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English-German Dictionary

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nasal cannula Nasenkanüle {f}
nasal cannula <NC> Sauerstoffbrille {f} [Sauerstoffnasenbrille]
nasal cannula <NC> Nasenbrille {f}
nasal capsuleNasenkapsel {f}
nasal cartilage [Cartilagines nasi] Nasenknorpel {m}
nasal catarrh Nasenkatarrh {m}
nasal cavity [Cavum nasi / Cavitas nasi / Cavitas nasalis] Nasenhöhle {f}
nasal concha (bone) Nasenmuschel {f}
nasal congestionverstopfte Nase {f}
nasal consonant Nasalkonsonant {m}
nasal continuous positive airway pressure <nCPAP, NCPAP>nasale kontinuierliche positive Überdruckbeatmung {f} <nCPAP>
nasal continuous positive airway pressure <nCPAP>nasaler kontinuierlicher positiver Atemwegsdruck {m} <nCPAP>
nasal continuous positive airway pressure <nCPAP> nCPAP-Beatmung {f}
nasal dischargeNasensekret {n}
nasal douche Nasendusche {f}
nasal doucheNasenspülung {f}
nasal endoscopeNasenendoskop {n}
nasal endoscopy Nasenendoskopie {f}
nasal epithelium Nasalepithel {n} [Nasenepithel]
nasal epithelium Nasenepithel {n}
nasal flaring Nasenflügelatmen {n}
nasal flora Nasenflora {f}
nasal flutter Nasenflattern {n}
nasal forceps {pl} [one pair]Nasenzange {f}
nasal haemorrhage [Br.] Nasenblutung {f}
nasal hair Nasenhaar {n}
nasal helmet Nasalhelm {m}
nasal hemorrhage [Am.] Nasenblutung {f}
nasal inflammationNasenentzündung {f}
nasal insufflationnasale Insufflation {f}
nasal intubationnasale Intubation {f}
nasal irrigation Nasenspülung {f}
nasal lavage Nasenspülung {f}
nasal liquorrhea [Am.] nasale Liquorrhoe {f}
nasal liquorrhea [Am.] [Hydrorrhoea nasalis, Liquorrhoea nasalis] nasale Liquorrhö {f}
nasal liquorrhoea [Br.] nasale Liquorrhö {f}
nasal liquorrhoea [Br.] [Hydrorrhoea nasalis, Liquorrhoea nasalis]nasale Liquorrhoe {f}
nasal meatus [Meatus nasi] Nasengang {m}
nasal microbiome Mikrobiom {n} der Nase
nasal mucosa [Tunica mucosa nasi] Nasenschleimhaut {f}
nasal mucous membrane Nasenschleimhaut {f}
nasal mucusNasenschleim {m}
nasal O2 tube O2-Nasensonde {f} [Nasensonde zur Sauerstoffversorgung]
nasal obstruction Nasenverstopfung {f}
nasal ointment Nasensalbe {f}
nasal opening Nasenöffnung {f}
nasal oxygen tubeNasensonde {f} zur Sauerstoffversorgung [O2-Nasensonde]
nasal packingNasentamponade {f}
nasal part of the pharynx [Pars nasalis pharyngis] Nasopharynx {m}
nasal passageNasengang {m}
nasal patency testNasenblasversuch {m}
nasal polyp Nasenpolyp {m}
nasal polyps Nasenpolypen {pl}
nasal preparations Rhinologika {pl}
nasal prongs {pl}Nasenbrille {f} [Pneumologie]
nasal prongs {pl} Sauerstoffbrille {f} [Sauerstoffnasenbrille]
nasal regurgitation nasale Regurgitation {f}
nasal ridge [Dorsum nasi]Nasenrücken {m}
nasal salve Nasensalbe {f}
nasal scissors {pl} Nasenschere {f}
nasal secretionNasensekret {n}
nasal septal deformity Nasenseptumdeviation {f}
nasal septal hematoma [Am.] Septumhämatom {n} [Nasenscheidewandhämatom]
nasal septal hematoma [Am.] Nasenseptumhämatom {n}
nasal septal hematoma [Am.] Nasenscheidewandhämatom {n}
nasal septum [septum nasi] Nasenscheidewand {f}
nasal septum [Septum nasi] Nasenseptum {n}
nasal septum deviation Nasenscheidewandverkrümmung {f}
nasal septum deviation <NSD>Septumdeviation {f} <SD> [fachspr.]
nasal (septum) speculum Nasenspekulum {n}
nasal spray Nasenspray {m} {n}
nasal strip Nasenstreifen {m}
nasal strip Nasenstrip {m}
nasal strip Nasenpflaster {n}
nasal surgeryNasenchirurgie {f}
nasal swab Nasenabstrich {m}
nasal tamponade Nasentamponade {f}
nasal toxicity nasale Toxizität {f}
nasal tuberculosis Nasentuberkulose {f}
nasal tumor [Am.] Nasentumor {m}
nasal tumour [esp. Br.]Nasentumor {m}
nasal turbinate (bone)Nasenmuschel {f}
nasal valve area <NVA>Nasenklappenregion {f}
nasal vestibule [Vestibulum nasi]Nasenvorhof {m}
nasal voiceRhinolalie {f}
nasal voice Näseln {n}
nasal vowel Nasalvokal {m}
nasal wing [Ala nasi]Nasenflügel {m}
(nasal) oxygen tube(nasale) Sauerstoffsonde {f}
(nasal) twangNäseln {n}
nasalis (muscle) [Musculus nasalis] Nasenmuskel {m}
nasalis (muscle) [Musculus nasalis] Musculus nasalis {m}
nasalised [Br.]nasaliert
nasality Nasalität {f}
nasalizationNasalisierung {f}
nasalization Näseln {n}
nasalizationnasale Aussprache {f}
nasalizationNasalierung {f}
nasalized nasaliert
nasally nasal
« NarrnarrnarrnarrnarrnasanasaNassnastnatiNati »
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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