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northernmost point Nordspitze {f}
north-facing nach Norden gerichtet
north-facingnach Norden [nachgestellt] [nach Norden gerichtet]
north-facing slope Nordhang {m}
northing Hochwert {m} [Vermessungswesen]
northing [coordinate]Nordwert {m}
Northland green gecko [Naultinus grayii]Nordland-Grüngecko {m}
Northman Skandinavier {m}
Northman Nordmann {m}
north-northeast <NNE>Nordnordost {m} <NNO>
north-northeast <NNE>Nordnordosten {m} <NNO>
north-northeasterly nordnordöstlich
north-northwest nordnordwestlich
north-northwest <NNW> Nordnordwest {m} <NNW>
north-northwest <NNW> Nordnordwesten {m} <NNW>
north-northwesterly nordnordwestlich
north-oriented [map] genordet [Karte]
north-south directionnordsüdliche Richtung {f}
north-south directionNord-Süd-Richtung {f}
north-south directionNordsüdrichtung {f}
north-south divide Nord-Süd-Gefälle {n}
north-south divide [Br.] Nordsüdgefälle {n}
north-south expansionNord-Süd-Ausdehnung {f}
north-south routeNord-Süd-Route {f}
north-to-south extensionNord-Süd-Ausdehnung {f}
NorthumberlandNorthumberland {n}
Northumberland Avenue [Br.] [Monopoly] Neue Straße {f} [Monopoly]
Northumbrian northumbrisch
NorthumbrianPerson {f} aus Northumberland
Northumbrian Old English Nordhumbrisch {n} [Dialekt der altenglischen Sprache]
northupite [Na3Mg(CO3)2Cl] Northupit {m}
northwardnach Norden
northward nördlich
northward / northwardsgen Norden [veraltend]
northward movement Nordwärtsbewegung {f}
northwards nach Norden
northwardsin Richtung Norden
northwest [wind]nordwestlich
north-west [Br.] <NW> Nordwest <NW> [Himmelsrichtung] [ohne Artikel]
northwest <NW> Nordwesten {m} <NW>
northwest <NW> Nordwest <NW> [Himmelsrichtung] [ohne Artikel]
north-west <NW> Nordwesten {m} <NW>
Northwest AfricaNordwestafrika {n}
North-west African blue tit [Cyanistes ultramarinus, syn.: Parus ultramarinus] Afrikanische / Nordafrikanische Blaumeise {f}
Northwest African cheetah [Acinonyx jubatus hecki]Nordwestafrikanischer Gepard {m}
Northwest AngleNorthwest Angle {m}
Northwest AngleNordwestwinkel {m} [auch als Glosse zu Northwest Angle]
Northwest AtlanticNordwestatlantik {m}
Northwest Atlanticnordwestatlantisch
northwest bearded dragon [Pogona mitchelli] Mitchells Bartagame {f}
northwest by north <NWbN, NW by N> Nordwest zu Nord <NWzN>
northwest by west <NWbW, NW by W> Nordwest zu West <NWzW>
northwest corner Nordwestecke {f}
North-West England Nordwestengland {n}
Northwest Europe [Northwestern Europe] Nordwesteuropa {n}
northwest garter snake [Thamnophis ordinoides] Nordwestliche Strumpfbandnatter {f}
Northwest Germannordwestdeutsch <nordwestd.>
Northwest Germany Nordwestdeutschland {n}
Northwest Pacificnordwestpazifisch
Northwest Pacific Nordwestpazifik {m}
Northwest Passage Nordwestpassage {f}
northwest ridge Nordwestgrat {m}
Northwest Semitic nordwestsemitisch
Northwest TerritoriesNordwestgebiete {pl}
Northwest Territories Nordwest-Territorien {pl}
Northwest Territory [USA]Nordwestterritorium {n} [USA]
northwest wind Nordwest {m}
northwest wind Nordwester {m}
northwester Nordwestwind {m}
northwesterly [wind]nordwestlich
northwesterly [wind]Nordwest {m}
northwestern nordwestlich
north-western nordwestlich
northwestern / north-western mangrove seasnake / sea snake [Ephalophis greyae] Dickschwanz-Seeschlange {f}
Northwestern Boundary Dispute [1859]Schweinekonflikt {m}
north-western corner Nordwestecke {f}
northwestern crow [Corvus caurinus]Sundkrähe {f}
northwestern deer mouse / deermouse [Peromyscus keeni]British-Columbia-Hirschmaus {f}
northwestern edge Nordwestrand {m}
northwestern end Nordwestende {n}
Northwestern EuropeNordwesteuropa {n}
North-Western Europe common eider [Somateria (mollissima) mollissima] Europäische Eiderente {f}
northwestern flicker [Colaptes auratus]Goldspecht {m}
northwestern flicker [Colaptes auratus] Kupferspecht {m}
north-western foot [of a hill, mountain]Nordwestfuß {m}
northwestern garter snake [Thamnophis ordinoides]Nordwestliche Strumpfbandnatter {f}
northwestern GermanyNordwestdeutschland {n}
northwestern goldfinch [Carduelis tristis, syn.: Astragalinus tristis, Spinus tristis] Goldzeisig {m}
northwestern goldfinch [Carduelis tristis, syn.: Astragalinus tristis, Spinus tristis] Trauerzeisig {m}
north-western half Nordwesthälfte {f}
Northwestern Hawaiian Islands <NWHI>Nordwestliche Hawaii-Inseln / Hawai'i-Inseln {pl} <NWHI>
north-western little eagle [Hieraaetus morphnoides] Australienzwergadler {m}
north-western little eagle [Hieraaetus morphnoides]Kaninchenadler {m}
northwestern marsupial mole [Notoryctes caurinus] Kleiner Beutelmull {m}
northwestern masked water snake [Homalopsis hardwickii]Nordwestliche Boa-Wassertrugnatter {f}
northwestern robin [Turdus migratorius]Wanderdrossel {f}
« nortnortnortnortnortnortnortNorwnosenoshNosy »
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English-German dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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