner {m} des Nordens
« nortnortnortnortnortnortNortnortNorwnosenose »
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Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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